Silly superstitions (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
East Valley, Arizona
I've steadfastly maintained that I have no superstitions at all, until my wife noticed today that I've kept a vet's business card in my wallet for 4 years. Truman got diagnosed with chronic canine leukemia and I put their business card in my wallet during his first white blood count test, and ever since then he's kept the leukemia at bay. He turned 10 today, and I'm incredibly lucky to still have him.

I'm cognitively positive that it's not because of the weathered business card in my wallet, but I still refuse to take the card out or change wallets (my wife got me a nice one for Xmas, and it's still sitting unused on my desk).

What silly superstitions do you have? Spill it! :)
I won't throw dice in Vegas unless I'm in the table spot on the stickman's left. I'll wait to get that spot or I don't play. I don't know why.
My lucky shirt.






When I leave home, I always pull the electrical plugs loose from the sockets in exactly the same order. Every. Frakin. Time. All of them, except the fridge.
The only one I can think of is whenever I have to set an alarm to wake up (which is not that often since I am on call for work) I always set it 1 min more or less. For example if I have to get up at 8am I set it for 8:01 am or 7:59.

The only other thing I do but is more of an OCD thing is I blow air on a plate or glass I take out of the cupboard before I use it. Weird thing about hairs being on it.
13 is my lucky number. I wore it in every team sport in high school and college; I bet $13 at every opportunity; made a chip set including a $13 chip; and many, many more manifestations.

It might be a Wilt Chamberlain carryover...
Whenever I eat chocolate chip cookies, I must:

-remove X number of cookies (however many I'm going to eat - none of that "sit there with the box" nonsense)
-Get a large glass of milk
-Place said cookies into a stack in order from least chocolate chips to most, then eat them in said order
-chug the entire glass of milk in one go (AHHHH! :D)

To do anything otherwise would just be flat-out wrong, and completely ruin my cookie-consumption experience.
Whenever I eat chocolate chip cookies, I must:

-remove X number of cookies (however many I'm going to eat - none of that "sit there with the box" nonsense)
-Get a large glass of milk
-Place said cookies into a stack in order from least chocolate chips to most, then eat them in said order
-chug the entire glass of milk in one go (AHHHH! :D)

To do anything otherwise would just be flat-out wrong, and completely ruin my cookie-consumption experience.

Is this a superstition, or just good snack management?
It depends on what he thinks might happen if he ate them out of order.

The space-time continuum might cease to exist. I once attempted to eat cookies in the dark - let's just say, BIG mistake.

3-betting in the dark, however, is perfectly acceptable. :D
I won't take $50 bills. Never won at a poker game with one in my wallet. After about the tenth time of that I just stopped taking them.
....-remove X number of cookies (however many I'm going to eat - none of that "sit there with the box" nonsense)

How often does x = the number of cookies in the box? Be honest. We all know it's 100% of the time. The box is just a red herring.

-Place said cookies into a stack in order from least chocolate chips to most, then eat them in said order....

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Do you always eat the darker potato chips first, especially if they're also the curled up ones?
How often does x = the number of cookies in the box? Be honest. We all know it's 100% of the time. The box is just a red herring.

Heh - virtually never. Usually they come from Publix, which sells you 24 excellent cookies for $2.50, but the drawback is they go stale in about 2 days. You have to be Cookie Monster to finish them all - we almost always end up tossing some.

Do you always eat the darker potato chips first, especially if they're also the curled up ones?

Well, I don't eat potato chips (or french fries) unless there's literally nothing else available, but if I do...

I don't eat the dark ones. :eek:
This is one of my favorite topics, as I've said before I work at a casino, currently work with the slots side of the house, and boy are slots players superstition prone. Must touch symbols in order when you see them, or cash out and reefed with new money every X spins, or only use 100 dollar bills, so many other quarks... its funny. Don't think I have any superstitions but I never set my clock to an even hour. and I also never set it to 705 that was the number of the sub I was on in the Navy and thats always been a bad number for me.. don't really avoid it just don't like it.
I like to wear my good watch and my WWPHD bracelets i had custom made. I feel like i play better since every time i look down and see them i remember to take my time and really think things through.

WWPHD = What would Phil Hellmuth do!!!!!!!!
Heh - virtually never. Usually they come from Publix, which sells you 24 excellent cookies for $2.50, but the drawback is they go stale in about 2 days. You have to be Cookie Monster to finish them all - we almost always end up tossing some....

We like Publix breads, but generally find their baked good to be pretty bland. We like Fresh Market's baked goods much better.

But the Publix cookies do freeze very well. Buy your 24, throw half in a ziploc bag into the freezer...
I think a silly superstition is when people play baccarat and they bend the cards nearly in half to peek at the numbers before exposing them. Almost as if they think the numbers will improve by bending them.
This is not a superstition, but I have wondered why I watch the clock so often when it's exactly 00.00 (I think 12.00 pm is the correctly said to US folks).

But this has been going on for, say, six or seven years now. It's not dependable on place I am. But if I watch the clock at nighttime, in bed or not, most often than not, it is 00.00.

Is that a sign that I always have to bet on 0 in roulette in the future?

I can't explain it. Oh, and apologies for threadjack.
When I play Baccarat, I always request the same deck of cards, and request the dealer keep them oriented in the same direction.

No wait, that's not me, that's Phil Ivey. But it works for him.... sort of...
This is not a superstition, but I have wondered why I watch the clock so often when it's exactly 00.00 (I think 12.00 pm is the correctly said to US folks).

But this has been going on for, say, six or seven years now. It's not dependable on place I am. But if I watch the clock at nighttime, in bed or not, most often than not, it is 00.00.

Is that a sign that I always have to bet on 0 in roulette in the future?

I can't explain it. Oh, and apologies for threadjack.

This belongs in berg's help thread, but I'll take a stab at it. It's a sign the 00:00 sticker on the face of that nightstand clock hasn't been peeled off yet. Ship it.
Heh - virtually never. Usually they come from Publix, which sells you 24 excellent cookies for $2.50, but the drawback is they go stale in about 2 days. You have to be Cookie Monster to finish them all - we almost always end up tossing some.

$10 says that none would be left at the end of a Zombie night. Just sayin'...
I can polish off 24 cookies by myself in one sitting. Not proud of it, but it's happened before.
I could easily eat a box of these


And I love how this thread changed from superstitions to cookies
$10 says that none would be left at the end of a Zombie night. Just sayin'...

I've brought them before - can't remember results (consult the dessert spreadsheet...)

Unfortunately, instead of being 2 minutes away Publix is now 20 minutes away in the wrong direction. Over/under on Publix coming to Eaglevegas: 20 years. [emoji17]
Since high school whenever I golf it's 3 tees, ball mark repair tool, and 50¢ piece ball marker in my left pocket. Since 2014, links_strong chip in an airtite in my right pocket.

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