For Sale MINT Paulson Vineyard $25 (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
204   0   0
Mint Vineyard $25s -- the second most difficult Vineyard chip to find, behind only the $10s -- in my experience.

I have 60 of these left. $15/chip.

Last rack of these that I saw sell was at $20/chip.

Buyer covers paypal and shipping costs.

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Beautiful chips !!
Sold mine a few weeks ago and already have seller remorse...

GL with the sell :)
One price drop before these go back in the chip vault :) $1650 for this rack of perfection.
Willing to sell by the barrel. One stack sold, 4 stacks left!
3 barrels sold (such nice chips go to France!). 2 barrels left.
Dropping the price to $15/chip for the last 2 barrels.
Gee, that ought to make the people who bought the first three barrels feel good.

About as good as they would feel if they had waited for the price to go down, but someone else bought them all first and they missed out.

If the opportunity comes along, and you want 'em and they're at a price you can live with....
Gee, that ought to make the people who bought the first three barrels feel good.

Thank you for your concern, Larry. They got this price as well (better actually, since they bought 3 barrels). Turns out, the buyer for the first 3 barrels is pretty thrilled with their purchase. Pretty tough crowd around here.

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