Oh my goodness folks, finding this site just lolloolloll
Perhaps it's just the time frame we are living in but have put a tonne of hours in here already. What an amazing place, there is breadth of knowledge here, what a network! Anyhow came for that knowledge, and have found alot of it, but this has created some more questions, and cleared up some others. IE No Paulson's in my immediate future, and I absolutely love Matsui. So the questions:
How common are group buys here? There is the SunFly one ongoing, and looks like there may have been a Matsui one recently? Are these on some type of schedule? How do these come to being I guess?
Labels! People are removing labels from $3+ chips! That is awesome, and terrifying at the same time. @Gear appears to be the link up there. But are most people designing their own, or farming out ideas to a designer? I see @Apache had some blanks for Majestic, but some interesting colors are not available. Are there other sites?
Purchasing whole sets, Auctions etc. Any tips on this? How viable / realistic is it to get a whole set (I'll post my goal below) at once? Scoured the Classifieds for hours last night, and saw perhaps 2 opportunities, and stumbled on another this AM (The one this AM hurt as I could have done it and logged out lol). Is it a better approach to post Wanted ads? Or is knowing what you like and need for counts, and just collecting them the better path?
So, my goal was to come out of this socially distanced phase with a new (Although it appears the proper approach is new to me) set of chips, for our very friendly / casual home game that we play a couple / few times a month. It's a .25 / .50 and am happy to come away with 600 chips in a 100/200/200/100 split.
Thanks again, this has been an fun experience so far.
Perhaps it's just the time frame we are living in but have put a tonne of hours in here already. What an amazing place, there is breadth of knowledge here, what a network! Anyhow came for that knowledge, and have found alot of it, but this has created some more questions, and cleared up some others. IE No Paulson's in my immediate future, and I absolutely love Matsui. So the questions:
How common are group buys here? There is the SunFly one ongoing, and looks like there may have been a Matsui one recently? Are these on some type of schedule? How do these come to being I guess?
Labels! People are removing labels from $3+ chips! That is awesome, and terrifying at the same time. @Gear appears to be the link up there. But are most people designing their own, or farming out ideas to a designer? I see @Apache had some blanks for Majestic, but some interesting colors are not available. Are there other sites?
Purchasing whole sets, Auctions etc. Any tips on this? How viable / realistic is it to get a whole set (I'll post my goal below) at once? Scoured the Classifieds for hours last night, and saw perhaps 2 opportunities, and stumbled on another this AM (The one this AM hurt as I could have done it and logged out lol). Is it a better approach to post Wanted ads? Or is knowing what you like and need for counts, and just collecting them the better path?
So, my goal was to come out of this socially distanced phase with a new (Although it appears the proper approach is new to me) set of chips, for our very friendly / casual home game that we play a couple / few times a month. It's a .25 / .50 and am happy to come away with 600 chips in a 100/200/200/100 split.
Thanks again, this has been an fun experience so far.