Found Label Artwork Designer (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Mar 21, 2019
Reaction score
Mission, BC, Canada
Hey All,

I'm really wanting to participate in the @SeanGecko GB for ceramics.

I'm having trouble securing a designer since I think I'm too late and they are all booked up. I've messaged a couple, and haven't heard back. Time is starting to creep up on me, and I'm afraid I'll be shut out without a design.

That said, I am still hopeful maybe there is somebody else on here who dabbles in this work. Freelancer for hire if you will. Somebody who is new, perhaps. I'll be the guinea pig, or other way around.:) All good!

I've got some ideas, and im sure they are beyond stupid and impractical, but need some help.

Anybody? Of course I will pay $$$ for time/services related to consultation and design. We can work it out via PM! :tup:
A group buy, you say?


I've never heard of such a thing.
I'm only suggesting this because everyone else on the forum who designs these have their plates full... but...
If you have a general idea of what you're looking for and can sketch out a general idea of what you want it to look like, you can always go on something like fiverr and have a freelance designer make you something professional... it's how I got my Av8tion logo done up... I sent them a crappy MS paint file and they turned it into something awesome...
I'm only suggesting this because everyone else on the forum who designs these have their plates full... but...
If you have a general idea of what you're looking for and can sketch out a general idea of what you want it to look like, you can always go on something like fiverr and have a freelance designer make you something professional... it's how I got my Av8tion logo done up... I sent them a crappy MS paint file and they turned it into something awesome...
Oh yeah Fiverr!
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