Not sure how long they've been on sale but first I've heard of it.
Just light three twenties on fire.
It’s worthless, the prices are all inaccurate/outdated and based on singles collectors. Generally just trash, even for singles collectors, but especially chip set collectors. You get prices of $80/chip for chips that you or someone else may have racks of that they bought for a few dollars/chip. Just pure, unadulterated, stinky 'it's worthless?' or 'you will never actually get it' or 'it's so good you just want to spend money on it?'
Q: What is the scale of chip rarity? I know it's letters and numbers but from what to what?
I believe they went on sale in JulyNot sure how long they've been on sale but first I've heard of it.
It’s worthless. Generally just trash. Just pure, unadulterated, stinky poopy.