Key West's February giveaway: $2 chips and $2 bills! (1 Viewer)

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Site Vendor
Mar 26, 2013
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Wilmington, DE
Key West Resort & Casino's February, 2020 Giveaway


The February giveaway from Key West: chips and cash!

The winner will be a post selected at random on Feb. 29 at 8 p.m. EST.​

This month, we'll break open a pack of $2 bills to highlight our newest chip -- the Key West live $2 chip, issued and redeemable for $2 -- and offer some chips and cash in our February giveaway.


First prize will be $20. The winner can chose to accept the prize as 10 x $2 chips or $20 in cash, or any combination of chips and cash. (Shipping is free because, hey, you shouldn't have to pay anything to win!) One prize will be awarded.

Second prize will be a Key West live $2 chip, redeemable for $2, and a U.S. $2 bill. There will be two second-prize winners, and each winner will get a chip and a $2 bill.

Third prize will be a Key West $2 Payout Voucher. The vouchers can be cashed or used to buy anything on the Key West site. Three people will win vouchers.

THE CATCH (and how to enter):

POST SOMETHING POSITIVE. Compliment a PCF member. Tell us a joke. Tell a funny story. Supply a drink recipe. Post a picture of your puppy, mini horse, or other suitably cute animal. Show off the awesome card room in your house, or that new car, boat, accordion or whatever. Think about your post, and post something positive!


We'll draw five (5) post numbers using the Key West Random Number Generator on Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 8 p.m. EST. The drawing will be live on Facebook, with the video shown here. The first number drawn will win the first prize, $20 in chips or cash. The next two numbers drawn will win second prizes. Three more numbers, three more winners for the third prizes.


The giveaway is open to all PCF members. You don't need to buy anything to enter or win. You don't need to already own any Key West chips or other things to enter or win. Post once. If you post more than once, only your first post will count as an entry. Your second or later posts won't hurt your chances of winning, but won't count. Prizes are sent worldwide with free shipping.

Good luck! And look for our March Key West contest, when we'll be playing free $2 blackjack.

About Key West "Live" chips:

We issue two Key West chips that we consider live, or redeemable for face value -- our blue $1 and our $2 chip. You can buy these chips for face value, and can use them, keep them or cash them in any time for their face value.

About Key West Cashout Vouchers

Our cashout vouchers are made to look like the cashout vouchers you get from a slot machine at a casino. We use them to send small amounts of money to our customers who've paid too much for shipping, or didn't get a PCF discount on a small order because they bought something from the Key West site. Using the voucher means the recipient gets the full face value of the voucher to spend on our site or put toward shipping, and they don't lose the fees charged by PayPal if we send money that way.
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I almost look forward to the riff raff around here. The outpouring love and support that follows is a true testament to PCF’s greatness.

Just happen to be sipping on a negroni after a long day of sick baby, sick wife and sick me. The herbs are smartening me up.
  • 1/3 Gin
  • 1/3 Campari
  • 1/3 Sweet Vermouth
  • Ice
  • Orange slice
This forum inspired me to start my own home game, something I’ve wanted to do for over 10 years but never pulled the trigger on. It started with buying a simple deck of plastic bicycle prestige cards. Then some sample chips, you know, just to shuffle at home. Cut to me buying a 1000pc set, multiple decks of plastic cards, banquet chairs, and then finally, a table - my most recent purchase which I found secondhand for 200 bucks. There are many like it but this one is mine!
I'm going to brown nose for a minute here, though I know it doesn't help my chances at all at winning anything. I feel like I always learn something new when talking to Dennis or reading one of his posts here. I'm grateful for him sharing his experiences and for sharing all of these giveaways. It's evident that Dennis really enjoys this venture and being a part of this community. I've had nothing but positive experiences on here with Dennis, and from every other vendor here for that matter. It takes someone really selfless to buy up thousands of chips and sell them at below CPC MSRP for the good of the community so folks here and elsewhere can get their hands on awesome CPC's for less than their charged rate.

