Video Games? (1 Viewer)

Just picked up Xcom 2 Collection with all the DLC and expansions

I found the War of the Chosen expansion to be too cartooney/cheesy and the constantly yammering invincible chosen break the immersion for me

Now playing through the base game instead, but finding the constant pop ups annoying. Ifly somewhere to pickup new supplies orexpand the resistance and then before it finishes I'm interrupted about a mission somewhere else that it warns me not to skip
Just picked up Xcom 2 Collection with all the DLC and expansions

I found the War of the Chosen expansion to be too cartooney/cheesy and the constantly yammering invincible chosen break the immersion for me

Now playing through the base game instead, but finding the constant pop ups annoying. Ifly somewhere to pickup new supplies orexpand the resistance and then before it finishes I'm interrupted about a mission somewhere else that it warns me not to skip

Another one of those games (XCom remake) that I never finished because I kept wanting to level up my guys and make the perfect base/team. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I was recently introduced to an older game, Space Empires IV Deluxe and I'm really enjoying playing with people (AI kinda blows). Currently on discount at Steam (€1.99), I wonder if we could get a chipper game going? :)
Overwatch is free starting today thru next Monday. If anyone on PC wants to give it a try and play, lemme know! My guess is that there will be a BF/CM sale price as well, so great way to try the game and buy it at a discount :)
Overwatch is free starting today thru next Monday. If anyone on PC wants to give it a try and play, lemme know! My guess is that there will be a BF/CM sale price as well, so great way to try the game and buy it at a discount :)

Great game. Only game I play since launch.
Finished Vanilla Xcom 2, started up War of the Chosen to see that extra content. But been getting distracted, hopped into a Crusader Kings 2 game starting in the Viking era as a Duke in the area of Flanders.

Took awhile but I conquered another Duchy and recently created the Kingdom of Frisia so bumped my Dynasty and Prestige quite a bit. Been declaring holy wars to claim lands from those pagan Vikings to make it happen.

Not sure if I'll continue pressing the pagans or turn towards France, Germany or England next. Going to fortify my lands and keep the vassals happy before I figure out the next move.
I played Overwatch a lot but really started giving up on it around the end of 2017. Just wasn't fun for me anymore with no one co-operating like you're supposed to and treating it like any other CoD or Battlefield Team Deathmatch game.

Oh, and I wasn't very good at it either.
I played Overwatch a lot but really started giving up on it around the end of 2017. Just wasn't fun for me anymore with no one co-operating like you're supposed to and treating it like any other CoD or Battlefield Team Deathmatch game.

Oh, and I wasn't very good at it either.
Was that before comp/ranked and the looking for group tool were introduced? If you haven't played in awhile you may find the game has changed, dunno.
I've been playing Heroes of the Storm between 3-12 games daily since it came out over 3 years ago. 95% of my play is "Quick Match". Anyone care to join me?

I build my own PC rigs. My current one is 7 yrs old. During that span the only components that I haven't replaced/upgraded are the CPU, Motherboard, and Sound Card.

The system partially survived a storm surge that made it thru my UPS last year. In addition it took out the cable modem, router, and NIC but stopped there.
I've been playing Heroes of the Storm between 3-12 games daily since it came out over 3 years ago. 95% of my play is "Quick Match". Anyone care to join me?

I might be up to play sometime. What's your battle tag?
Did someone say video games?

Here's my Nintendo Setup. For the OCDs out there, don't worry! I fixed the order of the consoles from left to right, NES, SNES, N64, GCN, so all is right with the world.

I'm currently building shelf to go under the Trinitron that will house my Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dremcast, and PS2. Then, I'll just need to figure out what to do with my Xbox.

I also recently got an Analoge SuperNT, and I can't say enough good things about it. It's great for SNES on the HDTV+. I don't have an extensive cartridge collection, but I am about to pull the trigger on a few Everdrives on Black Friday to expand my access to titles.

Any one else have love for retro?

I played ranked, but it just didn't make sense to me. I went 7-2-1 in my placement matches once and got placed in silver tier. And then you're stuck in ELO hell for the whole season.

Only game type I ended up playing was Mystery Heroes because that offered a lot of strange and funny possibilities. And it made you play characters you normally wouldn't choose.
I played ranked, but it just didn't make sense to me. I went 7-2-1 in my placement matches once and got placed in silver tier. And then you're stuck in ELO hell for the whole season.

