Has anyone seen this mystery black scum appear on their chips? I pulled part of my LCO set off the basement shelf and used them in last night’s live session. When re-racking them after the game, I noticed that 3/500 LCO $5 chips had this scum on the edges. These chips were all previously ultrasonically cleaned, with the edges lightly oiled with pure mineral oil, with excess oil removed with a paper towel. I really doubt I missed cleaning the scum the first time. It also doesn’t seem likely that this was introduced on the chips at the game. The storage area is in a non-humid finished basement, with chips in clean racks, placed in a birdcage that is on a shelf three feet high. The scum was thick enough to be scraped off by a fingernail, and was removed completely with a magic eraser. I’m befuddled, please share if you’ve seen this!
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