Help me find a name for my set! (1 Viewer)

Jan 19, 2024
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Hey Everyone,

This is my first big post here. I've been reading this forum for a few months, lurking in the depths and recently finally signed up. Thanks to everyone who reads through it all the way and thank you to everyone that is contributing to this journey.

I managed to save up some money for a custom chip set. Sadly a CPC set is financially not in reach at the moment, so I decided to get in touch with Tina when I saw the new Web Mold 39mm Ceramic Hybrids. Currently I am strongly considering these chips as the base for my set, but let's take a step back and start from the beginning.

I am Daniel, 29 years-old and I live in Munich, Germany. I've started playing Poker when I was 17 and found joy in collecting different chips since a few years. I am working in finance (probably why I'm good at Poker), which means that my creative side is reserved for my hobbies, for example while building a poker table, which I am currently doing. After I found this forum and diving into countless threads, I decided that I want to design my own chip set.

But where to start. That's a good question. I've seen soooo many good designs here, that it was really hard for me to come up with something on my own at first. Then I saw the thread "If you could have one set, what would it be?". And while looking for an answer to that question, two sets stood out in my mind. My two favorite sets (for different reasons) are Le Paulson Noir and the chips from Rounders. While the latter might be a bit cliché I just really enjoyed that movie and I liked the simple design and edge spots, as well as the inlay with just a black bear in the middle. The Paulson Noirs are very different from the Rounders chips but I love the vibrant and bright colors and the color combinations itself.

My first idea was to design a set, combining elements of both chip sets and paying tribute to them without copying them. The idea of "Cirque Noir" (translates to black circus in french) was born. I wanted to take the vibrant Paulson Noir colors and combine it with the simple Rounders inlay, with each denom having a black portrait of a different circus animal. I had the idea because of the bear and I thought it would be nice to have different animals. So I thought, bear, tiger, elefant, sea lion and many more. However the designs I came up with were just not satisfying. Something wasn't right.

I didn't really keep on developing this idea because I wasn't happy with the progress. I tried to push it into another direction. The thing I liked from the Cirque Noir was that every denom should be represented by a different animal. This was the sprout for my next design. I wanted to create a chip set based on animals, with the smaller denoms being represented by smaller animals, and the animals getting bigger/more awesome (by personal opinion) with every denom. In addition, the chips should follow a rather traditional color scheme, so 1-white, 5-red, 25-green, 100-black, 500-pink/purple, 1000-yellow. Lastly, I wanted to have some sort of edge spot progression, so it would be possible to tell the chips apart in bad lighting. This is a lot of criteria that I had to factor into the design. Step by step, I found animals that fit the denom and color combinaiton and tried to mimick the fur/colors of the animals in the chip design. I used the following animals:

1 - White - Cockatoo

It's a rather small bird, fits the white for the 1 denom perfectly.

5 - Red - Parrot

A bigger bird, bright and vibrant colors, red as main color - perfect for my 5 denom

25 - Green - Peacock

Again, bigger animal than before, and I liked the possible combinaiton of green and blue

100 - Black - Zebra

How cool are Zebras? Just think of the movie Madagascar. I chose this to be able to combine a black chip with white edge spots

500 - Pink - Flamingo

Who doesn't love flamingos. Very vibrant and I had a special idea for the 500 chip

1000 - Yellow - Giraffe

Big denom, big animal. Giraffe's are awesome and I thought "a perfect foundation for a yellow 1k"

5000 - Grey - Elefant

I wasn't sure about a 5k chip, but I remembered the 5k from the Le Paulson Noir and right then I knew I would include a grey 5k chip based off an elephant.

So much to the selection of animals. If you struck with me until this point, congratulations you'll see the first mock-up design shortly. I decided that I want to use white inlays, because of the vibrant and bright colors I would use and I think this somehow still enables me to pay hommage to my favorite sets mentioned earlier. The colors will be similarly bright and colorful as the Le Paulson Noir and I will try to work out an inlay design with each denom having a black portrait of its animal in the middle, but first I will finalize the chip design.

I thought about edge spot progression and came up with the following ideas:

1: white base, 4 simple yellow edge spots, similar to a Rounders chip
5: red base, 4 edge spots, 4 different colors
25: green base, 4 edge spots, 4 different colors
--> 5 and 25 have similar edge spots but red and green together with the brighter edge spots for the red 5 compared to the darker edge spots on the green 25 should be fine.
100: the zebra chip, just watch the design
500: I. love. flamingos. I wanted to have the 500 chip just a plain pink, even tho this is more common for fracs (from what I've seen while lurking in the PCF).
1000: Yellow base with 6 edge spots, 3 different edge spots colors
5000: I had no idea for this chip, but found something in the CPC Design Tool, that remembered me of a Big grey elephant with huge white tusks.

