Full House
Not sure where to begin.
Guess here works....
I’m ready! I replied SOLD in the PCF thread and Im officially Leaving Redding Cali on a 8 Hour trip to get an actual MSPatton owned BCC table (made for Poker SuperStars) from the one and only Potsie/Jim @Potsie1 in Portland Oregon. Forget the fact it’s only $80, I get to meet JIM too (I have bought chips In the past from him, I see his “sets posted” and YES now I get to meet!!!)
Let’s roll bitches!!!
Please note I’m a Single full Dad status over here but alas I convince Grandma/Grandpa to take the kids for three days so I blast off for this beauty. Portland here we come. It’s now 5pm cali time and in my world of kids it’s getting hella late. I have a very short window (No pun intended) between school and work and if I can get this table It has to THIS weekend. My rendezvous with Jim in Portland is TOMORROW and ya My next break is like November soooooo Packed up, kids strapped in car seats (4&7) and I’m on the road!
Here we go I’m PUMPED! Getting to grandmas in my F350 my rear window won’t roll up. Kids roll the window up!!! “Can’t dad”. Wtf. It’s now well after 5pm, window is still stuck down. No way looks like I have to cancel.... I can’t even park My Car like this anywhere. Oh no what do I tell JIM??? My Window broke so I can’t get the Best table I have ever seen for $80. Hey JIM sorry cant make it??? Heck no!!!! I have to make This work. No exceptions. Quick.... Call Uhaul, lady says schools open this week so “sorry no trucks.” Well
Then I’ll Rent one at Home Depot? Closest one is opposite direction Miles and mucho denero. Not to mention my truck will be in some depot parking lot with the window Stuck down. Scratch that. New plan, harbor frieght screwdriver set. You tube??? Worst case plastic and duct tape. I’m going to get this table today. Even with the window down!
Couple hectic prayers later (they work people) I find a shop right next to harbor freight says “auto glass.”
The guys are out back and don’t really love my sob story so flash some cash, offer beers (I don’t drink) and booooom. We’re getting this window fixed. Mind you it’s after the shop Is closed!!!!
Hour later, BOOM back on the road.....
Oh baby!!!! Now is where the fun really begins. With kids still echoing “dad, dad, dad” in my head I am on the road again. 8 hours to go.... crank up the music. I’m ROLLING!!!
(Stay tuned, watch this link, the conclusion of my BCC Poker story will be coming soon and you won’t want to miss this, compete with pictures!!!!)
Guess here works....
I’m ready! I replied SOLD in the PCF thread and Im officially Leaving Redding Cali on a 8 Hour trip to get an actual MSPatton owned BCC table (made for Poker SuperStars) from the one and only Potsie/Jim @Potsie1 in Portland Oregon. Forget the fact it’s only $80, I get to meet JIM too (I have bought chips In the past from him, I see his “sets posted” and YES now I get to meet!!!)
Let’s roll bitches!!!
Please note I’m a Single full Dad status over here but alas I convince Grandma/Grandpa to take the kids for three days so I blast off for this beauty. Portland here we come. It’s now 5pm cali time and in my world of kids it’s getting hella late. I have a very short window (No pun intended) between school and work and if I can get this table It has to THIS weekend. My rendezvous with Jim in Portland is TOMORROW and ya My next break is like November soooooo Packed up, kids strapped in car seats (4&7) and I’m on the road!
Here we go I’m PUMPED! Getting to grandmas in my F350 my rear window won’t roll up. Kids roll the window up!!! “Can’t dad”. Wtf. It’s now well after 5pm, window is still stuck down. No way looks like I have to cancel.... I can’t even park My Car like this anywhere. Oh no what do I tell JIM??? My Window broke so I can’t get the Best table I have ever seen for $80. Hey JIM sorry cant make it??? Heck no!!!! I have to make This work. No exceptions. Quick.... Call Uhaul, lady says schools open this week so “sorry no trucks.” Well
Then I’ll Rent one at Home Depot? Closest one is opposite direction Miles and mucho denero. Not to mention my truck will be in some depot parking lot with the window Stuck down. Scratch that. New plan, harbor frieght screwdriver set. You tube??? Worst case plastic and duct tape. I’m going to get this table today. Even with the window down!
Couple hectic prayers later (they work people) I find a shop right next to harbor freight says “auto glass.”
The guys are out back and don’t really love my sob story so flash some cash, offer beers (I don’t drink) and booooom. We’re getting this window fixed. Mind you it’s after the shop Is closed!!!!
Hour later, BOOM back on the road.....
Oh baby!!!! Now is where the fun really begins. With kids still echoing “dad, dad, dad” in my head I am on the road again. 8 hours to go.... crank up the music. I’m ROLLING!!!
(Stay tuned, watch this link, the conclusion of my BCC Poker story will be coming soon and you won’t want to miss this, compete with pictures!!!!)
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