My favorite gambling stories (that I have been directly involved in) (2 Viewers)


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Dec 13, 2015
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Northeast, OH
Ok, here’s the deal.

I don’t travel and gamble like I used to. I have three kids now (5, 3, and 2) and a few other things in my life changed over the past few years, causing gambling to really take a back seat.

Additionally, I don’t have very many close friends that gamble. Most of those who are closest to me are either A) financially strapped artists or B) comfortable middle/upper-middle class people who have very low tolerance for risk. I do have a couple gambling friends but I really don’t get to hang out with them as much as I used to…it’s hard to go on a three day bender when you have young kids at home to care for.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s well worth the trade off and I love my family dearly. But sometimes I miss the insanity of the old days……

So this thread is going to be my little journal of the craziest, best, silliest gambling stories I’ve directly been involved in. None of these will be “this friend of a friend once knew a guy who blah blah blah”

If you don’t care to read, no problem. If you don’t believe the stories, I’m happy to try to provide as much proof as possible. But I’m not going to sit here and defend every story or detail. I swear I’m not going to post anything untrue. Everything will be as accurate as I can remember.

I just want an outlet to relive some of these moments…it’s been a good run so far :)
(Pssst. Maybe you can return to your days of reckless abandon if you try hosting a microstakes nickel/nickel game among your risk-averse friends. I mean, who can't afford $10 or $20 now and then? Looking forward to stories!)
Story one: the most I was ever up at one time.

Several years back, I would get out to Vegas around 7-13 times a year. I had a host who moved from Rio to Mirage to Planet Hollywood (when it was still independent) and I followed him from property to property. (His name was John Hearns, great guy, RIP)

At PH, I had a $50k credit line that I’d often blow through on the first day, then get a TTO for like $20-30k and try to make that last the next couple of days before I traveled home.

But one particular trip, I was playing craps, started firing big from jump, and just went STRAIGHT up.

I’d start with $2k on the pass line with max odds, and $1k on the come with max odds. Point was hit, so I increased my bets to $3k and $2k respectively. Point hits.

Ultimately I get up to $5k and $5k with max odds (which was table max). I swear to God I had every number covered, and felt so bulletproof that I was slinging max bets up on the hard ways and hop bets.

At my high point of the night I was up over $530k with over $180k on the table. (My host later told me my theo was over $1,000,000 which at craps is insane.)

I wanted to win a million…

……shooter rolls a 7.

I keep betting $5k on pass line and $5k on come. Max odds. Get about $170k on the table.


I stay a bit longer, ultimately walking away up $80k.

Gambling is funny that way. If you had told me I was going to win $80k my first night, I would have been thrilled.

But instead it felt like a punch to the gut. As if I lost hundreds of thousands instead of actually walked away up lol

PH did however give me a free Rolex that trip, so that was cool haha

I also tipped a waitress several thousands as well as the shooters and dealers. All in all, it was one of those nights I felt invincible and definitely one I’ll never forget :)

Till next time :)
(Pssst. Maybe you can return to your days of reckless abandon if you try hosting a microstakes nickel/nickel game among your risk-averse friends. I mean, who can't afford $10 or $20 now and then? Looking forward to stories!)
I’ve done some 5c/10c games with them, and we’ve had fun, but it’s definitely not the same lol
A guy was in the process of getting a divorce, so he decided to take a 10k advance on a credit card. Because why not run up the debt before a divorce?

He played for 36 hours straight running the $10k up to $1.6 million. During his run, he tipped the dealers over $100k. (Luckily I was a dealer at this time). The hourly toke rate was just over $117 an hour.

He continued to have great ribs after that. He posted a $1.2 million win, and a $500k win. Eventually the casino cut their losses and barred him from blackjack. $10k into $2.5 million+.
Shit, she get half? I might grease a palm and put some chips in a safety deposit box at that casino to cool off for a while!
I apologize. I didn’t read the original post close enough. I thought it was for gambling stories in general. I now realize it’s a thread for @TheJestyr’s stories. I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures!
No worries!! :) feel free to keep the story up there, it’s a cool one!! :) while I’ll post my random silliness in this thread, I don’t mind hearing other stories here that people wanna share, as long as they were directly involved or witnessed it first hand! I just don’t want rumors and crap :)
Story two: My first devastating loss.

