CCM Sweet Sixteen: Aviation Club de France (tournament) v. Crystal Park (2 Viewers)

Aviation Club or Crystal Park?

  • Aviation Club

    Votes: 80 72.7%
  • Crystal Park

    Votes: 30 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Royal Flush
Oct 28, 2014
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Poll open for 7 days...







This is the toughest first round decision for me. CP has a slight edge by having paulson denominations from .5 to 5000. ACF only has the paulson tourneys, the rest of the ACF lineup is super weak.
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What do you consider the better $100? I love them both.

I like both too, but I like the 6-spot better generally (would rather have the 8-spot if there are going to be STACKS of them in play though, somehow. ;))
Not my pic - totally forgot there even was a 5k. Aren't there like, 30 of them that exist or something like that?

There are very few, I am not sure how many. I would really like to get my hands on all of them.

This is the toughest first round decision for me. CP has a slight edge by having paulson denominations from .5 to 5000. ACF only has the paulson tourneys, the rest of the ACF lineup is super weak.

Tough call, but the rest of ACF is so not weak! The B&G cash set is awesome.
More pix of the paulsons here.
As much as I like the ACF, the CP buzz, sparkle, and pop electric. It was an unfortunate draw for the ACF, who should have beat out half the field. Now I have that beautiful set going down in round 1.
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Unfortunately for the CPs, I've always viewed them as the (lesser) second cousin to the Vineyards. The edge spots on the 1s, 2s, and 5s just lack any type of energy. You have the whole color pallette to work with, and that's the best you can do?!? It's just wrong. The CPs hit a home run on the inlay, which simply crushes the ACFs. But like Larry, the ACFs are probably my favorite tournament set out there, which easily tips the scales for them over the CPs.
I never even saw the ACF's before. Wow. Awesome looking chips. The CPs lose me with the blah edgespots.
This is a battle of heavyweights.

I'm more taken with the relative exclusivity of the ACFs than the look of the chips themselves. All the low denomination 614 chips don't really stand out... and we now know how that metallic gold 500 could end up looking with enough use. The 5k and up chips; bellissimo.

I love love love the colors of the Crystal Parks and they fit perfectly with the inlay. The misaligned printed spots on the grand inlay chips are so wrong, but this is a top 5 set for me.
For me, this is a no-brainer. CP lower denoms have some of the worst (if not THE worst) inlays of all time..... whoever thought that faux edge spots on a giant inlay was a good idea -- especially ones that don't match color, dimension, or location of the actual spots -- is/was an idiot.
The Pink Floyd in me has always liked the goofy inlay on the CP's, plus Cali colors rock. They just never grabbed me like they did a lot of folks in the day.

The Aviation Club's are one of the nicest tournament sets for me to come around. Easy pick here.

Aviation Club +
After sleeping on it I have shifted my vote to ACF. This is just a tough, tough bracket. May still shift back before it's over.

Edit: no changing votes. I accept the outcome either way.
*sigh*...Crystal Parks. They start out with a strike against them because of RHC. Then they went and got...uh...creative with the inlays. What the everloving fuck were they thinking with those spotted inlays? I could have understood if they were trying to extend the spots even further inward so as to give the illusion of a 1/2" deep spot. Buuuut...they weren't. They just covered up perfectly good spots with fake spots, and in the process jacked up the alignment.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

The numerous oversized chips bug me even more. From a casino perspective I'm sure they work fine, but for home use, I greatly prefer not to have to store them differently/seperately from the rest of the set.

I mostly like the design of the inlay itself although I'd prefer the denom to be slightly larger) and the colors of the $3 & $10 on up, but as a whole, this one is a non-starter for me.

And even if most of that weren't true, the ACF's would come along and kick the CP's in the junk anyway.

ACF's in a landslide for me.
The CPs lose me with the blah edgespots.

Zactly. I'm a CP loyalist having owned thousands but the truth is, when I take several steps back and pretend to look with fresh eyes the ACF's kill it. I do prefer CP's inlay but I'm putting more weight on chip base and spots here since neither inlay is exceptional.

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