For Sale Free draw for Canada Day (1 Viewer)

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i'm nobody

Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Rating - 100%
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This is the first draw I have put together so I will apologize in advance if it goes off the rails quickly. I have 2 Johnny Lightning blister packs with 1:64 diecast cars and poker chips, 1 pack of Del Negro plastic cards, a couple of bounty chips, a $5 chip from the Chinook Winds Casino and a novelty chip. I would like to give new members a chance to win rather than long timers. Rules are as follows:

1. Members with less than 300 posts
2. Members can be from anywhere
3. Prefer members who have yet to pick up a set of plastic cards
4. Time to enter will last until 11:59 PM on July 1st
5. Please respond with Happy Canada Day and since our weather here in Edmonton is going to be so crappy I want to know what you are doing between tomorrow and July 4th.
6. I will do a random drawing of 3 groups of 8 and use the NLHE method to play down to winners from each group
7. The winner will be chosen using the NLPO method.
8. Please note the winner will be responsible for paying shipping. Should be around $17.00 in CDN pesos to anywhere in North America. Int shipping will need to be calculated
Good luck and I will do my best to add members names as they enter.


I would like to put together a free draw for Canada Day this year. I would like to keep the entries to new people to PCF but I need some input.
I have 2 Johnny Lightning cars with poker chips, a $5 casino chip and a set of Del Negro plastic cards for the give away. Please feel free to pass along any and all thoughts.
I have included a couple of pics of the cars themselves. The chips are plastic but I thought it might be a nice giveaway. And the cards are the first set of plastic cards I picked up probably 15 years ago.

Entrants include:

5 Entries. I will be dealing out the 4 cards shortly with brofessor_phd as dealer.
Stay tuned.


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No dirtier than the "CONUS Only" stipulation on many other threads...
Most of my Giveaways have been anywhere in the world as long as there is extra for INTL shipping. However, sometimes it is a hassle especially now with the Covid19 to ship overseas. The 4th of July giveaway I am doing now was USA only for once.
Lol I don’t think you want to start splitting the hairs on giveaways though, we might have some big ones and a tad more down here ;)
Most of my Giveaways have been anywhere in the world as long as there is extra for INTL shipping. However, sometimes it is a hassle especially now with the Covid19 to ship overseas. The 4th of July giveaway I am doing now was USA only for once.
Hmmm, I think maybe I left a wrong impression here. I recognize that many of the giveaways here have been open to all, with several willing to ship anywhere as part of the giveaway, and others asking only for the difference in shipping costs, which is totally fair. And to those members I say THANKS!!!! And yes, there are MANY more US members, and MANY more US based giveaways, and once again I say a huge THANKS!!! to all of those who generously contribute to those events.

I was more referring to some members here (names withheld) who refuse to ship to Canada or elsewhere for their sales (and some giveaways) threads, even when offered the cost difference for shipping. I've heard lots of excuses about the tremendous amount of extra effort (to put on a label and write down the cost) or loud declarations about not taking responsibility for things getting stuck in Customs (which nobody is going to hold the shipper responsible for, if that is what really happened). So right or wrong, good or bad, the CONUS ONLY thing is definitely a thing here. So maybe a CONCAN ONLY thing isn't such a bad thing once in a while, especially as a Canada Day celebration.

Let the mud slinging begin...
Nice gesture. Happy Canada Day from a former Edmontonian and Go Oilers Go! (if they ever play hockey again, that is...)
Happy Canada Day ! We are supposed to have fantastic weather here in Quebec City for the upcoming days so I look forward to spend time in the swimming pool !!! Thanks for the draw !!! :)
Great gesture Tim!

Thanks for running this man!

I'm NOT in, as I have a few extra posts than the maximum. Sheesh...have I really posted 4000+ times:tdown:

Happy Canada Day!!!!

I'll be working 12hr nightshifts for Canada Day and sleeping during the day! I will get paid a bunch though....
Lol that #cancelcanadaday is embarassing. Mass lefty hysteria is real, thank God I live in the country!
Only 5 entries and here are the cards with brofessor_phd as the dealer.
Went right down to the river.


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