Poker Event RSVP / Notification Method (2 Viewers)


Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Goodlettsville, TN
I have a work game group that plays a couple of times a month. The game has evolved to have some non-work players that have become regulars. Our original method of notifying players and asking them their availabilty/RSVP/location/time update notifications etc have all typically been through work email. I would like to steer away from work email and use something else that is less clunky but gets the job done. This would probably have to be web based (something I could access on a home or work PC) but it would be great if there was an app too with notification / updates.

What do you guys use to invite and send notifications to players for poker night, etc?
Facebook is beyond easy. Got a regular poker
Player, have them friend you on Facebook, and then just create an event for your poker nights. It's super easy, and allows conversation, discussion, photo sharing, etc.

Facebook also sends out reminders notifications. I've had people who are not on Facebook, specifically join Facebook to be included. And I do have some friends not on Facebook who I send a text message to. My invite list is about 60 people via Facebook, and two or three by by text.
Mine is pretty simple.

Assuming everyone there has a smart phone - ask them to Download the App "GroupMe"

Add every person into the group, you can create calendars, groups, etc right in the app. It has better mute settings than Facebook and texting.

Keeps everything in one place.

I tell my group when I'm hosting (usually Thursdays) I will send out the invite on Monday morning, its everyones job to check the app on Monday to RSVP. First 9 people who respond to RSVP, get seats.
There was a thread a couple years back that pointed me to signup genius. Been using it ever since. Was using evite. Not good for "asking" players for availability, but great for signing up
Facebook is probably the easiest since most people probably already have an account and the "events" feature is decent.
Getting people on board with downloading additional apps and such could be a pain.

My group just sends out a weekly text to all people and it works pretty good.
Might be more extreme than you need, but I went the route of building my own secure website. I had ZERO website building experience before, and found it pretty easy once I got into it. The RSVPs are embedded into my website.

I used other methods, Evite, etc., but found building my own website was the best way to go because I run multiple tournaments and it is easier to track leader board performance for multiple tournaments that way.

Facebook is also great and easy, but I have too many players that are not on FB.


It stores your invites with just an email address. Can easily copy old events.

Doesn't require invitees to download anything or to create an account.

Has some predefined poker themed images.
I'm so thick.

I've been wondering how the hell you pronounce evite - is it French, like "eh-veetay" or something?

I even Googled it, and as I was looking through, I read "email invites."

Duh. Email invites. Evites.

Like I said, I'm thick.
We created a group on FB and use it to create events, RSVP, updates standings and post other poker items that might be of interest for the group.
Facebook's good. I'd use it except that I've got enough players who aren't on facebook that it doesn't work for me. I'm with Mesnik, using I like it since it's pretty versatile. You can tracks points, payouts, winnings, losses (though we don't show this one anymore), show games played and ranks players. You can also put out a full schedule.

It's a system that's really caters towards poker leagues and groups vs a regular event like inviting people to go hiking.
Tried one of the meet-up apps but folks just won't install. Currently we have everyone on a Slack group which is fun and we have a channel for game announcements. Still there is 3-4 players in the group that are technically challenged. We text them if there is still room at the table so sometimes they miss out.

Other channels for topical chat has been fun on Slack as well.
Hmm, just tested out and a little buggy but nicely done. Unfortunately all the emails come in as Spam for Gmail when I tried it out.
Dang it, now you all have me looking at invite apps. Found a nice one for you phone called Invitd and sends a link via SMS. As the host you can also manage verbals on the app and set invitees as in/out on the event.
Using Punchbowl (
  • I can keep track of people looking at the invite but not responding, people can respond (yes, no maybe)
  • for couples one of the two can answer for both
  • Keep track of food that people bring
  • limit the number of players (once you hit the max people can't accept, they can go on a waitlist)
  • People cannot forward the invite (only people who were invited)
  • if the email gets lost in spam, people can go in their account and check if the invite is in
Signup Genius and Facebook. I email 3 reminders with the link to signup and that's about it.
I created a separate Facebook account specifically for the poker league -

This way I can separate it from my personal life but still post everything needed. Some of the other apps may be better suited but almost everyone has Facebook and all they have to do is "Like" the page once and then all the posts show up in their feed automatically. Trying to get everyone to download and use the same app is tough.
Plus when someone brings a friend to play a tourney all I have to do is get them to go Like the page and they are instantly added to the communications.
I created a separate Facebook account specifically for the poker league -

This way I can separate it from my personal life but still post everything needed. Some of the other apps may be better suited but almost everyone has Facebook and all they have to do is "Like" the page once and then all the posts show up in their feed automatically. Trying to get everyone to download and use the same app is tough.
Plus when someone brings a friend to play a tourney all I have to do is get them to go Like the page and they are instantly added to the communications.
I love your reviews, lol.
Was using email, went to Facebook. Way easier, and quite frankly, what kind of Luddite is still a-feared of Facebook? We still send out texts for those few not on FB, but the FB post is the first one to go out, so if the seats get filled by people that are not technophobes...
My poker group uses texting, but I wish we used Facebook. I'm in some other social groups on FB and organizing events, tracking RSVPs, etc., is so much easier.
No I haven't. We have a tight knit group so the guests are invite only so i don't need a sharable link or co-host.

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