Cash Game Another Crazy Last Hand... (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I shoot up to Ho Chunk Casino (about a 40 min drive). I miss my exit, and the delay causes me a 2 hour delay in sitting down. I was literally seconds behind the guy who took the last seat at the 1/2 NL table. At Noon, I finally get seated at a second table. About 1 hour into my play, I get a message from my son's school nurse that he has a fever and needs to be picked up... Crap!!!!

What do I decide to do? Of course, play one last orbit until I hit the blinds. Parent-of-the-year award comments are completely justified!

I’m sitting on ~ $360 on a $150 BI. Next hand I’ll hit the blinds, so I’ve decided this is my last hand. I’m in the CO and look down at :qh: :qs:, I actually said to myself “crap, these are going to get me into trouble…”

It’s limped to me (3 callers), and I lead out for $10. Dealer (sitting on $600) pumps it to $20.

An older guy in MP goes all-in for around $50 (hmm, but he limped?). I call, and the dealer calls.

I’m first to act, and declare a blind check. Flop comes :qd: :7c: :2d: . The dealer announces All-in, and I’m actually kinda stumped. I know I’m calling, but I am trying to figure out how the dealer is planning to suck out on me… With my luck, I’m getting felted on my last hand, I know it… lol. Board runs out bricks, my set holds. Dealer shows :7s::7d: for middle set. MP mucks. Booya!

One question about my play. Pre-flop, I debated the idea of raising the MP's shove to try to protect my hand. It worked out good that I didn't, but I don't want to be results oriented (I want to make the right decisions). I asked myself, what will I do if the dealer shoves behind me (preflop)? My read on the dealer was that he'd flat or fold, not raise (but you never know). he didn't seem excited about MP's all-in. How do people feel about my flat call here?

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Big stack shoving ahead of you while you hold the nuts is one of the best feelings in poker. I like what you did pre.
Personally, the only part of the play that I don't like is the 10 dollar raise pre flop. To small imo for a 1/2 game.
Depends on what we know about the button. If we think his 3-betting range (even 3-betting that small) is very strong and his 5-betting range will be AA/KK only, we should flat and fold if he proceeds to 5-bet. That would take a hell of a read after only an hour of play though. If you think you are ahead of his 3-betting range (which you should almost always) you should definitely be raising after the short-stack all in. Given that he DID have 77 and was able to call with it with correct set-mining odds after your flat, I have to say the flat call is a mistake. VERY bad luck for him that you oversetted him; he is stacking you otherwise, but you are not getting any more money from him when he doesn't hit.
Personally, the only part of the play that I don't like is the 10 dollar raise pre flop. To small imo for a 1/2 game.

I would agree with your assessment. I played QQ and KK a couple times already (to showdown), and in those instances I bet $14-$16 with similar limpers before me. One of my strategies is to vary my bet sizing somewhat to mask my holdings. So I sometimes bet slightly under (or over). I've also been playing pretty tight for the previous 20 minutes or so... I figured if I bumped it to $16-20, I'd get insta folders, and scoop jack-nothing. Another factor in my pre-flop bet was I had only 4 people in thus far (I'm including the SB & BB) x$2 = $7. General rule I've heard on bet sizing: is a BB per each caller + 1 BB for extra measure. I don't always follow that... (and I could be way off base with this rule of thumb).

But like I said, I think I'd normally bet more here.
Nope, casino. Time collection?
Lol, I was thinking Dealer, literally, instead of Button. Oops.

A time collection is a type of rake where players pay a fixed amount every half hour. Usually seen in bigger games but might also be used in a self-dealt card room game.
I still have no idea how you could:
a)hit the blinds next
b) be in the cutoff

Maybe it was 4 handed?
Wait, no.
c) limped to you with 3 callers.

WTF game are you playing?

I would agree with your assessment. I played QQ and KK a couple times already (to showdown), and in those instances I bet $14-$16 with similar limpers before me. One of my strategies is to vary my bet sizing somewhat to mask my holdings. So I sometimes bet slightly under (or over). I've also been playing pretty tight for the previous 20 minutes or so... I figured if I bumped it to $16-20, I'd get insta folders, and scoop jack-nothing. Another factor in my pre-flop bet was I had only 4 people in thus far (I'm including the SB & BB) x$2 = $7. General rule I've heard on bet sizing: is a BB per each caller + 1 BB for extra measure. I don't always follow that... (and I could be way off base with this rule of thumb).

But like I said, I think I'd normally bet more here.

Wouldn't not varying the bet sizing pre mask your holdings easier and better?
I still have no idea how you could:
a)hit the blinds next
b) be in the cutoff

Maybe it was 4 handed?
Wait, no.
c) limped to you with 3 callers.

WTF game are you playing?


ha, good catch. Meant UTG. The other guy "dealer" was late to act. It was a crazy last hand. Sorry I rushed and missed a few details
ha, good catch. Meant UTG. The other guy "dealer" was late to act. It was a crazy last hand. Sorry I rushed and missed a few details

So did you raise under the gun then?

Still kind of confused here.


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