Paulson color sample set (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
How many chips are in a "full" color sample set?


Does anybody know how many Paulson color sample chips have the larger font?
Speaking of Sherbet, does anyone know where the phrase "Ship the Sherbet to Herbert" came from? I'm thinking of changing my name to Herbert if I ever make the November Nine.

I've came across 3 different styles myself and it looks like Paulson made another change with the 5 newest colors they released
I have multiple Paulson color sample sets; the most complete one appears to have 89 colors. I see that Tommy said 84 a few years back, so either there are some new ones, or I am double-counting something, or (the very most unlikely option) the Boss is wrong...
About five of these, FWIW, are printed on RHCs. All the rest that I own are on THCs. Maybe those are the newer colors not counted in Tommy’s 84.

Also, the typography on the various sets varies. Some have very tiny letters; some have medium-sized letters; and some have jumbo type.

Lastly, my smallest sample set has one one face the words “PAUL-SON DICE & CARD CO.” and their address at “2121 INDUSTRIAL ROAD”. I assume this is the oldest of the set. I don’t know if it is incomplete, or if Paulson added substantially more colors at some point in their history.

Tagging the authority @BGinGA in case he feels moved to speak to any of the above.
I have multiple Paulson color sample sets; the most complete one appears to have 89 colors. I see that Tommy said 84 a few years back, so either there are some new ones, or I am double-counting something, or (the very most unlikely option) the Boss is wrong...

even if it were true... he would just be “right in the past”, not “wrong” now :)
Exactly. Just amended my post; pretty sure his 84 didn’t include the five new colors issued c. 2014-2015.
Curiously, though I bought multiple sets, there are a 2-3 other colors (besides the five new new ones) for which I only have one sample, such as Carrot and Pumpkin. I don’t know if these are rarer/newer colors, or if I accidentally shipped out a sample or two with some barrels or racks I sold.
A complete set consists of 89 colors, although only 88 colors are actually available for use (Royal Blue was discontinued; a lead-free version was not produced). The last 5 colors added a few years ago (pic above) are very difficult to find on the THC mold.
I thought I was missing a bunch and kinda gave up.

This means I am only missing a few chips to complete my set. I will get on this tonight and try and figure it out.

Without physically checking I am pretty sure I am missing Rubine Red and Light Violet.

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