High Hand
Tina - Aurora Star Tournament (x2) (Includes 39mm and 43mm Bounty chips) Cards Mold, Justin 39 mm Sample Barrel (5x no mold, 5x cards mold, 5x Greek mold, 5x web mold)
Apache - Super Sample Set, Royal Sample Set, Dunes Sample Set, Majestic Sample Set
BRPro - Tiki Sample Set, King of the River Sample Set, Valentino Sample Set, Valentino High Roller Sample Set, Tropic Oasis Sample Set, Custom Size Sample Set
Note - The Bud Jones Sample is cracked. That is how it showed up originally for Mudfever. The original cost for these sets is well in excess of $100, not including shipping.
These was a set of 20 different sets from @Mudfever, and I've added Justin's Tina sample barrel to it with Greek and Web mold ceramics.
PPFF $75.00 - Shipped in US.
Apache - Super Sample Set, Royal Sample Set, Dunes Sample Set, Majestic Sample Set
BRPro - Tiki Sample Set, King of the River Sample Set, Valentino Sample Set, Valentino High Roller Sample Set, Tropic Oasis Sample Set, Custom Size Sample Set
Note - The Bud Jones Sample is cracked. That is how it showed up originally for Mudfever. The original cost for these sets is well in excess of $100, not including shipping.
These was a set of 20 different sets from @Mudfever, and I've added Justin's Tina sample barrel to it with Greek and Web mold ceramics.
PPFF $75.00 - Shipped in US.