Looking at a new Gaming Console.. and go! (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
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Our family has played the Wii extensively for a number of years. However our kids are getting older and Let’s face it, Lego Star Wars just isn’t cutting it anymore.

We would like to delve into a new gaming system. And I have no idea whether to look at the PlayStation or Xbox platforms.

I have a HDR 4K TV, if that’s a consideration. I also know that game selection is a factor. Growing up, I played a lot of PC first person shooter games like counterstrike, and also fantasy RPG‘s such as Diablo. I don’t have any Games that I Currently play, so I don’t know what I’m missing.

I know my kids enjoyed playing Star Wars battlefront at friends house, but I’d also appreciate some game suggestions. My kids are 11 and 13 years old, so I don’t want anything super gory or Mature, but first person shooters are OK. Definitely looking at something in a fantasy, rpg or Call of Duty like.

Thanks and advance for any advice and or suggestions.
Simple answer, if all you care about is graphics. PS4 can’t be beat. For me personally I still play online games with close friends and the Xbox interface and friends/party system is far superior to PlayStations.

The system I’ve always had is the system the majority of my friends have had. If your kids play online games and 10 of their friends have Xbox, ger Xbox.
I got an xbox for the reason @manamongkids did, it’s what my friends have and we would play together.

Though the new version of the Xbox is supposed to be superior to the PlayStation in graphics.
4k TV? Xb1x

If not xbone s.

I say this only because of the after market mods Microsoft encourages for most games which makes vanilla games way better. Playstation is very restrictive of this.
I have a ps4 and love it. PS does not have a 4K console yet. If you want the 4K experience, I say Xbox One.

If you and your kids play online though, find out he games they like and what console their friends are playing on. Games cannot be played online cross-console
Prefer PS4 overall, but I did win a xbox1x and I will say graphics are better.... I just hate Xbox controllers to the PS4 ones.
I got an xbox for the reason @manamongkids did, it’s what my friends have and we would play together.

Though the new version of the Xbox is supposed to be superior to the PlayStation.
I've always been more of a PC guy myself, but enjoy the occational console playing at friends. I like both Xbox and PS4.

How about a nintendo switch with zelda? Im sure there are other good games as well!
What are the monthly charges for online play on the playstation network vs the xbox network? I've seen that factor into decisions as well. My kids are still Nintendo aged, so we have a Switch. For now.
Zelda BOTW is #1 on my best games ever list by so wide a margin it’s silly. I already had a WiiU so was able to get the game without going full new console but with the new Mario put I may pick one up anyways.

I got enough entertainment value out of BOTW alone to justify the price of a console to play it on.

Full disclosure - my kids (18 & 16) each have a PS4 and won’t give Zelda a chance no matter how hard I pitch it to them.
More Zelda for you then, so I do not see a problem.

I take the same attitude with vegetarians. More bacon for me, yay!
I’d just go with a PC. You can get a wireless adapter and use an XboX controller to play any games if you or the kids don’t like using a keyboard and mouse for gaming, although the latter combo is by far superior for FPSs. Games can also be much cheaper if you’re patient, the Steam store runs sales multiple times a year including a massive holiday sale. Sometimes you can score 5-6 games for the price of one of the newer titles. I have a decent backlog of games from about 2 years ago that we’re mostly bought on the cheap during a few of these sales. You can also save a game to your wishlist and steam will send you an email if it goes on sale.

Edit: you can also mod many games to create a playing experience that’s more to your liking. I can never play the vanilla versions of games such as Skyrim and FO4 ever again after modding them.
With yearly memberships, do these include games? Or do games run separately?

A lot of games require the online subscription to play with/against other people, like Call of Duty.

I know Xbox offers some free games every month with Xbox live Gold (paid) membership. The games aren’t the newest ones out, but they are usually decent.

Also if you plan on getting Xbox live or the PS version check Amazon as they sell 12 month memberships for much less than $60 and you won’t need to keep your C.C. stored on their site for your kids to “accidentally” rack up a bunch of in game purchases. It happened to my sister for about $400 in one month before she caught it.
First, find out if there's a dominant system among their friends. The ability to play with them online is probably more important than other console differences. My kid had to go with Xbox since that's what all his buddies had.

Second, I think you're underplaying the importance of game selection. Take a look at a list of exclusives (here's one) and see if there's stuff you care about in there. Notable PS exclusives include Street Fighter V ... and probably some others, but who cares, right? Street Fighter! Ok, to be fair, Uncharted games probably also merit a mention.

Differences between the machines and the online interfaces are small compared to those two things.
Good points here, but just be careful on how you expose kids to online games. I know you've played cs, but console gaming in particular is more toxic than what it used to be. Disable voice chat if at all possible.

Also, watch out for games that feature loot box gambling systems that push pay to win mechanics. Stay far away from Battlefront 2.
I’ve had Xbox one and PS4 twice each and currently am using Xbox and a switch. Doubt I’ll go back to anything else. Online for Xbox is way better than PS4. I don’t care about exclusives, mostly cod and sports games for me. Xbox Live gold offers you 2 game a month to download. I believe ps does this now too.
Ok, another question. I see these consoles come with only one controller each. Are these games mostly single player? Or can we get a second controller and have two people playing simultaneously on the same console?
You can connect up to 4 controllers with the Xbox, not sure about the PS but I would bet it is the same.
Another point...well two, in favor of XB1..

Skyrim and Fallout 4. Both have mods that make fantastic games plagued with shitty engine issues (vanilla) just an amazing experience. The mods available to PS4 are limited and often not compatible.
Costco $220 w an extra controller and 3 months of Xbox Live. Are you a member? Dive in!
I see you say mods. Isn’t that cheating??
There are a host of mods. Some allow cheating. Others change benign things like weather, graphics detail, the sky, ect...
Some of the better mods actually allow new companions. Fully voiced and with their own quests. They really do make the standard game phenomenal.
Ok, another question. I see these consoles come with only one controller each. Are these games mostly single player? Or can we get a second controller and have two people playing simultaneously on the same console?

Depends on the game. On the back it states whether it's single or multiplayer, whether it's online supported, etc.
Gonna be a bit like your a Ford man or a Holden man ( Chevy or Mopar )
me i'm a Ford and Xbox kinda guy, was actually checking out the new Xbox one X last night.....here we go again

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