Chip shuffling with china clay (2 Viewers)


High Hand
Jan 27, 2024
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I've been playing poker for about 2 years now, and I've always used the cheap plastic dice poker chips. Now I want to upgrade to a fancier set, and after getting samples, I've decided I'm either getting Majestic chips, or Milano chips. I have a sample of the Majestic chips, and one for Milano on the way, but I am having a hard time shuffling the chips with the Majestic set. The plastic chips shuffle really easily in comparison. Am I doing something wrong? Will the Majestic chips become easier to shuffle over time?

PS: I tried shuffling before and after oiling the Majestic chips, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference unless i did it wrong.
Break in period. If you think the Majestics are hard then mint Paulsons would drive you crazy. Give them a little time, they will loosen up.
I agree that the break in period is important, especially with China clays. But there are also some little things you can do to improve the feel. Some folks like oiling with a bit of mineral oil (there’s a bunch of threads on that specially for China clays, they don’t absorb oil as much as “real” clay chips like paulsons) and what I did was take a super high grit sandpaper and rub each chip once or twice on either side. It helped with slippery chips in my Pharaoh China Clay set
When the Majestics are sent, there is a residue on them from manufacturing and/or packaging.

Simply cleaning that off will eliminate most of the problem you are having. A light application of mineral oil will also improve the shuffleabillitudeness of them.

Look that word up. It's a for real word I made up.
I own both majestic and royals. Shuffling them feels different than shuffling my Tina’s or a set of CPC. Eventually you figure it out.
I'll say this, I've had a sample of Royals for a while, and I take it to any of my poker nights as shuffling chips. They are just so nice to shuffle, best I've handled. The size probably helps, but they are same-ish material as Majestics.
I'll say this, I've had a sample of Royals for a while, and I take it to any of my poker nights as shuffling chips. They are just so nice to shuffle, best I've handled. The size probably helps, but they are same-ish material as Majestics.
I just got a set of milanos after playing a lot with a sample. They do eventually shuffle decently, but my ceramics samples shuffle soooo nicely after a breaking them out. Gonna get a second tournament ceramic set, while the milanos will be the cash game set

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