Traded Paulson Avalon tourney set for a cashset of some kind (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
Rating - 100%
55   0   0
I stumbled over this set at a good price and couldn’t resist. I really like colors and mold but a tourney set will pretty much only gather dust in my possession. Selling is no fun though and I thought I could try and trade it for something more useful i.e. a cashset.

Won’t limit myself too much but I’m probably looking for mostly clay. Open to suggestions. If you have a set that holds more $-value than this one, I could be interested in paying the difference. Same goes for the opposite.

Looking for a set with at least:

$1 x 100
$5 x 200
$25 x 200
$100 x 100
$500 x 20

Bonus if more:
$500s, $1s and $5s and also the presence of a $1k

My set has the following breakdown:

T25 x 159
T100 x 130
T500 x 80
T1k x 120
T5k x 60

79 x T25 and 60 x T5k is in the US atm and the rest of the set is in Sweden. Condition is very good although they could use a bath. Will clean up really nice without too much effort. Not pictured are 10 x T100s that I forgot to dig out of the closet for the photo (as far as the wife’s concerned I don’t own this set :ninja:).

I would absolutely buy the T25 green v2s if this were ever split. Would pay well for them! LMK

(Are you looking for a cash set of a similar size?)
I would absolutely buy the T25 green v2s if this were ever split. Would pay well for them! LMK

(Are you looking for a cash set of a similar size?)
Looking for a set with at least:

$1 x 100
$5 x 200
$25 x 200
$100 x 100
$500 x 20

Bonus if more:
$500s, $1s and $5s and also the presence of a $1k
I might (probably) sell eventually but wouldn’t split denoms
I’m realizing I can never be finished with the chipping. The second I have ”all the sets I need” I get bored and have to change something.

I feel you with this statement. I'll get a set, then say 'this is it, I'M DONE.' A few months later I want something different. Meanwhile my players complain about the new set I got saying they liked the old one more.

To me this hobby is about variety. Sometimes I'll play with a set once or twice before I sell/trade. Other times I keep sets for years. At least they seem to hold their value and often go up in value. Unlike some of my other hobbies where things depreciate immediately.
I feel you with this statement. I'll get a set, then say 'this is it, I'M DONE.' A few months later I want something different. Meanwhile my players complain about the new set I got saying they liked the old one more.

To me this hobby is about variety. Sometimes I'll play with a set once or twice before I sell/trade. Other times I keep sets for years. At least they seem to hold their value and often go up in value. Unlike some of my other hobbies where things depreciate immediately.
I know you are not selling or splitting but, if you do…lol…I would be very interested in the 1ks. Beat of luck finding a trade!
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