Back in college, when poker sites first started popping up (I think even before FullTilt existed), I’d often throw $50 onto PokerStars at a time and try to run it up. Sometimes I’d do well, sometimes I’d go busto, but overall I just treated it as fun. I didn’t believe at the time that much money could be made in online poker, the only serious money was made live.

Until one night, I loaded on $50 through Neteller, started playing, and went straight up.

At the time I mostly played limit, and kept increasing stakes, eventually getting to the largest limits they had (at the time), 30/60 limit.

I played throughout the night, and Iver the course of about 8 hours, I managed to turn my $50 into $7,400.

To my college self, this was all the money in the world! I don’t think I had ever won more than about $1,500 before! I felt like I wouldn’t have to work again in my college career, plus I thought I now had an infinite bankroll! And more dangerously, I thought I was a great, bulletproof poker player!! Who could beat me?!? As Ali once famously said, “I’m young, I’m handsome, I’m fast, I’m pretty, I can’t possibly be beat!!”

I went to sleep, flying high on adrenaline, and laid mostly awake replaying this amazing night. But also, I made countless plans for that money. Travel, dinners, hanging out with friends, gifts, etc. That money was the ticket to an incredible college experience.

But see, PokerStars had this little rule…you couldn’t cash out for 48 or 72 hours or something.

So that money just sat there, saying “George, you’re great at poker. You need to sit and play and make more money”…..

Except I didn’t make more. I started to lose.

And I began to not believe it so I chased those losses.

And kept losing.

And before I knew it, that $7,400 balance turned into zero. 0. Zilch. Nada…uhg.

That was the first real financial gambling loss I ever faced. I was devastated. I was 19 and felt my grandiose plans get destroyed. I felt like someone ran over my puppy. And my kitty. And my pet iguana.

Looking back, it’s been a valuable stepping stone in my gambling career. But dang, that first big loss sure stings.

Till next time :)
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Story three: first time at Turning Stone and first time winning $1,000

I was a freshman in college, just turned 19. It was late winter or early spring. I had a music gig on a Saturday night that got cancelled, so my buddy and I decided on a whim to drive up to Turning Stone (which was very new at the time) about 5 hours away.

We took about $800 between us and figured we’d go play $5/$10 or $10/$20 limit hold em. (NL wasn’t spread almost anywhere at this point yet.)

So we drive up, get there around 7pm, and head straight for the tables. There was about an hour wait for $5/10, and $10/$20 (which was very normal at the time), but there was a $15/$30 game running with open seating. So we figured we’d take a shot and hope one of us got lucky enough to lend the other money if needed.

At this point I had played a lot of poker with my buddies, but only been in casinos a handful of times. My buddy and I quickly realized that the guys we were playing against had almost no clue about poker strategy, and they just were throwing money around and having a fun time. (Admittedly, my teenage self thought these guys were morons. It wasn’t until I got older and gained perspective that I really realized everyone plays for different reasons and shame on me for looking down at these guys.)

My buddy and I felt like we were the best players at the table, plus we ran pretty hot. Over the course of about 3 hours, I was up around $1500 before losing some back, ultimately winning around $1,200. My buddy won around a grand. We thought we were gods.

I had never won $1,000 before. I couldn’t fathom how amazing it was to walk around with a wad of hundreds in my pocket. I felt like I could buy the world!! We hadn’t eaten dinner yet and felt like we needed to catch a second wind, so we got up, had a delicious steak dinner, and around 11:30pm felt like we wanted to hit the tables again.

We ended up playing for another 7 hours or so.

It didn’t go well.

Better players were in the game now, and our well of luck ran dry.

We ended up losing back most of our winnings, and decided to call it quits with at least a little profit.

All in all we had a great night, a wonderful dinner, and still were coming home up money. But……..

……….remember how I said this was late winter or early spring? Yeah, teenage boys don’t always check the weather before doing things on a whim…

Unbeknownst to us, a big winter storm hit overnight. Our car was buried. When we left Ohio headed to Turning Stone, it was mid 60’s, and we didn’t bring a change or clothes or even a coat.

We froze as we wiped off his car. With our fingers and feet numb, we finally started our 5 hour trip home. Neither of us could keep our eyes open, regardless of how treacherous the roads were. We took turns driving, but more than once we found ourselves drifting off the road.

We eventually pulled off at a rest stop and napped for 45 mins before waking up freezing.

We would pull off every little while and do sprints to keep the blood flowing. Windows down, music up, hoping to just stay awake and get home safe.

