p5woody's weekly health update (1 Viewer)


Aug 13, 2013
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Harrisburg, PA
I recently created a thread looking for sample sets, thanks everyone who donated a set to my goals and sent words of encouragement. It is very much appreciated. I have decided to do a weekly update. I am hoping this will keep me on track and who knows just might help somebody else. If your not interested you can ignore this weekly update.

I have family history of heart problems and Diabetes.

Starting point
AGE 45 Weight 242
test results
Triglycerides 653 mg/dl (reference range < 150)
Cholesterol total 285 mg/dl (reference range 125-200)
HDl cholesterol 36 mg/dl (reference > or = 40)
Cholesterol to HDLC ratio 7.9 calculated (reference range < or = 5.0)
Direct LDL - could not be calculated because my Triglycerides were way out of range
Glucose 269 mg/dl (reference range 65-99)
BMI 38.7 (reference range 18.5-24.9)
Blood Pressure 125/93 (reference range < 120/80)

I was flagged for High Cholesrol, High Blood pressure, and Diabetes

Week 1 - Met with doctor and explained I wanted to fix this with diet and exercise. He explained to me my numbers where too far off and we had to get them corrected quickly so I agreed to medications. While at the doctor I failed my EKG. Report says "Sinus Rhythm left axis deviation, age-undetermined inferior infarct" - reading online basically the computer thinks I had a heart attack. scheduled appointment with Cardiovascular specialist in two weeks. I really hope the machine is wrong, but it might explain my chest pain.

Medications - Metformin HCL, Lovaza, Aspirin, Crestor

Week 2 - I am riding a stationary bike for 1/2 hour(10 miles) every day, going for extra walks, and doing some light lifting. I am also watching what I eat and reading every label. I have a meeting with a dietician next week. My Glucose is down from 265 in the morning to 155 and I have lost a total of 6 pounds.

Week 3 - I am continuing to ride the stationary bike for 1/2 hour(10 miles) every day, going for extra walks, and doing some light lifting. I met with the dietician this week and got a lot of good information about what things I should be eating. I spent more time then I ever expected at the grocery store reading labels. My wife has been great and has been helping buy and prepare the right foods. I will be meeting with the Cardiovascular specialist on Monday, hopefully it is good news. Tomorrow, I am going to try to run a mile for the first time in a long time. It is hard to believe I was a distance runner in High School (1600 and 3200 meter). My Glucose is down another 25 points (130) and I have lost two more pounds (total of 8 pounds). After meeting with the Cardiovascular specialist, I will be completing my goals for the next 6 months.

Week 4 - Feeling better and still working out and eating right. I met with the Cardiovascular specialist this week, EKG showed abnormal again but he wasn't too worried about it. I am going for a nuclear stress test on Tuesday just to be safe. Lost another 2 pounds and Glucose is down another 15 points. I ran a mile for the first time in years, completed it in just under 12 minutes - Yes, I used a sun dial to measure my time :) .

Week 5 - I passed my nuclear stress test, will get detailed analysis in a couple of weeks. The preliminary results looked good, test showed a couple of things but they didn't think it was anything to worry about. So that is great news, I can now increase my workouts. I am now riding 36 minutes and 13 miles, next move is to increase the resistance. Lost another 3 pounds, down a total of 13 pounds. Sugar down another 10 points, down to 104 in the morning. I ran the mile in 10 minutes 15 seconds, still not setting any speed records but getting better. I only run on the weekends, my knee can't take the pounding. This was why I stopped running years ago.

Start: Glucose 269, weight 242, not able to run a mile

one month goals complete:
Glucose goal 160 actual 115 - passed
Weight goal 235 actual 232 - passed
Run a mile any time - passed

Future goals

month 2 - Glucose 130 - Weight 226 - 1 mile under 11:30
month 3 - Glucose in range - Weight 220 - 1 mile under 11:00
month 4 - Glucose in range - Weight 213 - 1 mile under 10:30
month 5 - Glucose in range - Weight 205 - 1 mile under 10:00
month 6 - Glucose in range - Weight 200 - 1 mile time better then previous month

(Note: all goals based on approval of doctors and "in range" is based doctors healthy range I will get at next visit)

More to come...
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Two thumbs up! It sounds like you've made *great* progress already. With that kind of work and dedication, I'm confident you'll be able to reach you goal of keeping things under control without the pills. I imagine you might be a bit sore from the workouts, but I bet you're feeling a lot better already. Looking forward to your next update!

BTW, make sure you tell the doctor about your "light lifting". If you're doing a full birdcage in each hand, the doctor might want to reduce that down to just two or three racks of Paulsons, and build back up to a full birdcage slowly.

Take care, buddy!
Thanks for let us know, it seems to go a bit better already :)
It's been about 2 years since I got blood work done. Was all good last time. I'll have to schedule it soon.
Week 2 - I am riding a stationary bike for 1/2 hour(10 miles) every day, going for extra walks, and doing some light lifting. I am also watching what I eat and reading every label. I have a meeting with a dietician next week. My Glucose is down from 265 in the morning to 155 and I have lost a total of 6 pounds.

More to come...

