Canceled Or Trade; Looking for spotted BCC Tournament set, can offer BCC Aquasino STT plus extras and cash (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Jul 27, 2019
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
91   0   0
Per the title. Posting this to set out a feeler for what's out there. I have a Pips mold solids STT en route soon, and once that set gets milled and labeled, I won't have much use for my BCC Aquasino set. I will be open towards trading my set (plus extras) and cash for a spotted BCC STT set that may tickle my fancy.



Breakdown for the Aquasino set is as follows:

120 $25
120 $100
130 $500
160 $1000
20 BCC Fun Nite Yellow $5000 on the flame mold

The edges are still square and sharp and all chips stand on edge. They also stack like bricks.

In the interest of transparency, a lot more of these chips are warped than I remembered. Worst to least warpage between denominations is the $500's, $25's, $1000's, and the $100's and barrel of $5k Fun Nites the least warped.

Let's see what you have!

Thanks for reading,

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Offer still stands, but I still don't know what's out there bump
You got it. I'll shoot you a PM if I can't find anything for trade and decide to sell.

Chip entropy is a real thing. I don't want to sell a set at this point without another one coming in :tdown:
No worries either way. I get that. I know I’ll pick up an Aquasino set at some point so figured no time like the present. Good luck!
OP updated with photos.

In the interest of transparency, a lot more of these chips are warped than I remembered. Worst to least warpage between denominations is the $500's, $25's, $1000's, and the $100's and barrel of $5k Fun Nites the least warped.
Will consider buying a spotted BCC tournament set. I may have a buyer on my Aquasinos. I would need to sell the Aquasinos before paying for the new set, however. Is anything out there?
I'm going to close this. I know which set I'm after, as impossible as it is going to be to find. New wanted ad to be posted.
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