Am I being ridiculous? (1 Viewer)

Apr 4, 2020
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I play in a semi-regular game with some friends and do not think I was really being angled, but this last game left me with a bad taste in my mouth. The guy who hosts it always talks about how he loves 'action' and that is why he is always pushing for circus games and split pot games that I think slow the game down and are very bad for newer players. We resolved that issue by doing a dealers choice button that basically goes the opposite direction for the dealer button and we have limited the circus games to once an orbit.

The problem I had with the last game is he was constantly wanting to run it twice every time it would get heads up, specifically with 2 regs in the game that were directly to his right. These 3 are the regulars in this game and the other 4 players were people I have brought to the game who play occasionally (like myself). They were all 150-300bb's deep and it is my understanding that you need somebody all in to run it twice. Nobody was close to all in on any of these. We are also playing small stakes (.50/$1 blinds) so I don't really see the need to reduce variance or whatever the justification would be. Especially if you're always talking about how you love 'action'.

The usual pattern would be a pre flop raise by the host, it would fold around to one of the other 2 players, he would call and the host would immediately say, 'how about we put $5 (or $10) in and run it twice?" Which they would then do.

One hand we were playing some variant of hold 'em where you get three hole cards. I raised to $3 (standard raise in this game), host raised to $10, which is a very large pre-flop raise in this game. Of course, this folded me and everyone else out except one of the regulars. They then put in $10 and ran it twice. The host turns over 7-8-10 rainbow. This hand allows for no flushes or full house possibilities, which I thought was strange to be aggressive with in a game that usually will take a bare minimum of a high straight to win. I folded 8-9-10 and would have hit a straight on the first board and won the hand. I folded because with a $10 pre-flop raise, I realized I was probably looking at somewhere between $60-$100 in bets if I continued to the river and didn't want to get in a big pot with this hand. Of course, If I knew I could call and end the action with a max risk of $20 (presuming the other regs folded) I would be a lot more likely to play the hand.

Let me be clear, I do not think I was intentionally being angled. One of the regs is a very good friend of mine, and the host and other reg are good dudes. A more likely scenario is that he saw it being run twice in a TV show and thinks this is something 'good' players do.

I feel this can appear to be collusion, by forcing players who have put money into the pot to fold with the expectation that the pot will be large, and keeps pots artificially low greatly reducing their risk. Also, it is impossible to run a bluff against a guy when running it twice and if I sometimes agree to run it twice and sometimes don't, that can be a pretty easy tell.

My question is, is it a normal rule to only allow running it twice when someone is all in, or am I being a baby about this? I am hesitant to say anything, because I feel they kind of look at me as a whiner since I objected to a game when we were playing circus games every hand and played 6 hands in an hour. They accommodated me on that with the dealers choice button and I don't want to be the guy that is a perceived whiner.

Let me know what you think.
The guy who hosts it always talks about how he loves 'action' and that is why he is always pushing for circus games and split pot games ... he was constantly wanting to run it twice every time it would get heads up,
They then put in $10 and ran it twice. The host turns over 7-8-10 rainbow.
Weird rules but none of this prevents you from making money. Your host is telling you that they loves seeing rivers with a very wide range. Charge accordingly.
Without knowing any other details in the OP, I'd be wary of collusion, especially if it's the same one or two buddies of the host and the host squeezing everyone else out of the pot after they put money in pre, and chopping up what is left.

Maybe the host doesn't realize what he is doing, but if he is cognizant of what he is doing, I'd think long and hard about how much of a friend he really is. We're not talking cheeseburger stakes here. This kind of money matters to the average person.

Angle? No. But I'd consider the possibility that you and the other players at the table are being colluded against by host and his cronies.

I'd text the host privately that I'm not coming back unless hands are run once only and gauge his reaction.
Weird rules but none of this prevents you from making money. Your host is telling you that they loves seeing rivers with a very wide range. Charge accordingly.

My problem is the arbitrary nature of running it twice every time he gets heads up, not the action part. I realize I can play more aggressively (and do) with good hands. It kind of caught me off guard when he kept doing this with the same 2 players. I saw more running it twice in one night than I have in the past 5 years.

Isn't the standard for running it twice or more that someone needs to be all-in, or am I imagining this?
My problem is the arbitrary nature of running it twice every time he gets heads up, not the action part. I realize I can play more aggressively (and do) with good hands. It kind of caught me off guard when he kept doing this with the same 2 players. I saw more running it twice in one night than I have in the past 5 years.

Isn't the standard for running it twice or more that someone needs to be all-in, or am I imagining this?
Yes, generally RIT requires everyone all in.

But as long as the host isn't playing favorites and would RIT with you, I don't see a problem necessarily, though I agree that it's lame, might as well play limit or short stack at that point. Of course whether you want to play in such a game is up to you.
Let me get this straight.. so host likes to suggest to add $5/$10 preflop after it’s been raised and run it twice? With no further betting on any streets? Sounds like the host is trying to get to the river cheap. I’d consider collusion if host is selective with whom he does this with.
It sounds like this game isn't for you.