Sounds like you are on the right track! Keep it up Woody!
Added Week 3 info to the OP:

Week 3 - I am continuing to ride the stationary bike for 1/2
hour(10 miles) every day, going for extra walks, and doing some light lifting. I
met with the dietician this week and got a lot of good information about what
things I should be eating. I spent more time then I ever expected at the grocery
store reading labels. My wife has been great and has been helping buy and
prepare the right foods. I will be meeting with the Cardiovascular specialist on
Monday, hopefully it is good news. Tomorrow, I am going to try to run a mile for
the first time in a long time. It is hard to believe I was a distance runner in
High School (1600 and 3200 meter). My Glucose is down another 25 points (130)
and I have lost two more pounds (total of 8 pounds). After meeting with the
Cardiovascular specialist, I will be completing my goals for the next 6 months.
Week 4 - Feeling better and still working out and eating right. I met with the Cardiovascular specialist this week, EKG showed abnormal again but he wasn't too worried about it. I am going for a nuclear stress test on Tuesday just to be safe. Lost another 2 pounds and Glucose is down another 15 points. I ran a mile for the first time in years, completed it in just under 12 minutes - Yes, I used a sun dial to measure my time :) .

Happy to read this :)
updated op

Week 5 - I passed my nuclear stress test, will get detailed analysis in a couple of weeks. The preliminary results looked good, test showed a couple of things but they didn't think it was anything to worry about. So that is great news, I can now increase my workouts. I am now riding 36 minutes and 13 miles, next move is to increase the resistance. Lost another 3 pounds, down a total of 13 pounds. Sugar down another 10 points, down to 104 in the morning. I ran the mile in 10 minutes 15 seconds, still not setting any speed records but getting better. I only run on the weekends, my knee can't take the pounding. This was why I stopped running years ago.
weekly update

Week 6 - Nothing really new this week, just continuing what I have been doing since it appears to be working. I ran the mile in 9:45 this week, my sugar is holding steady, lost another 2 pounds and my blood pressure is coming down. At the last doctor visit it was down to 110/78. The best news is my heart pain seems to be going away. It has been decreasing each week and I haven't felt it this week, so another good sign.
weekly update

Week 6 - Nothing really new this week, just continuing what I have been doing since it appears to be working. I ran the mile in 9:45 this week, my sugar is holding steady, lost another 2 pounds and my blood pressure is coming down. At the last doctor visit it was down to 110/78. The best news is my heart pain seems to be going away. It has been decreasing each week and I haven't felt it this week, so another good sign.

You said it's "nothing really new", but I think that's outstanding news. Sugar steady, 2 lbs. down, blood pressure down, and especially the heart pain going away is GREAT! Keep it up!
weekly update

Week 7 - The Journey continues, I completed the Mile
in 8:59 this week and bumped my stationary bike up to 36 minutes/13.3 miles/
resistance level 4. My sugar is holding steady with all reading between 102-125.
I think this is good, will find out from doc when I go back in June. I lost
another 2 pounds this week, so I am now down a total of 17 pounds since I
started the program. I am down 27 pounds since the beginning of the year.
Overall my body is feeling pretty good, I have some lower back pain but so far
it is manageable. I have been pushing it pretty hard, I will probably have to
level off my workouts for the next couple of weeks. Don't want to over do it. I
have a follow-up visit with doctor to review my nuclear stress test, not
expecting any surprises based on initial feedback.
Steady, positive results - great news. Doc will be impressed!
weekly update

Week 8 - Great follow-up visit with cardiovascular doctor this week. He said no blockage, heart is very strong, flow was good at rest and under stress, and I was at very low risk for a heart attack. My blood pressure was down to 102/66 (original was 125/93) and my sugar reading was 98 Friday Morning (original was 269). I was excited first time getting a reading under 100. Down another 2 pounds, my clothes are getting baggy.
That's awesome! Keep up the good work. My clothes feel a little tighter today. Too many WaWa hoagies. LOL :)
Week 9 (2 months) - 2 months complete, I have successfully completed all my goals so far and I am ahead of schedule. I completed the mile in 8:45, stationary bike is up to {40 minutes/15.3 miles/level 6}, and my weight is down another 3 pounds for a total of 22 pounds, sugar is holding steady right around 100 (fasting for 12 hours), blood pressure is down to 102/66, heart has been stress tested and it is 100% healthy and chest pains have gone away. I am feeling good and the back pain from a couple of weeks ago is getting better. Posting here and all the great sample sets I have received has really kept me motived. Thanks again to everybody who has donated.

Start: Glucose 269, weight 242, not able to run a mile

monthly goals complete:
month 1 - Glucose 115 Weight 232 Run a mile any time - passed
month 2 - Glucose 98 Weight 220 Run a mile 8:45 - passed
Great job! You gave me some motivation. I stopped getting WaWa hoagies and started taking the dog on longer walks. :D
Week 10 - Just a quick update my son graduated high school this weekend and will be heading to Pitt this fall to study engineering. I completed the mile in 8:29, stationary bike is up to {40 minutes/16 miles/level 6}, and my weight is down another 5 pounds for a total of 27 pounds. This weekend is tough with all the parties and family in town, I am just hoping to hold steady this week.
Sounds like you have the discipline. I think you will be just fine. Great job!
Week 11- This was the hardest week so far. Not really sure what happened, my sugar had been holding steady, fasting has been around 100 and after meals around 120. Changed my routine, I went for an early morning run before breakfast and my body crashed. Something just wasn't right, was feeling dizzy, hands were shaking and my glucose reading was over 165. I ate some food and things returned to normal by evening. I decided to scale back my workouts for a couple of days and increased my food intake. I went to the doctor for a scheduled checkup, everything looks good waiting on blood work. Doctor convinced me to get a pneumonia shot, it did not go well. Felt like crap the next two days and arm was sore as hell. Again everything is good now. Bottom line for the week, I lost 1 pound and I am back in the swing of things. I rode the bike 1 hr/22.3 miles/level 6, yesterday. This is the first time my motivation has wavered, I opened one of the sample sets yesterday and that got me back going again. Excited to see how golf goes today, first time golfing since September.
One step backwards, two steps forward. Sounds like you are back on track.

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