Obviously we finally got home, but my God that was dumb haha

Till next time :)
Story four: the first time I won a $5,000 pot…but not really…

I was around 21 years old and Greektown in Detroit had a bustling poker room. It was only around a 3 hour drive, and while the waitlists were long, we would call as soon as we hit the OH/MI boarder to get our names on the lists….the $2/$2/$5 NLHE game was great and juicy, and even the limit games were action.

I looked young, played loose, and used my crazy image to my advantage. We’d often stop at Burger King on our way and I’d tell ‘em it’s my birthday so I could get a crown and proudly wear it at the tables.

One particular trip, I went with a couple buddies. I brought around $1,000 or so, and figured my buddies brought between $500 and $1k as well. We’ll come back to that.

So I sat down at $2/$2/$5 NLHE and bought in for $300. Had a rough start, and I ended up buying in for $900 total before running it up to over $3,000 over the next few hours.

Now back to those buddies I told you about that I thought brought between $500-$1k…Yeah, turns out one of my buddies only brought $200….and lost it almost instantly. So he had been railing me and cheering me on, partly because we’re friends, partly because he was bored, and partly because he knew if I won, I’d lend him some cash.

Just then, a new table was opening. A $10/$25 NLHE game. I had never played in a game this big up to this point. But I was ahead heaps, feeling good, and wanted to get some money off the table to give to my buddy.

So I stood up from the $2/$2/$5 game, handed my buddy a grand so at very least I’d break even on the day, and bought into the $10/$25 game for just under $2,500.

We were shorthanded (I think 5 players but maybe 6?) and had been playing for about 30 mins. I was up a few hundred when the following hand broke out.

I had 7x8x in the big blind, and called a raise in a three way pot (pot is about $300). Board comes out 7x8xJx. I lead out (something like $225 I’m sure, but don’t exactly remember), original raiser goes all in (he has me covered). Other guy folds.

I’m staring at the board, staring at this guy, trying to piece this story together…

After like a minute of analysis, I decide he has to have something like an over pair or two over cards. I felt like there was no way he had any of this board (except maybe AJ or jacks?) as he was the original raiser and the vast majority of the hands he’d raise wouldn’t interact with this board. (Yeah, in hindsight I think I was just trying to convince myself to make the call…)

Anywho, I call, fully expecting to be ahead of his pocket Q’s or something….and he rolls out Jx9x. Um, what?!? That’s not a raising hand!! Especially in this size game!!

Wow did I have a lot to learn.

So here I am with my stack at risk with my two pair ahead of my opponents top pair and gut shot.

Turn a blank.

I’m one card away from scooping over a $5k pot. The largest pot of my life. My heart is beating. My palms are sweating. I’m about to explode….


Blank. SHIP IT!!!

I’m shaking. I get up and pace around a minute to calm down while the guy counts out the bet and the dealer pushes the chips to me. The guy who just lost stands up, racks up, and leaves.

I’m stacking my chips and start to realize there’s a problem….

I should have well over $5k in front of me.

But I have less than $4,500…um….

I ask the dealer, and he dismisses me and assures me it’s right. I explain to him that I started the hand with over $2,500 and my opponent had me covered. I should have over $5k. Again, dealer tells me I’m wrong.

I call the floor over. They don’t care. I beg them to watch the tapes and stop the guy before he cashes out. They don’t. They never checked the tapes, they never stopped the guy. Dealer just kept dealing as if I wasn’t talking at all.

I never felt so elated and angry at the same time.

I got up and cashed out, fuming.

Oh, and that buddy I lent a grand to? Yeah, never paid me back. In fact, I lent him even more over the years…but that’s a story for another time.

Till next time :)
Story five: the dumbest night ever in Pittsburgh (my second favorite gambling story)

This is easily in my top three favorite stories. My buddies who were there to see it happen say it’s their favorite, but in my mind, it’s second or maybe third. Regardless, it’s a fun ride.

A few years back, I was invited to play in a pretty large PLO game at Rivers in Pittsburgh. There were some big players, pro athletes, and a couple action pros. Overall a really great game.

I had no idea how big this game would get, so I brought about $100k cash, and wired in $200,000. I went up to the cage, pulled out the $200k in chips, and just kept the cash in my bag.

My first buy in was for $5,000, which I lost on the very first hand (ran two pair and blockers into a straight, yay.)

Bought in for another $5k.


This time $10k


Another $10k.

Poof, disappeared.




