Poker and Life -- a little light reading. (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Mar 29, 2013
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Lakewood Ranch, FL

The Biggest Bluff: Control, Chance, and How the Psychology of Poker Illuminates the Art of Thriving Through Uncertainty

Decades before Simone de Beauvoir contemplated how chance and choice converge to make us who we are from the fortunate platform of old age, the eighteen-year-old Sylvia Plath — who never reached that fortunate platform, her life felled by the same conspiracy of chance and choice — contemplated these indelible forces in the guise of free will, writing in her journal that “there is such a narrow crack of it for man to move in, crushed as he is from birth by environment, heredity, time and event and local convention.”
Two generations later, Maria Konnikova entered this eternal conundrum via an improbable path half chosen and half chanced into, emerging with insights into the paradoxes of chance and control, which neither strand alone could have afforded.
Having devoted five years of doctoral work, with the creator of the famous Marshmallow Experiment as her advisor, to designing and performing psychology experiments probing how people’s perception of control in situations dictated by pure chance shapes decision-making and outcomes, she was suddenly life-thrust into a much more intimate empiricism. A period of successive losses rendered her the sole bread-winner of a family as a mysterious malady savaged her body without warning, gnawing at the fundaments of consciousness.
In the midst of this maelstrom, she became interested in the world of poker. She entered it as a psychologist on a philosophical inquiry — how often are we actually in control when we think we are, how do we navigate uncertain situations with incomplete information, and how can we ever separate the product of our own efforts from the strokes of randomness governing the universe? She emerged an unexpected master of the game, master of her own mind in an entirely new way.
The record of that experience became The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win (public library) — an inspired investigation of “the struggle for balance on the spectrum of luck and control in the lives we lead, and the decisions we make,” partway between memoir, primer on the psychology of decision-making, and playbook for life.

One of Salvador Dalí’s forgotten folios for a rare edition Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Having previously written about the psychology of confidence through the lens of con artists and the psychology of creativity through the lens of Sherlock Holmes, she takes the same singular approach of erudition and perspicacity to the improbable test-bed of poker, lacing her elegant primers on probability and game theory with perfectly illustrative invocations of Dostoyevsky, Epictetus, Dawkins, Ephron, Kant.
More than half a century after W. I. B. Beveridge observed in the undervalued treasure The Art of Scientific Investigation that “although we cannot deliberately evoke that will-o’-the-wisp, chance, we can be on the alert for it, prepare ourselves to recognize it and profit by it when it comes,” she writes:
That’s the thing about life: You can do what you do but in the end, some things remain stubbornly outside your control. You can’t calculate for dumb bad luck… My reasons for getting into poker in the first place were to better understand that line between skill and luck, to learn what I could control and what I couldn’t, and here was a strongly-worded lesson if ever there were: you can’t bluff chance.
Real life is not just about modeling the mathematically optimal decisions. It’s about discerning the hidden, the uniquely human. It’s about realizing that no amount of formal modeling will ever be able to capture the vagaries and surprises of human nature.

Art by Moomins creator Tove Jansson from her 1966 edition of Alice in Wonderland
Drawing on the decision-making experiments she had conducted for her graduate work, she offers an empirical echo of neuroscientist Sam Harris’s insistence that our free-will experience of choice is only the illusion of choice, recounting her utterly unexpected finding in these experimental investment scenarios:
Over and over, people would overestimate the degree of control they had over events — smart people, people who excelled at many things, people who should have known better… The more they overestimated their own skill relative to luck, the less they learned from what the environment was trying to tell them, and the worse their decisions became… The illusion of control is what prevented real control over the game from emerging — and before long, the quality of people’s decisions deteriorated. They did what worked in the past, or what they had decided would work — and failed to grasp that the circumstances had shifted so that a previously successful strategy was no longer so. People failed to see what the world was telling them when that message wasn’t one they wanted to hear. They liked being the rulers of their environment. When the environment knew more than they did — well, that was no good at all. Here was the cruel truth: we humans too often think ourselves in firm control when we are really playing by the rules of chance.

