For Sale Paulson chips (Grand Vic, Winners Club, Binions / Palms / 4 Queens, and Royal Diamonds) (1 Viewer)

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Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
16   0   0
I’m taking a trip to Vegas, so I’m looking to raise some funds for some poker tourneys!

A) Grand Victoria Primary $25s In typical worn condition. $85 per rack for 1, $80 per eack for 2 or $75 per rack for all 3. - ALL 3 RACKS SOLD

B) Winner’s Club 43mm Paulson $1000 chips.
In excellent condition. Each rack (plus 1 additional chip) is $750 $700 $625 PRICE DROP per rack. $725 $675 $600 per rack if you take both.

C) Palms / Binions / 4 Queens 43mm Paulson chips. $850PRICE DROP $800 $700 for the set (4 racks)
Chips are in excellent condition.
Can be used as a tourney set (green 25s, grey 100s, pink 500s and light blue 1ks) , or as a cash set (blue fracs, grey dollars, pink 5s and green 25s)

D) Royal Diamond cash set. Exactly as shown. Some chips are in good condition, but most are worn.
2 racks of dollars, 3 racks of 5s and 1 rack of 25s.
All THC mold. All nice and heavy with that great leaded feel.


F) Royal Diamond RHC giant inlay chips.
These are in better condition than the THC versions. There are two types, ‘96 Year of the Rat and ‘97 year of the Ox.
Mixed racks. $125 per rack or $215 for both racks.


This is NOT a dibs sale. If I’ve had issues with you, I may not sell to you. If we’ve had good interactions, you may get them for less. Life’s not fair.

AND as an added bonus. For the buyers, I will randomly choose one person for each tournament I enter down in Vegas, and you’ll get a 5% freeroll of any winnings from that tourney. Whether that has any value or not, is pretty open to debate, lol.
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Bump to add, any items not sold by Friday (possibly Saturday) will likely be removed from sale, and stored away again. Or at least will have priices raised.
Lot A is pending
Lot D is sold

Price drop on lots B and C

Lot F has had multiple people interested, but no one committed yet.
Sitting in the hospital on weird medication price drop.
Get your oversized Paulson chips now.
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