I play 10 placement matches every season in HotS and also don't understand it. I've been as poor as 2-8 and as good as 8-2 and was silver both times. I've made gold once.
Did someone say video games?

Here's my Nintendo Setup. For the OCDs out there, don't worry! I fixed the order of the consoles from left to right, NES, SNES, N64, GCN, so all is right with the world.

I'm currently building shelf to go under the Trinitron that will house my Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dremcast, and PS2. Then, I'll just need to figure out what to do with my Xbox.

I also recently got an Analoge SuperNT, and I can't say enough good things about it. It's great for SNES on the HDTV+. I don't have an extensive cartridge collection, but I am about to pull the trigger on a few Everdrives on Black Friday to expand my access to titles.

Any one else have love for retro?
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Cool setup!

I grew-up playing video games but haven't touched a console for many many years. I just picked-up the NES Classic for the kids Christmas present. Figure they can start with the same games I did! lol. Can't wait to play some of the classics... oh wait, it's for the kids... right.
I played ranked, but it just didn't make sense to me. I went 7-2-1 in my placement matches once and got placed in silver tier. And then you're stuck in ELO hell for the whole season.

Only game type I ended up playing was Mystery Heroes because that offered a lot of strange and funny possibilities. And it made you play characters you normally wouldn't choose.

Yeah I placed in bronze this season, silver last season. Can't climb out but I haven't really put many hours into it, just a game or three every couple nights. I'm not sure how the placements work but I generally still have fun as long as I use the lfg tool or play 2-3 stacks with friends. Solo queue can be cancerous... Hopefully they add some better matchmaking and/or role queue to help that out.
Mainly solo queue for me. And I have no problem playing Support (actually not too bad with Lucio) but when a game with a team dynamic isn't followed by your side, you get slaughtered awfully fast.
Did someone say video games?

Here's my Nintendo Setup. For the OCDs out there, don't worry! I fixed the order of the consoles from left to right, NES, SNES, N64, GCN, so all is right with the world.

I'm currently building shelf to go under the Trinitron that will house my Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dremcast, and PS2. Then, I'll just need to figure out what to do with my Xbox.

I also recently got an Analoge SuperNT, and I can't say enough good things about it. It's great for SNES on the HDTV+. I don't have an extensive cartridge collection, but I am about to pull the trigger on a few Everdrives on Black Friday to expand my access to titles.

Any one else have love for retro?

I wanted to build a bartop arcade for my kids Christmas present using a Rasberry Pi. Put all the old arcade, Nintendo and Super Nintendo stuff on there. Unfortunately work got in the way, so it will probably be a birthday present now. They are only 3 and 5, so I have some time.

Currently I have been playing Red Dead Redemption 2.
Mainly solo queue for me. And I have no problem playing Support (actually not too bad with Lucio) but when a game with a team dynamic isn't followed by your side, you get slaughtered awfully fast.

Seen that countless times. Plus, there are just some combos of heroes on teams that are just insanely devastating with lots of CC and dive. Saw one the other day where Garrosh would repeatedly throw the target to Stitches who'd then "eat" the target and run away and/or behind their gates. I think there was a Kerrigan in that game too. If you were melee or didn't have escape skills it was worse than brutal.

Regarding my own hero prefs, I'm a jack of all trades. I have several regulars/favorites in every category and can run them all efficiently thus can fill any role needed.
Mainly solo queue for me. And I have no problem playing Support (actually not too bad with Lucio) but when a game with a team dynamic isn't followed by your side, you get slaughtered awfully fast.

Yeah, that's why I often use LFG and queue as a six stack, games are harder and sometimes you can come up against a team that crushes you but at least everyone is generally working together and on voice chat.

The best option IMO is to queue as 2 or 3 that can coordinate well.
I play massive amounts of Dota 2 these days, almost always with my wife, but that's all for PC games at the moment. When my desktop computer isn't screwing with me (computer suddenly stopped recognizing the SSD I use for boot and programs, after I shut it off in May and tried to turn it back on in September, go figure), I also enjoy the Civilization series (loved IV and V, still getting into VI), SimCity (but ugh, it's buggy), The Sims, and various online games like backgammon, spades, and of course poker. Overwatch is okay, but I have a hard time dealing with WASD controls in FPSs; I grew up with Quake, but most of my shooters have been on console, so I'm much more adept with a console controller.

