Been a while since I've been on here and sold anything. Getting married this month Woohoo! That also means the 30-day invoice payments are due for all the vendors LOL. Have some random chips plus some of my personal custom set.
Full Castaway Casino Sample set. These are all I have left that I am willing to sell, and it includes the one of a kind 8-dot chip. These were super expensive to make and a only came away with a couple. There will beFOUR ONE sample sets available at $200 + shipping per. Before you ask, no I am not splitting up the sample set.
Then just some other items I had in my desk that could use a home
Full CPC Color sample - $45 + shipping
Jack Barrel - $25 + shipping
Pharaohs - $25 + shipping
Jack Partial Sample $40 + shipping
Let me know if you have questions. If interested just shoot me a pm.
Thanks all!
Full Castaway Casino Sample set. These are all I have left that I am willing to sell, and it includes the one of a kind 8-dot chip. These were super expensive to make and a only came away with a couple. There will be
Then just some other items I had in my desk that could use a home

Jack Barrel - $25 + shipping
Pharaohs - $25 + shipping
Let me know if you have questions. If interested just shoot me a pm.
Thanks all!
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