Wanted Hot Stamp Roulette Chips - doing well but need more :) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
May 18, 2015
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I am looking for different colors of hot stamp roulette chips in the mold shown below. That picture shows the colors I already have, but if you have 2+ of another color, I'd be interested :)

The second one in the top row is kind of pinkish in real life, but I'm assuming that its red?


You only want Aztar? I have a few Terribles if you want to take a look in a few days. It is the same mold.
Doesn't have to be Aztar, but has to be hotstamp and that exact mold. I am trying to get a set of at least 10-12 colors, 2-3+ chips of each. The Aztars give me 7 colors, and I got the NCL green (could us a couple more of those though), but I need a few more colors. The original plan was to use them as bounty chips (since they matched my Aztar set), however I have other poker plans for them. I did order a bunch more from Jim on CT in 6 of the 7 Aztar colors (red was out)
Doesn't have to be Aztar, but has to be hotstamp and that exact mold. I am trying to get a set of at least 10-12 colors, 2-3+ chips of each. The Aztars give me 7 colors, and I got the NCL green (could us a couple more of those though), but I need a few more colors. The original plan was to use them as bounty chips (since they matched my Aztar set), however I have other poker plans for them. I did order a bunch more from Jim on CT in 6 of the 7 Aztar colors (red was out)

I'm not sure how easy it will be to get 12 distinguishable colors. Most of the roulettes from other casinos I've seen use a subset of those 8. I think you can get a red, but it might be tough past that.
I have some dark purple coming, so that bumps me up to 9 colors :)

I've seen white, black, peach, light tan, bright red, and a couple others, so hopefully I can grab at least a few of one more color. White or bright red would be perfect, but beggars can't be choosers at this point :)

After getting these, I just need to concentrate on those damn Aztar 50 cent chips .... suckers are hard to track down :)

I have some singles of a bunch more colors shipping but would love even more. Anyone who may have a hotstamp roulette mold in another color besides the 9 shown above, ping me a message. Even if its one of each color, I would be interested.

Some of the singles arriving are : charcoal, seafoam green, peach, some crappy brownish/orange, bright red, and white.
Would love to get 2-3 more of each
here's the latest pic of all the colors so far that I have...... unfortunately some only have one chip. If anyone has some (especially different colors than these 16, let me know :) I don't have red, bright white, black, or light gray yet. There's a dark orange and another butterscotch in the mail. I only have one almond, fuschia, and slime green

Shown from left to right: (top row) Dark Purple, teal, pink, charcoal, lime green, yellow
(middle row) lilac, light blue, aztar red (which looks pink or salmon), almond, slime green, and light orange
(bottom row) dark fushia (I think), dark blue, chocolate, then butterscotch

well they are still coming...more and more colors are popping up (I have 22 colors so far). However these three are still missing ....I need one of each (cream/off white, wine/purple/maroonish, and slime green):

I have 20 pairs of chips .... if anyone else can help out, I'd appreciate it. Updated pic below. The three on the far right column (all are Terribles) and the dark orange at the top I only have one of each...still need a second of those.

Using as poker table seat assignments for tourneys....instead of number plaques or cards, I can use the colors on roulette chips...one for the seat and one to put in the hat :)
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