Please behold, the first design:

I am very happy with the progress and how it all came together after all, I am not copying anything existing and I just love the theme I came up with, designing the chips after the animals. It worked out way better thatn I thought with "bigger chips, bigger animals" while still having edge spot "progression" or being able to distinguish them.

For now I will stop writing, I am open to feedback of any sort. The most important thing: How should I name these. I am already thinking about inlay design and I didn't come up with a good name yet. "Cirque Noir" doesn't fit so well, because it's more Zoo animals now rather than Circus animals (which I like btw) and also I don't want to name a set this colorful "Noir". If someone as a great suggestion and I will go with it, you shall be named on the dedicated Cut Card to this set. :)

Best regards,

The Animal House is already in use, but I don't think you can call permanent dibs on a name.

Safari Sam's/Safari Station
Wild Wagers Cardroom
Jackpot Jungle/Jungle Jackpot
The Zoo (club/cardroom/etc)
Animal Kingdom

I think I like alliteration a little too much... Keep it simple, make sure if you include 'The' at the start it improves the sound/design, ditto for appending 'Poker'/'Club'/'Cardroom'. Not that you can't do that, but a too long name can look worse on a label and might not roll off the tongue as well.
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Calling Station sounds great to me.

I am reminded of a submarine movie I saw a long time ago called Ice Station Zebra. "Station Zebra" could be cool.

Or maybe "Der Zirkus"

Must say I love the $5k. But why the huge spread from $1 to $5k?
Weight Class Cardroom
Vita Adatta Casino

Beautiful chips so far, well done. Good luck. The elephant stands out to me for sure.
I am considering some name combinations including "jungle"

I don't really know why, but I somehow like La Vita Adatta. Maybe something including "Darwin", referencing how animals adapt to different habitats, including developing colorful feathers/fur etc.

You already picked a PCF handle, why not run with The Calling Station?
CS614 is my nickname, I want to keep the set neutral, not connected to my nick or PCF handle

The Animal House is already in use, but I don't think you can call permanent dibs on a name.

Safari Sam's/Safari Station
Wild Wagers Cardroom
Jackpot Jungle/Jungle Jackpot
The Zoo (club/cardroom/etc)
Animal Kingdom

I think I like alliteration a little too much... Keep it simple, make sure if you include 'The' at the start it improves the sound/design, ditto for appending 'Poker'/'Club'/'Cardroom'. Not that you can't do that, but a too long name can look worse on a label and might not roll off the tongue as well.
Jackpot Jungle has a nice sound to it imo
The Zoo is a bit short, something is missing

Calling Station sounds great to me.

I am reminded of a submarine movie I saw a long time ago called Ice Station Zebra. "Station Zebra" could be cool.

Or maybe "Der Zirkus"

Must say I love the $5k. But why the huge spread from $1 to $5k?
I just had to google that movie, never heard of it before. Maybe I'll name my Homegame Room "Poker Station Zebra"
I considered zirkus/circus, but as I mentioned in my post I moved on from the circus idea and the animals are not typical circus animals, thats why I prefer the suggestions with jungle/safari/zoo and similar stuff
The wide spread results from the wish to use it as a hybrid set for cash and tournament.

Thanks to everyone commenting so far.
I would strongly consider 41 or even 43 mm ceramics. They look amazing
I found to like the Motswari Lodge Zebra chip more than my design. I think it's because of the white base with black edge spots. However this would look too similar to my 1 denom. But I went on and invertred the colors of my hundo, and think it resembles a Zebra more now than before, what do you guys think?

Happy to have feedback on the designs as well by the way, this is in no way final and I am sure some things will change unteil I have the final chips in my hand.

Zoo 2.png

Also I am looking for a designer that has experience in translating such mock-ups into files to provide Tina with. I would love to have the final result pop just as much as the vibrant colors of the Design Tool, so it would be nice to have someone that saw the real world outcome of some chip designs.

Later I will also commission the inlay design, so if you could do both, even better! From what I've seen on other posts a few possible options would be @mattross1313 , @timinater , @p5woody , @Colquhoun , if someone likes my idea and wants to help me, I'd be delighted to talk details.

Current favorites are:

Wild Wagers _________
(The) Safari Shack
Jackpot Jungle
(La) Vita Adatta
Mimikry Cardroom (My sister suggested this, mimikry - mimicry in english - is the phenomenon in biology when one species of animal (the mimic) resembles another species or object, in order to camouflage or deceive natural enemies
I made some adjustments to the chip design today and want to share the progress and the thoughts behind it.