Noticing a pattern here??

I. Ran. Bad. I also played horribly and kept getting frustrated at these hands I was losing, so I pushed harder and lost more.

Over a few hours, I end up losing a little over $200k in this game.

I’m on tilt.

In my infinite wisdom and proper state of mind, I decide the best course of action is to take my last $100k over to blackjack. Because f@ck poker.

I walk into high limit, find an empty table, and dig out $50k. The dealer looks at me and raises his eyebrows as if to say, “seriously??”

I stare back at him and don’t say anything (I’m somewhere between anger and awkward, so I choose to just stay quiet until I figure out more of what was going on.)

After another few seconds he says something to the effect of “you really should take that to the cage, deposit it, and then come back and we can give you chips at the table for it.”

I’ve done front money plenty of times, and depending on the casino and the cage staff, things can go super smoothly…or they can take forever.

I was not about to chance the cage taking an hour to process my cash, so as nicely as I could muster, I say something like “that's Ok, I’d prefer to just buy chips here.”

The dealer sighs, and starts counting the cash. If you’ve ever seen dealers count cash at tables, they generally count four to six piles of five to ten bills, depending what casino. In this particular one, the dealer was counting four or five piles of fives (I can’t recall exactly if he was counting $2,000 or $2,500 at a time)…regardless, it. Took. Forever.

I get it, this is a lot of money and the house has to make sure it’s real and accurate and all that, but to me being on monkey tilt, this was torture.

After he gets through counting $15,000, I couldn’t take it anymore. I tell him “just give me $15k in chips for now, and I’ll bet $5k on three hands. If I need more chips, we can count out more then.”

I put away the other $85k and place my $5k bets.

What happens next is a blur. I honestly don’t remember details. All I know is in what felt like a handful of minutes, I was up just a hair over $200k.

Somehow I was miraculously now up on the night. (It was scraps, but ahead nonetheless)

Mid shoe I stood up, thanked the dealer, tipped him very well, and walked out of the casino.

Ha! Yeah right. I didn’t leave the casino…I DID leave the blackjack table, but that juicy poker game was still going, and there was a seat with my name written all over it.

By this point, everyone has pretty sizable stacks. I buy back in for $50k.


I chip up a little, feeling good, start winning some bigger hands, feeling really good…

Up around $75k now at the table since I sat back down when the following hand breaks out.

I have A567 (suits irrelevant). A few raises preflop and there’s already a little over $10k in the pot.

Board: AA5

Oh hi. Hello there nuts. How are you?

Between my table image and the way the action at this table has gone most of the night, I decide to bet out about $5k.

One caller. Pot is now over $20k

Turn is a 4. In confident he has an ace now or pocket 5’s. And I’m a monkey. So I bet 15k. He calls.

Pot is now over 50k.

River is a 3. I somehow fade the world and have the absolute nuts and a guy calling me.

Except I notice there’s a straight flush out there…he could have the 2h5h for the ACTUAL nuts.

But I also know that there’s too much he’d call me with so I had to bet…(but for a brief moment, I could see him jamming all in and showing me those two fucking little hearts…)

Anyway, I bet $45k (meant to bet $50k but apparently only grabbed 9 grays)

Instantly he starts looking at his stack, and this fear creeps over me that he’s going to raise and has the straight flush.

Then he starts talking about how he feels like I might have it, but he thinks he has to call.

And I start to realize I want a call. I’m doing cartwheels in my mind.

He reluctantly calls and I table my hand. He frustratingly shows his A4 and mucks.

I scoop $150k pot (ok, like $3k shy of it, but it’s better for the story if it’s $150k haha) and game breaks shortly there after.

I go from down $200k in poker, to up $200k in blackjack, to up $150k in poker.

Net win, $150k on the night.

Cash me out, I need a cigar and a drink, and to take a few days off from gambling after that haha

Till next time :)
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You definitely don’t have to say, but it would add to the stories to know approximately how much of your net worth or bankroll is on the line in these adventures.
Not sure I’ll divulge my net worth, but I’ll say this:

I’ve met guys who have less than me but play more than me. And I’ve met guys who have way more than me but can’t fathom gambling any of it.

I’m definitely comfortable, and since having kids I’ve cut back on gambling (partly because I want to spend more time with them, and partly because my losses could have the potential to affect more than just me now)

I’ve gambled a long time and have a high tolerance for it. I’ve had six figure winning and losing sessions many times in my life. But I’ve been lucky to never have several back to back huge losing sessions, whereas I’ve been incredibly fortunate to string together a bunch of big wins.

