Found Indiana Grand (IG) Primary / Secondary 5s (1 Viewer)

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Sep 26, 2022
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Hey all,
I am looking forward to build or buy a cash set of Indiana Grand Chips, therefore I am open to complete sets, racks and even Barrels per Denom. I live in Germany and would prefer EU options over other regions. I search for good condition chips and sellers who would share their chips for new/late chipper well above the TCR pricing without targeting maximum profit. I am interested in the following:

Primary 1s - 135$/rack (3 racks)
Primary 5s - 235$/rack (3 racks)
Secondary 5s - 200$/rack (3 racks)

Feel free to send me a pm if you have something you would be open to sell.
I will update the original post if something is already covered.

Best regards
Last edited:
Some offers are pending, still open for new offers on all chips in all quantities
Still searching
Be patient. That's my advice. Some guys take a year to build a set. Also... with Black Friday sales coming some folks might be dumping their stock to prepare for what TCR has to offer. Keep an eye out for good deals.
Los Angeles Lol GIF by NBA
Primary 100s - 275$/rack
Secondary 100s - 350$/rack

You probably have to increase an offer for them. I no longer have them, but I paid $600 for a rack of sec $100s.
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