The Pines Tournament (CM/Tina) (2 Viewers)


Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Washington, DC
So I broke down and got a tournament set on the Cards Mold from “Tina”. As I mentioned a while ago I hadn’t been playing for yonks but I’m getting back into it and have rejiggered the tournament portion of my game. I have a very nice Paulson Casablanca set but it’s not fully functional for what I need and it will be a long term project to finish out that one.

I did this project solo and while not getting the low, low prices that many have got when ordering these chips they were still very inexpensive, very quick to receive, and it was a very easy project to complete.

I went large at 1500 pieces with this so that I can use it later on in the year for a three table tournament I’m running with some people for a charity event. More chips than I need but now I’m prepared for any size games that I would ever realistically run.

I have to thank @timinater for the artwork. I cannot recommend him highly enough. The work is top notch, he’s flexible, fairly priced, and quick. I made some boneheaded choices in the initial design which he correctly questioned me on, I went ahead and did them anyways and when I saw the proofs from Tina realized he was right from the get-go. So all of the delays in this project are purely down to my bone headedness.

I also want to thank @Mortalpawn for giving me his specific playbook on how to order from Tina. There is an excellent thread in the Group Buy section on this subject but he gave me some pointers and just sped up the process by providing me that information.

I have to say Tina was a pleasure to deal with also. Frequent communication sample shots of the production chips etc. And giving me a chance to redo the chips after the design mistakes *I* made needed to be rectified. Remember kids with text on a chip less is more.

And to get out in front of the question about ceramics made to look like compression moldedclay chips which I am normally not a fan of this one was just too easy to make and the price unbeatable. I had looked at all the obvious suspects including other ceramics, the good looking Plastics from Apache, basically everything all of you would think of. Following the time honored advice here of getting samples CM chips were by far the most pleasing to me in terms of both texture, visuals, and of course Price. I know there is discussion elsewhere about the variety between the various Chinese made ceramics but I am completely happy with these. They really do have a wonderful texture, they look great, and have a pleasing heft. The look of these was obviously born out of the Paulson spot offerings and if I could get a completely custom set made in clay from Paulson’s like these I would get them. But I can’t and never will be able to so these will more than do.

After I put these in play I will report back. My only concern for the future is to see what kind of durability these have and only time can tell with that.

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Love, love, love this set! You're right, @timinater does great work!

Both the 1000 and 25000 are exceptionally neat chips, and the set meshes together so well in a retro way as others have mentioned. I look forward to seeing any reports you have of getting these on the felt.

NIce work, I really like the classic retro look. The T100 chip is my favorite
The cool classic look is 100% down to me and my brilliant artistic vision. And by brilliant artistic vision I mean finding a designer like @timinater to come up with a concept, do all the work, have me pick some colors/patterns and steal his hard labor for a pittance and pretend I am God's own gift to casino tokens. A future in artistic brilliance could be your too!
In the pines in the pines where the sun don't ever shine, I will shiver rrrr rrrrrrrrrr....

also really like that 25k
When we had the big game last year attendance almost doubled, so after scrambling at the last minute to get enough chips to make it happen and stooping to using Diamond Chips, which I will never do again, through @justincarothers good offices I was able to add on to one of his GBs and the chips arrived to me this past weekend. Added on 200 each of the 25s and 100s, 90 each of the 500s and1Ks. I asked at the last minute to get some 5Ks and 25Ks but Tina said they didn't have time. She said they had "some leftover" 5Ks from my first job that didn't print correctly and she would throw them in with the order. Turned out it was 200 chips and other than the "label" be ever so slightly darker than the originals there was no problem with them. There were some extras thrown in as was last time.

Some have voiced concerns about differences in color/printing between initial order and add on. I did not have any problems there. In the pictures of the barrels side by side (I've randomized which barrel is left and right) see if you can tell any difference. Other than the 5Ks with the caveat noted above I can not.

As far as the actual blanks there is a slight difference in thickness. Reminds me a bit of the issue with CPC except it's consistent within each barrel of each run. The add ons are part of a fingernail thinner. Again each order is exact within that order but comparing last years vs this years, the difference is there.

Pines CM add on full set.JPEG
Pines CM Add on 25 face new old.JPEG
Pines CM add on 25 new old.JPEG
Pines CM add on 100 face old new.JPEG
Pines CM add on 500 face new old.JPEG
Pines CM add on 1000 Face old new.JPEG
Pines CM add on 1000 new old.JPEG
Pines CM add on 5000 face new old.JPEG

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