thanks for the finest precision post !
If you have mint or vgc $5 secondary & $25 secondary, I'd be interested, you would have to ship them to another member in the US, let me know !
I'm going to post my extras in detail below, however, my $5 secondary extras are not in mint condition. I've never heard of any $25 secondaries that are in mint condition. The $25 secondaries I have are in reasonably good condition - some will stand on edge, and some won't. I don't have any extra $25 secondaries at the moment, however, I still hope to purchase a rack of them from Bubble. If that happens, I'll have 40x extras after sending 20x to delaun.
- - - - - - - - - Updated - - - - - - - - -
After collecting quite a few Empress chips, I have a good number of chips that are extras that I'd like to trade, and I'm still looking for quantities of certain chips. Following below is a list of the chips I have for trade, and the chips I'd like to acquire.
CHIPS FOR TRADE - all are in used condition
All chips for trade are in used condition, which, like all used Empress chips I've seen, means the $5s are chewed up, the $25s are pretty good, the $100s are just right, and the $500s are very nice. All are 100% clean (no remaining dirt in the
LCV rings and H&C), have had any rack checks carefully removed, and are beautifully oiled. The chips have been carefully sorted by mold (
SCV), chip color, logo color, and condition. Flawed chips are noted with an asterisk rather than a bullet, with the flaw described in parenthesis.
• $5
SCV Cherry Red with light blue/gold logo - 20x
• $25
SCV Dark Green with light blue/gold logo - 20x
* $25
SCV Dark Green with light blue/gold logo (faded inlays) - 30x
* $25
SCV Dark Green with dark blue/gold logo (dark discolored inlays) - 20x
* $500
SCV Purple with dark blue/gold logo (small nicks) - 10x
• $5
SCV Cherry Red - 140x
* $5
SCV Cherry Red (faded inlays) - 40x
• $5
SCV Brick Red - 220x
These are chips that I'd like to add to my collection. I will consider trades or purchase.
• $1
LCV or
SCV - any amount
• $5
SCV Blood Red - 10x
• $25
LCV - 40x
• $100
LCV - 10x
• $100
SCV with light blue/gold logo - 15x
• $100
SCV with dark blue/gold logo - 11x
• $500
LCV - 6x
• $100
LCV or
SCV - 20x or more
• $500
LCV or
SCV - 20x or more
• $1000
LCV or
SCV - 10x or more