Peninsula Poker Club (1 Viewer)


Feb 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hampton VA
So I've been slowly becoming infected with the chip addiction for about 6 months. It all started after my kids moved out and the "family room" was free to become a poker room (My wife took one of the kids bedrooms for a yoga-room, so we are square). Anyways, a lucky buy on Craigslist hooked me up with a nice table and, all of a sudden, the standard plastic chips just didn't seem right anymore. That is when I first discovered "chip collecting" although I won't claim even a slight amount knowledge in comparison to the real collectors, I have gone from zero, to eight sets in an alarming fashion! Ceramics or clay, doesn't particularly matter I like em both. I completed my poker room in October and have started a meetup group and currently have 70 members. If you are ever in the neighborhood or if you live close by, join up and let's play!

My sets:
Custom chipcos- Pullman Club & Casino
China clays - Pharoahs
Grand Card Room Desert Inn, LV
Chipco Hard-Rock Albequerque
Chipco The Club, Everrett, WA
BCC Garden City San Jose
Paulson Casino Aztar
Paulson Empress

When you used Meetup, are they random people who live locally?

What is your process for allowing a new player?
Welcome to Poker Chip Forum. Great chip sets and table!
Yes, they are folks who live locally. The meetup site allows you to choose whether you want to allow folks to see member names and pictures before they sign up or not. Originally, I kept everything hidden from non members, but then opened it up to everyone. Either way, as the organizer I get to choose who is approved. So far I have approved everyone and everyone that has shown up has been great. I did also ask some basic questions to answer i.e. who is your favorite pro ( so far no one has said Phil Helmuth, and almost everyone answers Daniel N, go figure! I really have nothing to say but good things about the whole process


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Oh, and one more thing, this is such a great resource, and the members are awesome! I am really glad to be here!
Yes, they are folks who live locally. The meetup site allows you to choose whether you want to allow folks to see member names and pictures before they sign up or not. Originally, I kept everything hidden from non members, but then opened it up to everyone. Either way, as the organizer I get to choose who is approved. So far I have approved everyone and everyone that has shown up has been great. I did also ask some basic questions to answer i.e. who is your favorite pro ( so far no one has said Phil Helmuth, and almost everyone answers Daniel N, go figure! I really have nothing to say but good things about the whole process


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Oh, and one more thing, this is such a great resource, and the members are awesome! I am really glad to be here!

When new members enter, are they random people who are looking for local card games or are they referrals from other people?

I guess im just curious how weird it is to have someone enter your house who essentially found your group on a online meetup forum.

I know this community does similar meetups, but we mostly have alll established relationships through years of chip collecting
Well, I suppose perspective is everything... the meetup is a well established website, and I guess that some individuals with less than honorable intentions could take advantage of the situation. That being said, there are tons of similar poker meetup groups, which I attended myself first, got to know several folks, and then, after not being a huge fan of driving almost an hour to the closest one, decided to do one myself. So far, everyone I have met has been nothing but courteous and pleasant. I guess if some shifty looking guy shows up, perhaps I will change my mind. Right now I have about 20 regular players that show up whenever I post a game... mostly serious players at that, many of whom attend the other local meetup groups in the area.
I would add that one bad guy probably would not go to the trouble of identifying himself, signing up, and then attempt to knock over a small home game for a couple of hundred bucks either. People who are on meetup, just as they are here, are deliberately seeking out like minded people, not looking for an angle. How many criminals have attempted to rip off a chip collector on this site?
Perry, should've known. you never said you had a high roller set! I have contemplated the odds of putting together a set of those... nice!

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