... my screen isn't blue, and I can't seem to find the slot to slide in my credit card for access to all the cool features and vapor swag. #mustbealternateuniverse
Originally checked out this place way back in its infancy -- glad to see it's evolved into something worthwhile.
Three important questions for esteemed admin Tommy (who I hope isn't deaf, dumb, and blind like the Who lyrics):
- Who is working on the CMT (chip mock-up tool)?
- If no tool, can we post or link to mock-up pics/posts located elsewhere?
- How can I import my ignore list?
Glad to be here. Hope y'all are too.
Originally checked out this place way back in its infancy -- glad to see it's evolved into something worthwhile.
Three important questions for esteemed admin Tommy (who I hope isn't deaf, dumb, and blind like the Who lyrics):
- Who is working on the CMT (chip mock-up tool)?
- If no tool, can we post or link to mock-up pics/posts located elsewhere?
- How can I import my ignore list?
Glad to be here. Hope y'all are too.