Feedback design - Baseline PR - Finally something I don't completely hate! (1 Viewer)


Sitting Out
Feb 1, 2024
Reaction score
Southern CA
Hi all. Been floating around with different ideas as I'm coming up in the gear queue in March. These will be over labels for RHC chips for a 25/25 or potential 25/50 and or 50/1 game down the line.

Long story short: Me and my wife just recently got to rent a house across the street from her parents while we save to try to buy. The last tenants were here for 10 years and we got a great deal because we told the owners to hold off on renovating the whole house and just fixing minor things (we aren't that picky). It's been great having 3 bedrooms vs a 1 bedroom apartment for pretty much the same price! CA is crazy right now for rent as most of you know but I digress.

l just recently got back into poker after playing years ago with my dad. I got the bug hard again. I started organizing poker nights at the house now that we have the space to have company. Everyone loved it! I wanted to make a set/label to celebrate and remember:

1.) Renting this house and celebrating how far me and my wife have come (we lived in a 550 sqft apartment at one point)
2.) Getting a poker night started and having a chip to call ours at our home game

Now, if you haven't guessed it by now, we live not to far from a street named 'Baseline'. Our city is about 35 minutes east of LA and our city has a bunch of mountain ranges towering over us. A few famous mountain trails to hike including Mt. Baldy & Cucamonga Peak. I wanted to include some sort of mountains into the theme of the chip.

So here we have my first iteration of the Baseline Poker Room chip:


Will throw these on the Paulson design tool tomorrow after work. Thanks @Marius L for the heads up, new here didn't know that existed.

Few notes:
- Worried that the current image at the top may be too dark and not show as well on labels. May have to switch for something a bit brighter in color?
- 50c chip will be a note for discussion lol. Used to play at a friends home game and he had 50c chips and got used to it. Also want to future proof myself if we go up to .50/1 and would be convenient to have a .5 chip as well as up the bankroll a bit. I have the chips for it and no way anyone at my game will need a $25 chip.
- the '0' in the 50 is different. The font used for the numbers, I did not like the 0 at all and tried to use a different one. Not sure if it stands out at all, but since I know it's not the same it bugs me. Let me know if you noticed at all.
- Not sure I love the font. I do like the Baseline font, but maybe not the poker room font. Not sure I love the 'poker room' eitheir. May take out room and keep it Baseline Poker. I do like how the words fill up the space under baseline though.

Sorry for the novel haha, and look forward to hearing any feedback.

- Dennis
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I wish I was in the March queue!!

I feel like there are lots of options for you to put something meaningful under the denom instead of the redundancy of the denom spelled out. For example instead of "Five Dollars" under the $5 you could put "Mt. Baldy." "Cucamonga Peak" under the $1 etc etc. (I'm not familiar those trails but I would go from easiest to hardest as the denoms rise.) Or you could just simple put Los Angeles or SoCal.

Ultimately do what you want & have fun with it!
I'll also suggest switching the 50c for higher denomination $20/$25 if you want to play bigger in the future. Or just get rid of it and buy extra $5s for now.

With a fancy font for baseline, I'd go for a simple and basic font for poker room and/or the words for the denomination (although I agree that denom words are redundant). This is what I did for my 'Club 72' set, and I got the idea from 'The Boulevard' set.


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