With that said, can I get his contact info?

I really like the guys and the game is usually a great time. The problem is several players don't show up any more after the move to circus games and it's almost impossible for him to get more than 3-4 players unless I bring a few guys. There would be no game most of the time if I don't show up with friends. The 6 hands in one hour night really made me realize that this was bad for the game.
If I was in the hand, I wouldn't agree to running it twice. Sounds like if you play with premium starting hands and don't agree to running it twice you'll take his money.

I was never in one of these situations with him. It seemed to always be with the other 2 regs.
I really like the guys and the game is usually a great time. The problem is several players don't show up any more after the move to circus games and it's almost impossible for him to get more than 3-4 players unless I bring a few guys. There would be no game most of the time if I don't show up with friends. The 6 hands in one hour night really made me realize that this was bad for the game.
Sounds like he's creating a game that folks don't want to play in. Circus games are tricky, some folks love them, some folks hate them. I've had the best luck introducing them slowly, like 1 new game a night to get everyone comfortable with them and it speeds things up when you don't have to explain the rules to someone every single deal.
I really like the guys and the game is usually a great time. The problem is several players don't show up any more after the move to circus games and it's almost impossible for him to get more than 3-4 players unless I bring a few guys. There would be no game most of the time if I don't show up with friends. The 6 hands in one hour night really made me realize that this was bad for the game.
If he can only get 3-4 players and your bringing the rest of the other players, I’d consider starting your own game.
The only thing I find ridiculous is that you want less circus games :)

I am not opposed to circus games per se, but it really slows things down, especially with less experienced players. If I know I am playing circus all night I am less inclined to cut loose, have a few drinks and be friendly with my buddies, since I need to be more focused.. I consider that more of a 'serious' game than a friendly game.
I am not opposed to circus games per se, but it really slows things down, especially with less experienced players. If I know I am playing circus all night I am less inclined to cut loose, have a few drinks and be friendly with my buddies, since I need to be more focused.. I consider that more of a 'serious' game than a friendly game.

That is the opposite approach at my house lol
I am not opposed to circus games per se, but it really slows things down, especially with less experienced players. If I know I am playing circus all night I am less inclined to cut loose, have a few drinks and be friendly with my buddies, since I need to be more focused.. I consider that more of a 'serious' game than a friendly game.
That’s not how it works

I wonder if he’s doing that with his friends because he feels they are the only ones that will do $20 flips. Maybe it’s too much for others he feels.
If he can only get 3-4 players and your bringing the rest of the other players, I’d consider starting your own game.

I live about 45 min away from the rest of the players and do host occasionally, but the reason this game used to be good is that he's a single guy and is up for a game almost any time. I realistically can host about 4-5 times a year and he can host probably 3 weeks out of every month. Plus, if I am hosting it is the exact same players that are at his game plus maybe 1 or 2 more. I do realize I can lay down the law at my game. My issue is more with constantly running it twice when nobody is all in at his game.
Sounds like he doesn’t want his friends to lose money lol and he’s giving them a pass
In that case, fuck that noise. I'd be a little more tolerant of it maybe if it was $10 or $20 cheeseburger stakes, but even then, I'd loudly ask next time I was in a hand why I wasn't offered the option to run it twice while his friends have been.
IMO you are being a little ridiculous but that’s your choice and there are a lot of people who would have same reaction.

It’s not unheard of to allow deals in heads up pots at a home game.

If he’s isolating way too wide in such an obvious manner then there are easy adjustments available to you.
Sounds like he doesn’t want his friends to lose money lol and he’s giving them a pass

I don't think he is doing anything shady intentionally, but I do think he knows those 2 guys will agree to it almost every time and he wants to limit his risk.

Once again, small sample size for the night but it appeared to be a pattern. I really don't think he has bad intentions, as I said he is more likely to have seen this on TV and thinks it's a savvy play that good players do.
I wouldn't say he never offers it to other players, but this night I can't remember a situation that didn't involve the 2 regs.
If he offers anyone in the same spot at least once, then it's a bit like chopping- you wouldn't keep offering to someone who's already turned you down. Technically it still creates unfair pot dynamics but if it's a super casual home game, I wouldn't make a big deal.

But if he has never offered you, that's a red flag.
If he offers anyone in the same spot at least once, then it's a bit like chopping- you wouldn't keep offering to someone who's already turned you down. Technically it still creates unfair pot dynamics but if it's a super casual home game, I wouldn't make a big deal.

But if he has never offered you, that's a red flag.

In the past myself and another player have turned him down, and that may have something to do with it. However, this night I don't think myself or the other player were ever actually in a heads up situation with him.
In the past myself and another player have turned him down, and that may have something to do with it. However, this night I don't think myself or the other player were ever actually in a heads up situation with him.
So hes not offering you the thing you've previously turned down and probably disparaged. That seems pretty normal.

It really sounds like you and the host just have fun in different ways. I can't understand circus games being more sober and more serious, I dont understand why lol. We introduce those with rounds most of the time.

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