I also recently made the switch from Xbox to PlayStation, so PS4 it is. My main slate of games are the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, and I go on a long stretch of Assassin's Creed sometimes too. I also bounce back to FPSs once in a while, though I lost my zeal for those with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (c'mon with the jet-boost crap). The Modern Warfare ones were always my favorites, but they really butchered multiplayer with AW. Halo is good too, but I just haven't been into it as much lately, and of course no more of that, since it's Xbox exclusive.

Also, there's this odd game called Culdcept that's like a tabletop card game (e.g., Magic) blended with Monopoly. Last non-portable iteration was Culdcept Saga on Xbox 360, and before that Culdcept on original PS. You roll dice to move around an interactive board and place creature cards, and your opponents can either try to fight if they land on them, or concede and pay you a toll. There are item and spell cards you can use along the way. It's not the most popular game, but there's a dedicated core of followers, and even playing against the AI is pretty fun.
I play massive amounts of Dota 2 these days, almost always with my wife, but that's all for PC games at the moment. When my desktop computer isn't screwing with me (computer suddenly stopped recognizing the SSD I use for boot and programs, after I shut it off in May and tried to turn it back on in September, go figure), I also enjoy the Civilization series (loved IV and V, still getting into VI), SimCity (but ugh, it's buggy), The Sims, and various online games like backgammon, spades, and of course poker. Overwatch is okay, but I have a hard time dealing with WASD controls in FPSs; I grew up with Quake, but most of my shooters have been on console, so I'm much more adept with a console controller.

I also recently made the switch from Xbox to PlayStation, so PS4 it is. My main slate of games are the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, and I go on a long stretch of Assassin's Creed sometimes too. I also bounce back to FPSs once in a while, though I lost my zeal for those with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (c'mon with the jet-boost crap). The Modern Warfare ones were always my favorites, but they really butchered multiplayer with AW. Halo is good too, but I just haven't been into it as much lately, and of course no more of that, since it's Xbox exclusive.

Also, there's this odd game called Culdcept that's like a tabletop card game (e.g., Magic) blended with Monopoly. Last non-portable iteration was Culdcept Saga on Xbox 360, and before that Culdcept on original PS. You roll dice to move around an interactive board and place creature cards, and your opponents can either try to fight if they land on them, or concede and pay you a toll. There are item and spell cards you can use along the way. It's not the most popular game, but there's a dedicated core of followers, and even playing against the AI is pretty fun.

I played DoTA endlessly on college, and lots and lots of Dota2 as well once it was released. I haven't played for awhile though....and every time I go back the learning curve is so steep I have a really hard time getting back into it. Overwatch scratches the itch of MOBA style gameplay, but with FPS mechanics, the perfect fit for me at the moment (grew up playing FPS on PC). One of these days I'll try to pick Dota2 up again....just have to mute the chat and ignore the toxicity when I inevitably throw the first 5 games I play lol.
Currently I have been playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

Verdict? I asked my coworkers tonight what is the best game out now (they’re all millennial gamer types and they votes this game as a must own..
I build my own PC rigs. My current one is 7 yrs old. During that span the only components that I haven't replaced/upgraded are the CPU, Motherboard, and Sound Card.

Nice, another system builder, love building my own rigs. Got some parts coming in for a Ryzen 2700 system I'm building for a poker buddy who needs it for gaming and streaming.

Here are some of my builds over the past couple of years:









Verdict? I asked my coworkers tonight what is the bat are going (they’re all millennial gamer types and they votes this game as a must own..

Well I’m 34 so fall into the millennial group, but it’s good. It can be a little slow at times and the controls can feel clunky, but the story is great and there are endless things to keep you busy. It’s pretty crazy. My hat got shot off and had a bullet hole until I replaced it.

I have 3 kids so even jumping on for an hour or two a few times a week is fun. I’ll prbably be playing it for a long while. And if you get it, take care of your horse. They get better the more you bond, but if they die that’s it. They’re gone and you have to find a new horse and start over
i want to play video games but I just feel like i'm too old for all the online gaming these days. I prefer to play campaign missions. last time I picked up a controller it was to play the Battlefield 1 campaign missions for a few days straight. I'm telling myself not to bother with Battlefield V and to just wait until the price comes down in the online store.

When I was younger I was a diehard fan of all things RTS (Command & Conquer, Starcraft, etc.), Counter-Strike, Battlefield series, the Metal Gear Solid series and the Gran Turismo series.

Now that I think of it, I lied, the last game I played was World of Warships about 3 months ago.

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