PokerChipForum is now TapaTalk Enabled! (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score

TapaTalk enables mobile users to access key features and content within our community, right from their smartphone or tablet.

After its installed, search for 'pokerchipforum'.

Since the forum upgrade on 4/5/2015, the site's mobile style offers more features than the tapatalk app.
Great news there, now i'll be browsing the site everywhere I go.
TapaTalk has been updated on the server side today. If there are any problems, let me know. Thanks.
TapaTalk has been updated on the server side today. If there are any problems, let me know. Thanks.
How about turning on the photo part it says my forum won't alow mobile uploads using the app
How about turning on the photo part it says my forum won't alow mobile uploads using the app

I'll check out that option but I believe you can still upload an image via the forum with the latest version of TapaTalk.
I updated app it is tapatalk2 on iPhone 5. It still says your forum has disabled image sharing from this app
Testing image upload via the forum using tapatalk

Testing image upload via the forum using tapatalk

View attachment 178

I just uploaded a pic without any problems. Tap this icon when replying to add an image. This is using the site's image uploading settings, not tapatalk's propriety image uploading system.

Ok I'm going to say what am I doing wrong or what setting do I need to change to make it work I still got the same message
Do you not have that icon? I'll test it using a regular acct too.
I meant a regular account on PCF or a regular tapatalk acct

Oh, I have not tested yet.

Oh and by the way that is a nice pot light you have there

Thanks, I was trying out a HALO 6" IC housing with a one piece seal LED bulbs before I buy a bunch for the basement.
I am still looking into it. I turned on image uploading under the TapaTalk settings and I was still unable to upload using a non-Admin test account. TapaTalk should support image uploading by just using the forum usergroup permissions, which is turned on too. I been reading about others who are having similar issues with TapaTalk. Can you upload to another forum?
Yes I can

I just tried to upload It let me pick a picture or take one got to the edit portion clicked done and then it said you do not have permission to post photos
I am stumped with this one. I'll keep looking into it. Funny thing is that your error message is different that mine.
Someone over at CT is also having a problem posting pics via Tapatalk. It will allow him to post pics to some threads but not others.

Probably an issue with Tapatalk itself.
TapaTalk has been updated on the server side today. If there are any problems, let me know. I'm hoping this fixed the attachment issue. Thanks.
Hey it works thank you tommy I posted two pics today from my phone using tapatalk
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