SOLD AC Boardwalk 400 Chip Tournament Set (3 Viewers)

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4 of a Kind
Apr 15, 2019
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Rating - 100%
94   0   0
Pains me a little to do this, but I've put myself on a chip limit that I am currently over. I participated in the Midnight Casino Sun Fly buy and from looking at all my sets this is the only one I can stomach parting with. These chips really impressed me in how they feel, handled, and looked. If I had a more flexible breakdown I'd likely keep these and cut something else but I just bought two brand new 700 piece tournament sets which can handle two/three tables so these will have to fall on the ax. Great single table breakdown that can be used for rebuy or deepstack freezeout events. Im happy to include the 43mm racks that were given to me but that may increase shipping to LFRB.

$1000 + MFRB/LFRB. International is fine, at cost.

T25 x 100
T100 x 100
T500 x 80
T1000 x 100
T5000 x 20


Atlantic City Boardwalk.JPG
Just wanted to sell at my raw cost minus the shipping from Canada I paid. Not looking to make a dime :tup:.
I'm pretty new here, but I wasn't really meaning auction so that you could squeeze out maximum dollar. But when something really desirable and hard to come by like this is made available, the lucky sucker (no offense @AK Chip :D ) who happens to see it first, gets it. Within 3 minutes, in this case Mr Speedy! An auction determines the true value of the item, and there shouldn't be anything shady or greedy about selling something for it's true value, should there?

Like I say, I'm new, so maybe I just haven't developed the relationships yet that some of you guys have. And I probably open my mouth and speak out of turn more often than a new guy should. Not trying to make waves, I promise. It's a great set of chips! Sorry you had to sell them and I'm sure the new owner will enjoy them immensely.
I'm pretty new here, but I wasn't really meaning auction so that you could squeeze out maximum dollar. But when something really desirable and hard to come by like this is made available, the lucky sucker (no offense @AK Chip :D ) who happens to see it first, gets it. Within 3 minutes, in this case Mr Speedy! An auction determines the true value of the item, and there shouldn't be anything shady or greedy about selling something for it's true value, should there?

Like I say, I'm new, so maybe I just haven't developed the relationships yet that some of you guys have. And I probably open my mouth and speak out of turn more often than a new guy should. Not trying to make waves, I promise. It's a great set of chips! Sorry you had to sell them and I'm sure the new owner will enjoy them immensely.
This is completely reasonable. Many people do take this approach. I just wanted to guarantee getting my money back versus auctioning runs the risk of a small loss.
I'm pretty new here, but I wasn't really meaning auction so that you could squeeze out maximum dollar. But when something really desirable and hard to come by like this is made available, the lucky sucker (no offense @AK Chip :D ) who happens to see it first, gets it. Within 3 minutes, in this case Mr Speedy! An auction determines the true value of the item, and there shouldn't be anything shady or greedy about selling something for it's true value, should there?

Like I say, I'm new, so maybe I just haven't developed the relationships yet that some of you guys have. And I probably open my mouth and speak out of turn more often than a new guy should. Not trying to make waves, I promise. It's a great set of chips! Sorry you had to sell them and I'm sure the new owner will enjoy them immensely.
Why do you think he didn't sell it for their actual true value? Because someone wanted it and bought it within 3 minutes? So if a thing sells immediately, it's priced too low?

Just a counter thought. Maybe the reason it was bought immediately was because it was priced correctly.
Not a fan of first-strike dibs sales, or of auction sales.

Best -- and fairest -- approach is to list for fixed price, allow those who want it to express interest, and draw the winning buyer from the pool of buyers who want it at that price.

A dibs lottery sale. It should be the only type of sale allowed on a true collector site. The seller gets the price he wants, and all interested buyers get an equal chance to purchase.
I'm pretty new here, but I wasn't really meaning auction so that you could squeeze out maximum dollar. But when something really desirable and hard to come by like this is made available, the lucky sucker (no offense @AK Chip :D ) who happens to see it first, gets it. Within 3 minutes, in this case Mr Speedy! An auction determines the true value of the item, and there shouldn't be anything shady or greedy about selling something for it's true value, should there?
Gave some thoughts about this question over in your "n00b question" thread. Didn't want to derail the sale thread and also leaves a spot for potential further discussion once these are marked "sold" and thread locks.
Gave some thoughts about this question over in your "n00b question" thread. Didn't want to derail the sale thread and also leaves a spot for potential further discussion once these are marked "sold" and thread locks.
Stop being reasonable and helpful.
I'm pretty new here, but I wasn't really meaning auction so that you could squeeze out maximum dollar. But when something really desirable and hard to come by like this is made available, the lucky sucker (no offense @AK Chip :D ) who happens to see it first, gets it. Within 3 minutes, in this case Mr Speedy! An auction determines the true value of the item, and there shouldn't be anything shady or greedy about selling something for it's true value, should there?

Like I say, I'm new, so maybe I just haven't developed the relationships yet that some of you guys have. And I probably open my mouth and speak out of turn more often than a new guy should. Not trying to make waves, I promise. It's a great set of chips! Sorry you had to sell them and I'm sure the new owner will enjoy them immensely.
A lot people hold this mentality. I had this mentality when I first joined, didn't know wtf was going on, and I had an auction or two. I can see the value in it when you have something you just want to offload and it's obscure or cheaper, but you don't know whether that's a $20 or $60 or $100 rack or set, hard to know how people value a cheaper or damaged chips on here. And same goes for market value of a one of a kind, grail set. People can guess, but when you're talking the $5-$15k range, it's pretty hard to nail that down to a specific number. All this hoo ha about auctioning off all the regular chips you see here? There's a well known price, recent sales, etc. An auction at that point (often with the starting bid being what the actual sale price would be) is essentially picking up every penny. Obviously no issue there, just a different way of doing business.
Cant seem to find more pron of these chips, anyone with an idea or link?
Not a fan of first-strike dibs sales, or of auction sales.

Best -- and fairest -- approach is to list for fixed price, allow those who want it to express interest, and draw the winning buyer from the pool of buyers who want it at that price.

A dibs lottery sale. It should be the only type of sale allowed on a true collector site. The seller gets the price he wants, and all interested buyers get an equal chance to purchase.
not recommended for 28,000-chip sales :banghead:
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