I had three major points that I wanted to work on. The edge spots on the 1, 5 and 25 were too similar for my taste, so I wanted to try and have more progression among those denoms.
Furthermore, I wanted to add something to the Flamingo 500, since the plain pink was just a tad boring imo.
Plus, I was not quite happy with the Giraffe 1k chip. The spots were too small for my taste. If I compare it to a real giraffes' pattern, while yellow is the base color, there is way more brown and bigger spots than on my chip.

To tacke the first point, I changed the edge spots on the 1 and 25. I liked the 5 as it is, so I worked with the other two.

Changes to the 1:

I think this new version fits the "punk"-hairstyle of the Cockatoo even better.

Changes to the 25:

In my opinion, this also makes the chip look more like a peacock, and adds some more blue, which I really like.

Now, I am happy with the progression from 1 to 25 and I think it improved the looks of the chips in regards to copying the animals appearances.

Flamingo changes:

I wanted to add a spot to resemble the beak of the flamingo, which is white with a black tip. I took inspiration from this picture and came up with the foll when one species of animal (the mimic) resembles another speciesg edge spot:

Flamingo Schnabel.png
Flamingo 3.png

This adds just the right amount of spice to the chip for my taste.

Now onto the Giraffe:

I didn't like the current version, similar edge spots to the Zebra (many dark spots on a bright chip). Since it is one of the two big denoms in the set, and as I mentioned above the Giraffes pattern has bigger spots and more brown, I approached it from the side of the 5k elephant chip and tried some spots and ended up with this:

Giraffe 1.png
Giraffe 3.png

The overall chip is darker, but I like the new chip way more than the first version, If I look at the stack from the side, it just looks like a giraffe neck if you ask me.

So, to sum all the changes up, here you can see the current status of all chips:

Version 3.png

I'm very happy with the outcome so far.

But I went on and invertred the colors of my hundo, and think it resembles a Zebra more now than before, what do you guys think?
Don't really know, is a Zebra white with black stripes or black with white stripes? ;)

I wanted to add a spot to resemble the beak of the flamingo, which is white with a black tip. I took inspiration from this picture and came up with the foll when one species of animal (the mimic) resembles another speciesg edge spot:
That is one of the coolest ideas I've seen browsing this forum (not that I'm a member for that long, but man this is really nice! You could even add an eye to your inlay :LOL: :laugh:)

Food for thoughts regarding the name:
  • Hakuna Matata Poker
  • Flamingo & Friends
  • All-in-go Flamingo :wtf:
  • Something with "Serengeti" in it (Serengeti Straddlers?)
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The giraffe was better before. It looks like a lion now. Unless you just make it a lion. That fits with the animal size progression. And perfect adding white and black to the flamingo. I was going to suggest that. And its a bit of a tribute to the spotted bird. Nice looking set. I think the set is appealing because the chips are using natural color combinations. Nice
Flamingo spots are very clever. Original Giraffe was better, as was original Zebra since it had more black to it.
The giraffe was better before. It looks like a lion now. Unless you just make it a lion. That fits with the animal size progression. And perfect adding white and black to the flamingo. I was going to suggest that. And its a bit of a tribute to the spotted bird. Nice looking set. I think the set is appealing because the chips are using natural color combinations. Nice
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. The thing with the giraffe is that the first version reminds me personally more of a lion. The circle of edge spots looks like the mane around the head to me.
Then I saw this detailed picture of a giraffes pattern:
giraffe neck.png

And I think the new design looks so much more like that than the old one. Especially if stacked.
Yeah, I'm really happy with the 500. :)

Flamingo spots are very clever. Original Giraffe was better, as was original Zebra since it had more black to it.
Thanks for your input. Regarding the giraffe, see above. I am not 100% sure about the Zebra yet. I agree in the way that I wanted a black base for the hundo, but visually, I like the white base with black spots more. I'll work on this one.
Cirque Fabuleux
Miracle Garden Munich / Munich Miracle Garden MGM, MMG
OK, it's been over a month. What did you decide to go with for the name?
The Animal House is already in use, but I don't think you can call permanent dibs on a name.

Safari Sam's/Safari Station
Wild Wagers Cardroom
Jackpot Jungle/Jungle Jackpot
The Zoo (club/cardroom/etc)
Animal Kingdom

I think I like alliteration a little too much... Keep it simple, make sure if you include 'The' at the start it improves the sound/design, ditto for appending 'Poker'/'Club'/'Cardroom'. Not that you can't do that, but a too long name can look worse on a label and might not roll off the tongue as well.
I Like Safari Station
Very cool colour designs. Will your inlays be somewhat colour matched to each chips base colour? May make the whole chip resemble their animal. Consider changing colour of two of the elephant's small spots so chip has only two tusks?
Your set, happily ignore me.

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