Art by Lisbeth Zwerger for a special edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
This cognitive glitch, she reasons, is not a personal failing of the individual but a fossil of the evolutionary history of our species — a species that survived by dealing with the immediate threats of particular environments, mistaking those isolated incidents for statistically representative distributions of common experience, mistaking in turn anecdote for data — a misapprehension that scars us modern humans with everything from the mental machinery of stereotypes to the crooked inner calculus of gambling. She writes:
The equation of luck and skill is, at its heart, probabilistic. And a basic shortcoming of our neural wiring is that we can’t quite grasp probabilities. Statistics are completely counterintuitive: our brains are simply not cut out, evolutionarily, to understand that inherent uncertainty. There were no numbers or calculations in our early environment — just personal experience and anecdote. We didn’t learn to deal with information presented in an abstract fashion, such as tigers are incredibly rare in this part of the country, and you have a 2 percent chance of encountering one, and an even lower chance of being attacked; we learned instead to deal with brute emotions such as last night there was a tiger here and it looked pretty damn scary.
Millennia of evolution have hardly allayed our preference for anecdote over probability — a failure to internalize mathematical rules known in psychology as the description‐experience gap, leading to what the Nobel-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman has memorably described as our tendency to draw our confidence in our beliefs not from the quality of the evidence but from the coherence of the story we have constructed. Numberless studies have demonstrated that the human distaste for numbers leads people to make decisions based not on the data they are shown but on the pattern-recognition of non-representative past experience we call intuition, gut feeling, hunch.

Art by Maurice Sendak for The Big Green Book by Robert Graves
A central paradox magnifying our ineptitude at parsing probabilities is that, in everyday life, we only tend to notice chance when the dice roll counter to our expectations — we are congenitally blind to the silent tilling work of randomness for as long as it smooths reality in our favor. But the moment life grows rough and the topography of reality becomes unfamiliar, we begin coloring chance with emotional interpretation:
Some of us imbue probability with emotion. It becomes luck: chance that has suddenly acquired a valence, positive or negative, fortuitous or unfortunate. Good or bad luck. A lucky or unlucky break. Some of us invest luck with meaning, direction, and intent. It becomes fate, karma, kismet — chance with an agenda. It was meant to be. Some even go a step further: predestination. It was always meant to be, and any sense of control or free will we may think we have is pure illusion.

One of Arthur Rackham’s illustrations for his revolutionary 1907 edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Poker presented a perfect ready-made laboratory for distilling this theoretical insight into a practical toolkit for making sounder choices. Picking up the gauntlet the titanic mathematician and computing pioneer John von Neumann threw down nearly a century ago with his revolutionary illumination of behavioral economics through game theory, she writes:
Our experiences trump everything else, but mostly, those experiences are incredibly skewed: they teach us, but they don’t teach us well. It’s why disentangling chance from skill is so difficult in everyday decisions: it’s a statistical undertaking, and one we are not normally equipped to deal with. Which brings me to poker: Used in the right way, experience can be a powerful ally in helping to understand probabilistic scenarios… The correct systematic learning process can help you unravel chance from everything else in a way that no amount of cramming numbers or studying theory ever will.
Poker, unlike quite any other game, mirrors life. It isn’t the roulette wheel of pure chance, nor is it the chess of mathematical elegance and perfect information. Like the world we inhabit, it consists of an inextricable joining of the two. Poker stands at the fulcrum that balances two oppositional forces in our lives — chance and control. Anyone can get lucky — or unlucky — at a single hand, a single game, a single tournament. One turn and you’re on top of the world — another, you are cast out, no matter your skill, training, preparation, aptitude. In the end, though, luck is a short‐term friend or foe. Skill shines through over the longer time horizon.
The intricacies of the relationship between chance and skill, and how it shapes our experience of the world, is what The Biggest Bluff goes on to examine through the curious universe of poker: how mathematics can depersonalize chance and furnish the emotional forbearance necessary not to let small fluctuations of fortune derail us; how the fascinating psychology of locus of control (whether we attribute our life-outcomes to external factors of chance or internal endowments of skill) affects those outcomes; how to wrest from our lack of agency a rational toolkit for not just surviving but thriving in uncertainty; how to live with the awful, humbling fact that however great our skill and however much it can mitigate the work of chance, it can never be enough to entirely undo it — and how to make of that fact not a sinkhole of helplessness but a portal of possibility.

-- from Brain Pickings, 20121213
Had no idea this book was so philosophical and deep. Sam Harris is a fantastic thinker and I enjoy his podcast. I always enjoy stoic themes and they mesh quite nicely with poker. I’ve already put it in my Amazon cart thanks for sharing this.
Have you actually read it? Or had some part in the creation? Or just came across it and thought you’d share?
If you're addressing me, I read this article in Brain Pickings this morning, and thought I'd share it here, since there's a nasty rumor that people here are interested in all things poker. I have ordered the book. Konnikova's a really good writer...

