For non-casino gaming, I like Backgammon. I am too old to bother with Chess any more, as I am unwilling to devote much time to studying the game as thoroughly as I would need to in order to be satisfied with my play.
I like most card games . . . Euchre, Hearts, Canasta. But for sheer entertainment, you have to try "Blade Your Buddy"
Everyone starts with 5 lives (on a gambling night each "life" can have a monetary value). Everyone is dealt five cards and play starts on the Dealer's left. The object is to match the card played by the player on your right while remaining UNmatched by the player to your left. Lives are lost when matches are made, and runs of matches increase the number of lives lost. To explain . . .
Player "A" starts the round with a 6
Player "B" plays a 6, costing Player "A" 1 life.
Player "C" plays a jack (no match)
Player "D" plays a 6 (no match)
Player "E" plays a King
Player "F" plays a King, costing Player "E" a life
Player "G" plays a King, costing Player "F" 2 lives.
Last Player with a life in front of them wins the pot. fun game to play with the kids at the cottage with pennies.