Traded Longhorn 50c and Sam Town 1 for ??? (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Jan 21, 2020
Reaction score
New Jersey
Willing to trade these for the right chips, don’t know what i want, just throwing this out there to see if anyone is interested and what they have. Both racks are minty.

Fanatic combo if it wasn't for the fact you need a yellow $5 for the set. That's why I went with the yellow longhorns.

Hope you find a good trade!
What a great combination of 1s and fracs!

Fanatic combo if it wasn't for the fact you need a yellow $5 for the set. That's why I went with the yellow longhorns.

Hope you find a good trade!
They are but finding a five to fit the colors is a hard task, like i really don’t want to trade them but if i get a offer i can’t turn down then i’ll take it!
And I tagged you for the pink 50 cent chips :p

Thanks for the tag, I'm not a big fan of hotstamps or solids... Maybe one day I will make a solid hotstamp set, or another Paulson Set with Solid Fracs. But I'm focusing on something else right now. I appreciate any tags and help though :D:tup:
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