SOLD Cherry picked 625 chip Cleveland Horseshoe cash set plus extras (2 Viewers)

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Two Pair
Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
27   0   0
Although there are plenty of these chips out there, I think this set is one of a kind - well, at least the $5's are. The $1's and $5's have been cherry picked from thousands of chips and stack even in stacks of 20. I have a few extras to go with the set. I'm splitting my set in half, making two very playable sets. Some of the pictures are of my set in it's entirety. This listing is for exactly 50% of that set. The odd number of extras will go with the first sale (Set 1). Each set is $750 plus shipping. No international shipping, sorry.

200 x $1 cherry picked. Although probably only slightly better than average. See the one close up shot of a random stack.
10 x $2.50
300 x $5 (regular) cherry picked. Best I could find. Several pictures of the edges below. This is what makes this set special.
50 x $5 (limited edition). cherry picked. Not quite as nice as the regular chips, but better than average. There are 10 each of each design, 20 of the holiday chips.
50 x $25
10 x $100
5 x $500

Set 1 - 625 chips plus extras shown, $750 plus shipping

Set 2 - 625 chips plus extras shown, $750 plus shipping

Pictures of my set which is being spit in two.

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Those are some good looking $5’s

I went through about 2000 of them to find 500 in very good shape. That is a lot of work.

GLWS, though you may regret it later.
This is an excellent set in great condition chips and thanks for the tag @i'm nobody but I ended up getting 2 racks of Jack Snappers to use as my relabel .50c chips from @Thisfiendis138 so I no longer need those 2 racks of $5 Cleveland chips for a mill and relabel as the .50c chips, plus Jaime already had them milled, so I just need to put the labels on from @Gear and my Garden City poker set will be complete. Thanks @Godzilla28 for helping Jaime and me get the chips we both truly desired :tup:

Split prices below. But again, I need to have the set completely sold (or very close to it) before a split will occur. I'll allocate the cards, buttons, etc. based on order size (these will be added to orders free of charge). If a buyer wants to purchase any of these extras we can work that out.

$1 - $90 per rack
$2.50 - $40 per barrel
$5 - $150 per rack (non-LE)
$5 - $100 per rack LE
$25 - $100 per rack
$100 - $40 per barrel
$500 - $37.50 for the 10 chips.
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I probably went through at least that many (maybe closer to 3,000 $5's) to sort out my 700 $5's. You're right, I might regret it if they sell. But that's why I priced them like I did.

Those are some good looking $5’s

I went through about 2000 of them to find 500 in very good shape. That is a lot of work.

GLWS, though you may regret it later.
I’ll take the following to help with the split and hopefully secure my first legit chip set
(200) $1’s
(20) $2.5’s
(200) $5’s, Non-LE
(40) $25
(20) $100’s
(10) $500’s
Including the share of cards, cut cards, buttons, etc.
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I don't have a problem splitting if the majority of the chips are spoken for. I think we're only half way there though.
Bump with significant price reduction. I wasn't sure I really wanted to sell initially. I looked at the sets I have in my collection and I have more than enough sets there, price reduction and ready to sell!
My first set of Paulsons was a Horseshoe Cleveland cash set. Absolutely loved that set and it didn't have cherry-picked chips. If anyone is on the fence about buying these, especially if you are looking for your first Paulson set, this is a fantastic set. If I wasn't deep into completing several other sets, I would consider grabbing these myself.
We're not at split yet, but getting close. Not accounted for chips that need to be sold before a split:

100 x $1
200 x $5 (non-LE)

All that will be left after these are sold is the LE $5's and some $25's and I'll list those separately later. Still hoping for a single buyer though!
We're so close, I assume a spilt will happen. I just need another rack or two of cherry picked $5's to be spoken for and I'll start dividing up the extras and boxing up chips!
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