I’m not super elite wealthy. If a few big losses hit in a row, I’d have to bow out of higher stakes gambling for a while. (Or I’d have to dip into some assets and investment accounts which would probably be a huge red flag that I have a problem…) And while I mention investment accounts, I have a VERY conservative portfolio. I love risk in many ways, but the safety net of that portfolio is what allows me to take risks elsewhere.

The vast majority of my gambling is around $2k-$20k once or twice a month. I can afford to lose that pretty easily and be unaffected. But if I start to win, I have no problem pushing it and seeing if I can crack $100k or more. And as I’ve said, I’ve been incredibly fortunate to go on some massive runs. :)

Sorry for the long answer :) bottom line is I prolly have more gamble in me than I should, but I try to keep it from going too far off the rails :)

Maybe my next story will be my stupid blackjack run I went on a couple years back…
Story five: the dumbest night ever in Pittsburgh (my second favorite gambling story)

This is easily in my top three favorite stories. My buddies who were there to see it happen say it’s their favorite, but in my mind, it’s second or maybe third. Regardless, it’s a fun ride.

A few years back, I was invited to play in a pretty large PLO game at Rivers in Pittsburgh. There were some big players, pro athletes, and a couple action pros. Overall a really great game.

I had no idea how big this game would get, so I brought about $100k cash, and wired in $200,000. I went up to the cage, pulled out the $200k in chips, and just kept the cash in my bag.

My first buy in was for $5,000, which I lost on the very first hand (ran two pair and blockers into a straight, yay.)

Bought in for another $5k.


This time $10k


Another $10k.

Poof, disappeared.




Noticing a pattern here??

I. Ran. Bad. I also played horribly and kept getting frustrated at these hands I was losing, so I pushed harder and lost more.

Over a few hours, I end up losing a little over $200k in this game.

I’m on tilt.

In my infinite wisdom and proper state of mind, I decide the best course of action is to take my last $100k over to blackjack. Because f@ck poker.

I walk into high limit, find an empty table, and dig out $50k. The dealer looks at me and raises his eyebrows as if to say, “seriously??”

I stare back at him and don’t say anything (I’m somewhere between anger and awkward, so I choose to just stay quiet until I figure out more of what was going on.)

After another few seconds he says something to the effect of “you really should take that to the cage, deposit it, and then come back and we can give you chips at the table for it.”

I’ve done front money plenty of times, and depending on the casino and the cage staff, things can go super smoothly…or they can take forever.

I was not about to chance the cage taking an hour to process my cash, so as nicely as I could muster, I say something like “that's Ok, I’d prefer to just buy chips here.”

The dealer sighs, and starts counting the cash. If you’ve ever seen dealers count cash at tables, they generally count four to six piles of five to ten bills, depending what casino. In this particular one, the dealer was counting four or five piles of fives (I can’t recall exactly if he was counting $2,000 or $2,500 at a time)…regardless, it. Took. Forever.

I get it, this is a lot of money and the house has to make sure it’s real and accurate and all that, but to me being on monkey tilt, this was torture.

After he gets through counting $15,000, I couldn’t take it anymore. I tell him “just give me $15k in chips for now, and I’ll bet $5k on three hands. If I need more chips, we can count out more then.”

I put away the other $85k and place my $5k bets.

What happens next is a blur. I honestly don’t remember details. All I know is in what felt like a handful of minutes, I was up just a hair over $200k.

Somehow I was miraculously now up on the night. (It was scraps, but ahead nonetheless)

Mid shoe I stood up, thanked the dealer, tipped him very well, and walked out of the casino.

Ha! Yeah right. I didn’t leave the casino…I DID leave the blackjack table, but that juicy poker game was still going, and there was a seat with my name written all over it.

By this point, everyone has pretty sizable stacks. I buy back in for $50k.


I chip up a little, feeling good, start winning some bigger hands, feeling really good…

Up around $75k now at the table since I sat back down when the following hand breaks out.

I have A567 (suits irrelevant). A few raises preflop and there’s already a little over $10k in the pot.

Board: AA5

Oh hi. Hello there nuts. How are you?

Between my table image and the way the action at this table has gone most of the night, I decide to bet out about $5k.

One caller. Pot is now over $20k

Turn is a 4. In confident he has an ace now or pocket 5’s. And I’m a monkey. So I bet 15k. He calls.

