SOLD Lakeshore Inn Set - 820 chips (2 Viewers)

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Obviously nothing can live up to the leaded goodness and I know gpi won’t repeat colors, but will they still make the 16 spot pattern?
8.8 a chip, wow! Nice job. Congrats @navels
I think of it more as $10/chip (for the 1/5/20), and $200 for the rack of fracs. Ballpark anyway.
And....worth every penny.

Based on some quick math and using the ratios I paid for mine, here's the best estimate I have for where these landed on a per chip denom basis per rack.

25¢ = $250
50¢ = $300
$1s = $738
$5s = $1107
$20s = $1328
Based on some quick math and using the ratios I paid for mine, here's the best estimate I have for where these landed on a per chip denom basis per rack.

25¢ = $250
50¢ = $300
$1s = $738
$5s = $1107
$20s = $1328
Im sure @navels will sell you a rack of $20s back if you want them :whistle: :whistling:
And am I the only one thinking these should become lakeshore fracs
Based on some quick math and using the ratios I paid for mine, here's the best estimate I have for where these landed on a per chip denom basis per rack.

25¢ = $250
50¢ = $300
$1s = $738
$5s = $1107
$20s = $1328


I know you’re far more intelligent than I am, but you had a typo on this one. You had an extra “1” in the price of the $5s racks. I’ll take two racks of $5s at my calculation.

The yellows draw your eyes but actually those blues are pretty damn special too. A stonking set!
I agree, the $1s are beyond epic.

Ya, I don't know which chip is better, the $1s or the $5s. These are hands down the greatest $5s ever and the greatest $1s ever IMO. The $1s have to be seen in person to be fully appreciated. Probably why chippy was asking "are these really blaze orange?". The pics just never do them justice. They're on fire!
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