Fight at Harrah's New Orleans Poker Room (1 Viewer)

Anthony Martino

Royal Flush
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
Some justice or karma porn for you guys here.

The story I've gathered is the guy in the red shirt had won a $40,000 pot, the loser was so upset he called one of his bigger buddies to come over and beat him up. The dude in the red shirt gets sucker punched and told to sit down bitch, and gets up and handles his business.

Word is that red shirt didn't get 86'd, but fatty mcmuscles did as well as the instigator that sent him there in the first place.

Yeah, "Security is on the way?" Where are they? Should have been on those dudes before the first punch. Weak effort from the Casino IMO only using the video as a reference point. Glad Red shirt didn't get pounded.
This was discussed pretty exhaustively on 2+2 when it happened a year ago.
This comment at 2+2 had me rolling:

I just had to rewatch. Never caught seat 2 just chillin through it all til you all pointed it out. That's funny.

He didn't wanna risk breaking the 3rd man walking rule.
They didnt provide red with a "safe place". I hope the casino got sued to death. This is BS. Good for Red.
While all of this was happening, Phil Hellmuth's aces were being cracked by a guy who called a raise with Q-10

comment on the video lol.

A $40k pot, that had to be a high stakes table, crazy they didn't already have security there. I know every casino I've been to has security guarding the high stakes section.
I'm somewhat amazed that security didn't show up either during this two minute video. The casinos here in Ohio have at least two gaming officers on premises at all times who carry weapons and have full arrest powers, plus there's usually a contingency of off-duty LEOs working side jobs hanging about. The regular casino security guys are supposed to be able to be anywhere within 60 seconds with sworn officers there soon after. Hell at our local Dave and Busters there's usually one or two cops roaming around and they've got house radios too.

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