A question I hadn't thought to ask before now: Why would a casino prefer RHC over THC? I had just assumed that RHC are cheaper. Is that right?
From everything I’ve read that was shared by the
NAGB folks (prior to the Tigers - seems like pricing has gone way up recently,) no, RHCs aren’t cheaper (or at least they weren’t.)
And two things that I think I’ve gleaned, reading between the lines are this:
I) pricing for Paulsons in the past has been puzzling, almost arbitrary. Like a job might be priced out before the chips are even designed - no price difference for molds or spot patterns, despite the likelihood that some were more expensive to produce and more desirable to own than others.
2) Paulson chip design defaults to hands-off unless the buyer chooses to get involved. This one is more of an assumption. But I’ve had the feeling that the typical transaction goes something like this - casino requests 100,000 chips - Paulson/GPI/angel/whoever people design everything themselves, get the casino to sign off on proofs, then they crank them out. So like
@Poker Zombie said, they just default to things like
RHC and simpler spot patterns, unless otherwise requested.
(All of the above are assumptions and inferences)