Hosting Resources: Posted Rules/Etiquette (2 Viewers)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Starting an OFFICIAL Hosting Resources Thread for members to post up their home game rules and any printable resources that might be good for newer players. I know there are some members with great printed rules, so let's see them.

I'm attaching my Rules/Etiquette Guide that gets posted at most of my games (or is readily available). I'm also including a document I created for brand new players (when I've hosted instructional "ladies night" games). I print it two sided (but am including it as jpg). I can hand these out to newer players. It has some basic rules and a hand ranking chart.

I'm also attaching the link to the TDA Rules HERE

The TDA rules are comprehensive and cover just about everything. I use my printed Poker Rules and Etiquette (PDF) attached below (not the ladies night sheet) for most of the normal procedural stuff (where newish players don't know), but the TDA rules cover whenever there is an issue perplexing the group as a whole.

Printable PDF attachment included:
Poker Rules Etiquette.jpg

Page 1
Poker Guide pg 1.jpg

Page 2
Poker Guide pg 2.jpg


Thanks! I will be hosting hopefully next month for the first time and will need something like this.

Hopefully others will post their rules, and between the lot, people can come up with the rules that make the most sense for their games. Of course, people are more than welcome to just print my rules sheet. However, I know that posted rules are often the result of infractions that players might need to be reminded of, so the necessary rule reminders might vary slightly from game to game.
We dont need no stinkin’ rules! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, this is a good idea. Thanks for starting.
Here are mine, thanks for the tag Marsha!

House Rules
  1. This game is for fun, not just about money. Only play with what you can afford to lose.

  2. All chips must be purchased from the house. Please bring small bills. The rebuy is capped at the initial buy-in, or half the big stack in play. Amounts less than a dollar are rounded down at cash-out.

  3. In cash games, you may not remove any portion of your buy-in or winnings from the table.

  4. Higher denomination chips must be easily viewable by everyone at the table (i.e., in front / on top).

  5. Protect your hand at all times (e.g., use a card protector). This includes not mucking your hand until the dealer awards the pot to a specific player at showdown.

  6. One player to a hand. No sharing live or folded hands, and don’t dig in the muck. Refrain from comments on a hand in play. You may discuss a hand only if you are heads-up with only one player.

  7. Don’t splash the pot. Players should keep bets in front of them until the end of action for that round of betting. Change will be made at the end of action, then chips will be pushed into the pot.

  8. For split pots, players should confirm payouts from the dealer before chips are taken from any side pots or main pot. Put chips in the pot, then do the split. Avoid doing splitting math in your head.

  9. If you throw a single chip into the pot without first announcing a raise, then you have called. Change should be made at the end of the action for any round of betting.

  10. Please act in turn, as Folding, Checking, or Betting out of turn can affect the other players in the hand. 4 bet max (i.e., Bet—Raise—ReRaise—Cap) unless players are heads-up prior to the beginning of a betting round, in which case the number of bets is uncapped.

  11. Verbal bets are binding, and no string betting. Any verbal bet starting with “I see/call your bet, and XXX” is a call. If you want to raise, start with “Raise”. A single forward motion of chips in the pot is binding. Cut your chips before moving a stack toward the pot, else you are betting the stack.

  12. Out-of-turn action is binding, unless a player sitting before that action changes it with a bet or raise.

  13. Cards speak. The pot will be awarded to the best shown hand, even if a player misreads the hand.

  14. If you show one person your cards, you must show all at end of play. This includes shown folds.

  15. Shuffle behind the button. Someone who didn’t shuffle the deck must always cut the deck with a single hand. Keep all cards on the table, and in view of all players at all times. If you notice a damaged or unusual card, please call the house for replacement.

  16. Don’t pre-deal hands, as the burn cards protect the players. Don’t rearrange cards or announce possible hands. Keep the Flop, Turn, and River in order, so players can reconstruct the hand.

  17. The clock may be called on any player who has taken more than 2 minutes to make a decision. The host will give the player an additional 2 minutes to announce/make a decision, else their hand is folded. Please avoid slow play. Repeated delaying of the game is not allowed.

  18. If the house provides food/drink, throwing in a few bucks to help is appreciated. There is no rake.

  19. No smoking inside, take it outside and use a can for an ashtray. Keep it legal.

  20. If any situation outside of these limited rules arises, Robert’s Rules of Poker will be used to make a decision. A copy is kept on site, and house interpretations / decisions / exceptions that are made to preserve the best interests of the game are final. If the house is involved in a dispute, a non-partisan party will be chosen to make a ruling (ideally announced in advance).
Please respect the players, the house, and the game. Failure to do so or to follow these rules will result in your ejection and exclusion from future events.
Starting an OFFICIAL Hosting Resources Thread for members to post up their home game rules and any printable resources that might be good for newer players. I know there are some members with great printed rules, so let's see them.

I'm attaching my Rules/Etiquette Guide that gets posted at most of my games (or is readily available). I'm also including a document I created for brand new players (when I've hosted instructional "ladies night" games). I print it two sided (but am including it as jpg). I can hand these out to newer players. It has some basic rules and a hand ranking chart.

I'm also attaching the link to the TDA Rules HERE

The TDA rules are comprehensive and cover just about everything. I use my printed Poker Rules and Etiquette (PDF) attached below (not the ladies night sheet) for most of the normal procedural stuff (where newish players don't know), but the TDA rules cover whenever there is an issue perplexing the group as a whole.

