and another one.... (1 Viewer)


Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah I'm here too. Shortened the name. I don't post much but I'm usually lurking. Glad to see lots of familiar names.
you were clitoris at the other place, right?

btw, i do not see your name on this list which is unacceptable.

i would like my name to be on that list, but have some "kids out of school/vacation" conflicts. hope i can get them worked out, always a great time!!!!
If he was "clitoris" does that mean he was "on the button"?

on the button with a boat.

i would like my name to be on that list, but have some "kids out of school/vacation" conflicts. hope i can get them worked out, always a great time!!!!

Yeah make it happen. Chippy is looking for ONE person to attend to better motivate his attendance and since Krafty can't come its either you or mikesdad, but since mikesdad attended DCS you're kinda on the hook. Flights are so cheap from Baltimore to Manchester, NH that you'd be losing money NOT attending.

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