Thanks to Dennis and to everyone else here for being a contributor to this community.
Fun contest! I keep a $2 bill on my desk at work because my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, Robert Morris is on the back! This is him:


He was one of only a handful of people to sign both the Declaration and the Constitution.
Came home to our latest rescue, Bandit “hiding” in the bottom of our kitty condo. He had to poop while we were gone and had a bit of remorse. :p:ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
We love the little guy. He’s been through so much in his short 7 months. Still has So much love to give to a species that has been so cruel to him. There is nothing like a dog’s power of forgiveness.We love him like one of our own children.

Rosie (Malmute/collie) and Bandit.
Moving abroad, while switching to starting a business online and watching our almost 4 and 2 year old every day - it leads to a very hectic time with limited adult interaction.

It’s nice to have things and places to fall back on for fun and support. So thanks to that burger joint down the street from us and PCF for being a steadying presence and being a source of fun, wherever you are in the world.
I want to say @Mr Winberg is a helpful and overall really nice guy that i met in person and get to play card with thanks to pcf. Thank you for not being too bored when i send you yet another mock up of chips i plan to do, haha.

I also like to thank @Ben8257 for being an awesome positive guy to deal with. In short, a really nice guy!

I also want to say, should my number be the winner i wish you donate those 20$ to charity. One of my sons has autism, he is an awesome kid, so preferably to some organisation that supports autism.
I'm in - and my positive thoughts go out to you Dennis. Thank you for continuing to offer your wares to us at a great price point, and with impeccable service. You're the man!


My sample set is missing the latest additions :whistle: :whistling:
Thank you for not being too bored when i send you yet another mock up of chips i plan to do, haha.
Well, you can't really see my expression when I read your messages... :dead: :sneaky:

Right back at ya! @HMK and I are the same age and went to the same highschool in a not too big town, but would probably never have met if it hadn't been for PCF ('cause I don't think you were at HPT?), so thanks PCF!

Also, a BIIIIIG thank you to @Kensco who went above and beyond when helping me out with some designs!! F*ckin awesome, man!! If time was money I would owe this man a lot of money!

Thanks @Marhault for the pink Royals! Stay strong in your upcoming divorce, bro (cause no marriage can survive 35k+ donkey chips arriving at the door! "You said you were gonna re-ship a few chips!? WTF!?!?").

Thanks @FordPickup92 for not quoting "Thanks @Marhault for the pink" in the OOC thread.

And thanks @dennis63 for another giveaway! :tup: If I win I'm totally flipping these!!
I'm in as well, thank you for the kind shout out @HMK Martin our transaction and conversation has been amongst the best I have had on PCF and truly consider you a friend sir! If you ever make it to the states we will take a trip to the (fictitious) Key West casino buddy! Hopefully by then chipping for us will slow down and maybe we can order some of these absolute beauties!! @dennis63 keep up the amazing work sir, and thank you for continuing to contribute to this amazing community!!

For my actual thank you post! That selfie 2 posts up, Mark @krafticus I truly consider a mentor and amazing man! He opens his doors to many PFC members and never asks for a cent in return. I absolutely look forward to every opportunity I get to spend quality felt time with this Amazing Man!! Thank You Mark for everything you have done and continue to do for Brie and I, and also for our local poker community! Always your chipping brother Ben
Fun contest! I keep a $2 bill on my desk at work because my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, Robert Morris is on the back! This is him:

View attachment 401568

He was one of only a handful of people to sign both the Declaration and the Constitution.
Well shit, he pulled the ole “my ancestor is a historical figure, literally on the item you’re selling/giving away”. I think at this point there’s nothing left to do except me and every other single contestant to pull out (ooc).

Btw, that’s pretty awesome.
I ran into this guy during my Super Bowl weekend trip in Miami! I’m a Lions fan, but Chris Carter was really nice. View attachment 401512
Never met him but almost went to high school with him. He graduated in spring of 84, I became a freshman at the same HS in the fall of 84.

My drink recipe is one of the rare sweet drinks that I love. It's called Sky Juice, and it's something that I discovered a few years ago in the Bahamas:

2 parts coconut water
1 part sweetened condensed milk
1 part gin
freshly grated nutmeg and/or cinnamon to taste

My personal mix is probably more like 1.5:1:1, though. I like it strong and extra creamy.
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