I was addressing you and didn’t mean any offense if any was felt from my post. I was just wondering if you were recommending because you read it and liked it, or because you had something to do with the creation, or just because you came across it and wanted to share! Happy Holidays!
Thanks for sharing. I’m definitely going to get this book and look into multiple other things mentioned here.
Looks like an interesting read. It will probably reinforce what I've experienced with human behaviour:

1. You will never get most people to agree with you through arguments of logic, reason, or math. You must do so through establishing a strong emotional connection.
2. Given multiple scenarios and choices, you can always get someone to act primarily in their own self-interest.
3. Most people would rather live with a comfortable lie than have to face a hard truth, especially if the latter requires one to take action and responsibility.

Paradigms of perspective can be very hard to change. I can honestly say that I would probably have been a much more prejudiced individual if I hadn't gone to university (twice) and learned how to think like a scientist without having to sacrifice my spirituality or my creativity. I think that it is a shame that our general system of education encourages memorization of data (and maybe a few processes) instead of nurturing curiosity and multiple perspectives.
This was a great read, thoroughly enjoyed Maria’s storytelling and perspective. It’s not necessarily a great poker coaching book (there’s a ton of content out there for that) but as an avid poker player and fan it was engaging and thought provoking.
Just came across this post Larry. Looks like an interesting read. Going to tag myself @Lil Tuna so I don’t forget to come back and finish.
Yep, read this last month. It’s great and a quick read. I loved that she even got ‘Lodden Thinks’ in there. That made me chuckle.
Definitely up there with the likes of “One of a kind”, “The Professor, the Banker and the Suicide King” and “Ship It Holla Ballas” in terms of good poker non-fiction that isn’t instructional.
Looks like an interesting read. It will probably reinforce what I've experienced with human behaviour:

1. You will never get most people to agree with you through arguments of logic, reason, or math. You must do so through establishing a strong emotional connection.
2. Given multiple scenarios and choices, you can always get someone to act primarily in their own self-interest.
3. Most people would rather live with a comfortable lie than have to face a hard truth, especially if the latter requires one to take action and responsibility.

Paradigms of perspective can be very hard to change. I can honestly say that I would probably have been a much more prejudiced individual if I hadn't gone to university (twice) and learned how to think like a scientist without having to sacrifice my spirituality or my creativity. I think that it is a shame that our general system of education encourages memorization of data (and maybe a few processes) instead of nurturing curiosity and multiple perspectives.
Well said.
Critical Thinking is infinitely more crucial to individuals and society as a whole rather than memorize and dump.

Thank you for sharing this Larry.

I consider myself a modern stoic and also thoroughly enjoy the “Four Horsemen”. Harris and Hitchens specifically.
This read seems right up my alley.
Yep, read this last month. It’s great and a quick read. I loved that she even got ‘Lodden Thinks’ in there. That made me chuckle.
Definitely up there with the likes of “One of a kind”, “The Professor, the Banker and the Suicide King” and “Ship It Holla Ballas” in terms of good poker non-fiction that isn’t instructional.
There was also a good one I remember of a journalist going to the wsop and documenting it in the 90s…what book was that?
She has made the circuit of podcast interviews, I have heard her a couple times. People make her out to be some wizz...however, she was coached right out of the gate by some poker greats, including Eric Seidel. So, she's a PhD and has that level of coaching...of course she is going to be good. I also saw her on Poker after Dark or one of those shows playing a lady's cash event. She is kind of annoying, tbh.

I hear great things about the book though.
She has made the circuit of podcast interviews, I have heard her a couple times. People make her out to be some wizz...however, she was coached right out of the gate by some poker greats, including Eric Seidel. So, she's a PhD and has that level of coaching...of course she is going to be good. I also saw her on Poker after Dark or one of those shows playing a lady's cash event. She is kind of annoying, tbh.

I hear great things about the book though.
I was underwhelmed. Took me awhile to finish it. I didn’t dislike it, just didn’t wow me. Obviously not a strat book, and the “hero’s journey” trope is a little overdone. She is obviously a talented writer and has worked hard to become a successful poker player, but reading the story of that wasnt that interesting. Total respect for her and her accomplishments, just can’t recommend this particular book. YMMV

TLDR, “poker is hard but coaching from one of the best in the world and his cadre of friends improved my game.”

If anyone wants to read it I can send you mine for cost of media mail.

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