Full House
Here is a situation that came up in last nights cash game. I am the host. I have hosted monthly with this group for about two years. The skill levels range from moderately solid home game regs (me and a couple others) to consistent donators who are good for a couple hundred.
Late in the game 3 players see a flop. We'll call them A, B, and C.
On the flop player A bet, B called and C raised all in and made a statement along the lines of "it's late, I've got to get going". Player A and B have player C covered and both call.
Player C will typically donk off half a buy-in in his last couple hands because he is tired and is ready to leave. His statement was not intentionally made to induce calls or folds. C is one of the less experienced players at the table. Basically he was in "F-it mode."
On the turn player A checks, player B checks behind. i.e. no sidepot.
On the river player A bets and player B folds.
Here's where the situation begins:
As the dealer host, I state "turn em up, whatcha got." Player C states "awe you got it" and begins to muck his hand. Other players at the table tell C to table his hand with statements like "you already paid to see" and "you're all-in, turn it up." I table his hand. He flopped middle pair (sevens). Player A then tables his hand showing a busted straight draw, losing to the sevens.
Player C states (not in a antagonizing tone) "what were your doing Player A, you just gave me that money?" Player A stated, "I didn't give you the money, they did (gesturing to the other players at the table), cards speak."
Did the host (me) overstep in this situation?
Late in the game 3 players see a flop. We'll call them A, B, and C.
On the flop player A bet, B called and C raised all in and made a statement along the lines of "it's late, I've got to get going". Player A and B have player C covered and both call.
Player C will typically donk off half a buy-in in his last couple hands because he is tired and is ready to leave. His statement was not intentionally made to induce calls or folds. C is one of the less experienced players at the table. Basically he was in "F-it mode."
On the turn player A checks, player B checks behind. i.e. no sidepot.
On the river player A bets and player B folds.
Here's where the situation begins:
As the dealer host, I state "turn em up, whatcha got." Player C states "awe you got it" and begins to muck his hand. Other players at the table tell C to table his hand with statements like "you already paid to see" and "you're all-in, turn it up." I table his hand. He flopped middle pair (sevens). Player A then tables his hand showing a busted straight draw, losing to the sevens.
Player C states (not in a antagonizing tone) "what were your doing Player A, you just gave me that money?" Player A stated, "I didn't give you the money, they did (gesturing to the other players at the table), cards speak."
Did the host (me) overstep in this situation?