Found RHC Fracs - Jack, MGM, HSI, IOC, S&K Cardroom (1 Viewer)

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Jan 6, 2023
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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Rating - 100%
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It's time to start looking for RHC Chips I can either use as fracs or Over label them into fracs. I need quarters and Nickels basically and hope you can help. Below I'm looking for a rack or two of each. Any help would be appreciated.

NEED: 1 rack or 2 racks of the following
  • Jack Detroit Tournament Solid Purple T500, Need only 80 more.
  • HSI Secondary Blue Fracs
  • Jack Detroit Pink Snappers
  • IOC Blue Snapper
  • S&K Cardroom Fives
  • Jack Detroit Tournament Solid T500, T1k, T5k, T25k
  • Jack Detroit Fracs, ya right :/
  • MGM Detroit Fracs (old or live)
  • RHC Peach Solids
  • RHC Day Blue Solids
  • RHC Blue Live Chips
  • RHC Park MGM Las Vegas (black with peach spots)
  • RHC Blue Sheraton Roulette, or maybe yellow
  • RHC WSOP Horseshoe Cleveland, OH T100, T500, T1k, T5k, T25k 36mm Tourney chips
  • Possibly a rack of Peach Starburst THC must be Mint and matched or close to mint.
*note... Looking for SINGLES of any of these in order to sample and get my hands on them to help drive a decision.


I know some of these are snappers. I'd be murdering them. If you have something intersting along these lines for use in a Jack Detroit set please send some pics and suggestions. I'm still trying to figure out the fracs for Jack Detoit Micro Cash.

HAVES: Here are the Jack Detroits I'll be integrating them into. Here's what I have below.

Just picked up some Jack Tournament 500s and it's possible this might be a good solution? what do you guys think? Added to my list of stuff I'm looking for. Have one barrel, could be persuaded to pick up 80 more to fill the rack.

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One of my favorite racks - would potentially be open to trade but less interested in selling.

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I bought my first paulson about a month ago so not much in terms of trade bait but let's stay in touch. I think you have a gorgeous set of chips here and would love an opportunity to buy them. Everyone's been super helpful here and I have 200 JD dollars, a rack of melons and if things turn out today perhaps a rack of fives and few barrels of hundreds. It's all getting felted and felt up and down by my friends and friends of friends lol. But I've put a tremendous amount of thught into it and these do have a place as an over labeled frac. Thanks man. Let's stay in touch. This post is more of a project and less of a quick grab. thanks for reaching out.
Don't forget about bluechips! Top tier RHC frac

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Love it, already quarters as well. Would go nicely with the S&Ks if those could be acquired :/ message quantity, condition and price and let's talk. still the Michigan theme as well but technically it's in Indiana lol. thanks for the post. Message me what you're thinking.
It's time to start looking for RHC Chips I can either use as fracs or Murder them into fracs. I need quarters and Nickels basically and you can help. Below I'm looking for a rack or two of each. .........

HAVES: Here are the Jack Detroits I'll be integrating them into. Here's what I have below.
View attachment 1091228
You can do what you want, but I some of the chips you list are going cost you a fortune. Maybe you don't care...idk. Anyway, if I was trying to accomplish what you are asking for I would be looking for either 2 solid RHC's probably Blue & yellow or blue and tan/peach or something along those lines or 1 solid and 1 simple spot pattern. JACK Cinci $2's could work, but they are not cheap. Some of the JACK Cinci & JACK Detroit solid Tourney chips might be nice. Inlaid solids can be murdered and made into just about anything your heart desires....
You can do what you want, but I some of the chips you list are going cost you a fortune. Maybe you don't care...idk. Anyway, if I was trying to accomplish what you are asking for I would be looking for either 2 solid RHC's probably Blue & yellow or blue and tan/peach or something along those lines or 1 solid and 1 simple spot pattern. JACK Cinci $2's could work, but they are not cheap. Some of the JACK Cinci & JACK Detroit solid Tourney chips might be nice. Inlaid solids can be murdered and made into just about anything your heart desires....
Hey I really appreciate the calibration. Yes, cost is a consideration but I don't mind investing in quarters since they'll be the workhorse in a micro stakes game with nickel/dime blinds. Yes thinking solids RHC for the nickels and Blues would be amazing. Canary or Daisy yellow solids would be great as well. The five edge spot has Daisy in it. But with Dollars being the big raise chips in a $20 buy-in game nickel quarter pots would look pretty boring both solids. I'm also open to blue or yellow THC and I have a Bridgeport and wouldn't mind milling out some foil stamped either. I'm really open to some great suggestions so thanks. I do, however want a nice quarter. Thanks for the comments and the wisdom. What set are you building right now? And do you have any solids?

Also a link to to where some of this design thinking came from.
Designs built around a set of S&K but that deal fell through.

Designs built around what solid color works best with this set.

Both these links are "Polls" that are still open for voting. Go and vote and influence the decisions of those of us who are building around Jack Detroits. Thanks.
Update, looking for singles of any of these as samples to get in my hands. Also looking for one of these Seven Mile Casino in crisp condition to consider going with the pink snappers. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? let me know your thoughts and interested in singles.
Should I take this to mean you’re no longer interested in Santa Ysabel $2s, as they’re not on your list?
Should I take this to mean you’re no longer interested in Santa Ysabel $2s, as they’re not on your list?
Unfortunately This Nickel has really been a challenge to figure out and I've settled, and purchased the pink snappers so looking for something now that looks proper with the lineup above. pm incoming.
Just got a barrel of Jack Tournament $500s and what do you guys think? Added to my list of stuff I'm looking for at the top of the post. Could use 80 more to complete a rack. thoughts?

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