Pot is now over 50k.

River is a 3. I somehow fade the world and have the absolute nuts and a guy calling me.

Except I notice there’s a straight flush out there…he could have the 2h5h for the ACTUAL nuts.

But I also know that there’s too much he’d call me with so I had to bet…(but for a brief moment, I could see him jamming all in and showing me those two fucking little hearts…)

Anyway, I bet $45k (meant to bet $50k but apparently only grabbed 9 grays)

Instantly he starts looking at his stack, and this fear creeps over me that he’s going to raise and has the straight flush.

Then he starts talking about how he feels like I might have it, but he thinks he has to call.

And I start to realize I want a call. I’m doing cartwheels in my mind.

He reluctantly calls and I table my hand. He frustratingly shows his A4 and mucks.

I scoop $150k pot (ok, like $3k shy of it, but it’s better for the story if it’s $150k haha) and game breaks shortly there after.

I go from down $200k in poker, to up $200k in blackjack, to up $150k in poker.

Net win, $150k on the night.

Cash me out, I need a cigar and a drink, and to take a few days off from gambling after that haha

Till next time :)
I’ve been there as a baccarat dealer. Cash buy ins for $30k or more in hundred. I’ve even had $10k in 20s. Trust me, the dealer was just as annoyed as you. :)
Story two: My first devastating loss.

Back in college, when poker sites first started popping up (I think even before FullTilt existed), I’d often throw $50 onto PokerStars at a time and try to run it up. Sometimes I’d do well, sometimes I’d go busto, but overall I just treated it as fun. I didn’t believe at the time that much money could be made in online poker, the only serious money was made live.

Until one night, I loaded on $50 through Neteller, started playing, and went straight up.

At the time I mostly played limit, and kept increasing stakes, eventually getting to the largest limits they had (at the time), 30/60 limit.

I played throughout the night, and Iver the course of about 8 hours, I managed to turn my $50 into $7,400.

To my college self, this was all the money in the world! I don’t think I had ever won more than about $1,500 before! I felt like I wouldn’t have to work again in my college career, plus I thought I now had an infinite bankroll! And more dangerously, I thought I was a great, bulletproof poker player!! Who could beat me?!? As Ali once famously said, “I’m young, I’m handsome, I’m fast, I’m pretty, I can’t possibly be beat!!”

I went to sleep, flying high on adrenaline, and laid mostly awake replaying this amazing night. But also, I made countless plans for that money. Travel, dinners, hanging out with friends, gifts, etc. That money was the ticket to an incredible college experience.

But see, PokerStars had this little rule…you couldn’t cash out for 48 or 72 hours or something.

So that money just sat there, saying “George, you’re great at poker. You need to sit and play and make more money”…..

Except I didn’t make more. I started to lose.

And I began to not believe it so I chased those losses.

And kept losing.

And before I knew it, that $7,400 balance turned into zero. 0. Zilch. Nada…uhg.

That was the first real financial gambling loss I ever faced. I was devastated. I was 19 and felt my grandiose plans get destroyed. I felt like someone ran over my puppy. And my kitty. And my pet iguana.

Looking back, it’s been a valuable stepping stone in my gambling career. But dang, that first big loss sure stings.

Till next time :)
Neteller LOL!
@Timmah Oh I’m sure! And I can’t imagine I was in the best of spirits…I try extremely hard to never take my losses out on anyone, especially the crew working, but I also know I’m only human and was in a bad mood.

And yeah, I try not to buy in in cash anymore, but there’s sometimes it can’t be helped…and buying in with cash at a hot craps table is the worst! All action stops and all eyes are on this moron who’s buying in and ruining the fun…Yeah, lines of credit or front money is definitely the way to go! :)
Just saw your Lange thread and now I’m wondering what the craziest thing you bought was after an epic run.

Beautiful watch btw. Has a timeless feel to it.
Just saw your Lange thread and now I’m wondering what the craziest thing you bought was after an epic run.

Beautiful watch btw. Has a timeless feel to it.
hahahahahahahaha…I’ll do a post about all the things I’ve bought after a run…there’s some really really stupid things on that list hahaha
hahahahahahahaha…I’ll do a post about all the things I’ve bought after a run…there’s some really really stupid things on that list hahaha
I still attest it’s best to buy things on sale after historical losses and just tell urself you paid retail or overpaid for it.

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