Canceled CDI98 mixed lot of 266 chips (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Dec 29, 2017
Reaction score
Burnaby (Greater Vancouver), BC
Rating - 100%
194   0   0
Hello, fellow PCFers!

I have recently done an inventory of my CDI98 collection and have come across a few extras that I can let go. Use these to enhance or start your cash or tournament sets!


The denomination breakdown of the 266 chips are as follows:

6x $1000
39x $500
37x $100
18x $25
30x $5
136x $1

Leaded Paulson fantasy goodness! All chips are from VG to Ex+ condition. There may be the odd flea bite. There may be some split spots. There is no warping. They have been ultrasonically cleaned and oiled so are in their best presentation condition.

Priced to move at $865 (avg. $3.25 per chip). PPFF, or PPGS +4% to cover fees. BONUS: 2 pairs of CDI cut cards (poker, bridge, or mix), and I will cover half the shipping costs anywhere in the world that Canada Post will mail to.

Feel free to ask questions. Look at my feedback and buy with confidence!

Edit: I prefer not to split. However, if all are accounted for, then split price will be $3.50 a chip for $1 through $100 denoms, and $4.25 for $500 and $1000, and split buyers pay full shipping. Everybody gets free cut cards, though.

If someone wants all the $25 through $1000 chips (100 chips, above), the cost before shipping is $383.75
The $1s and $5s together as a group (166 chips) will be $581
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At this price, I’d pony up for the top rack of higher denoms, but if it does split, give me a gentleman’s chance to see the edges closer up
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