Printable PDF attachment included:
View attachment 232556

Page 1
View attachment 232552

Page 2
View attachment 232553

Very cool thread idea.

I keep mine in google docs and share with the masses:

I also have several google sheet resources:

Main Tourney Tracker: (also doubles to help me pick the right quantities for new sets)

Blind Levels Used at Last Tourney:

For invite tracking I use google calendar.
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Here are mine, thanks for the tag Marsha!

House Rules

  1. This game is for fun, not just about money. Only play with what you can afford to lose.

  2. All chips must be purchased from the house. Please bring small bills. The rebuy is capped at the initial buy-in, or half the big stack in play. Amounts less than a dollar are rounded down at cash-out.

  3. In cash games, you may not remove any portion of your buy-in or winnings from the table.

  4. Higher denomination chips must be easily viewable by everyone at the table (i.e., in front / on top).

  5. Protect your hand at all times (e.g., use a card protector). This includes not mucking your hand until the dealer awards the pot to a specific player at showdown.

  6. One player to a hand. No sharing live or folded hands, and don’t dig in the muck. Refrain from comments on a hand in play. You may discuss a hand only if you are heads-up with only one player.

  7. Don’t splash the pot. Players should keep bets in front of them until the end of action for that round of betting. Change will be made at the end of action, then chips will be pushed into the pot.

  8. For split pots, players should confirm payouts from the dealer before chips are taken from any side pots or main pot. Put chips in the pot, then do the split. Avoid doing splitting math in your head.

  9. If you throw a single chip into the pot without first announcing a raise, then you have called. Change should be made at the end of the action for any round of betting.

  10. Please act in turn, as Folding, Checking, or Betting out of turn can affect the other players in the hand. 4 bet max (i.e., Bet—Raise—ReRaise—Cap) unless players are heads-up prior to the beginning of a betting round, in which case the number of bets is uncapped.

  11. Verbal bets are binding, and no string betting. Any verbal bet starting with “I see/call your bet, and XXX” is a call. If you want to raise, start with “Raise”. A single forward motion of chips in the pot is binding. Cut your chips before moving a stack toward the pot, else you are betting the stack.

  12. Out-of-turn action is binding, unless a player sitting before that action changes it with a bet or raise.

  13. Cards speak. The pot will be awarded to the best shown hand, even if a player misreads the hand.

  14. If you show one person your cards, you must show all at end of play. This includes shown folds.

  15. Shuffle behind the button. Someone who didn’t shuffle the deck must always cut the deck with a single hand. Keep all cards on the table, and in view of all players at all times. If you notice a damaged or unusual card, please call the house for replacement.

  16. Don’t pre-deal hands, as the burn cards protect the players. Don’t rearrange cards or announce possible hands. Keep the Flop, Turn, and River in order, so players can reconstruct the hand.

  17. The clock may be called on any player who has taken more than 2 minutes to make a decision. The host will give the player an additional 2 minutes to announce/make a decision, else their hand is folded. Please avoid slow play. Repeated delaying of the game is not allowed.

  18. If the house provides food/drink, throwing in a few bucks to help is appreciated. There is no rake.

  19. No smoking inside, take it outside and use a can for an ashtray. Keep it legal.

  20. If any situation outside of these limited rules arises, Robert’s Rules of Poker will be used to make a decision. A copy is kept on site, and house interpretations / decisions / exceptions that are made to preserve the best interests of the game are final. If the house is involved in a dispute, a non-partisan party will be chosen to make a ruling (ideally announced in advance).
Please respect the players, the house, and the game. Failure to do so or to follow these rules will result in your ejection and exclusion from future events.

Well written. Nice job.
These hang in our poker room. They were adapted from an old thread on CT:


1. Show up to play a strong, fun and enjoyable game. Do NOT act like an asshole or a bitch. Please remember poker etiquette and common courtesy. Offenders will not be invited back

2. Cards speak for themselves. Table your hand if you want to win any part of the pot. If you muck your hand, it is DEAD even if it would have been a winner

3. One player to a hand. This is NOT a team game. Do not ask another player what they would do. They are your cards, you play them

4. If you show one person your cards, you must show everyone even if it was folded. If that person still has action, the cards are shown immediately. If that person is out of the hand, you should stop being a dick and slowing down the game

5. Please do NOT verbally speculate on another player’s hand when there is action on the table. This is very poor etiquette (clearly in the asshole category) and can easily affect someone’s decisions. If you are not in a hand we ask that you SHUT THE FUCK UP about what you would do or what you think someone has. We don’t care about your ninja-like ability to misread hands this is the job of the players in the hand, not the peanut gallery

6. If you chose to verbally announce your betting action, please keep in mind that such verbal declaration is binding. If you say call, you are calling. Same goes for raise and re-raise. If you do raise or bet, state the amount. If you are too lazy to do this then fold your cards. Persons not clearly stating their bets will have them pushed back to them and your action will be considered a check or a call

7. String-betting is NOT allowed. The first action taken or stated is binding, If you intend to raise, either verbally state your action, or make your action in one clear motion.

8. A raise must be a minimum of the size of the big blind or the current bet or raise. For instance, the big blind is $2 and a player raises it $12, if you want to re-raise, the minimum you can raise is $12 to make it $24. All raises following must be a minimum of double the previous raise. If a player raises all-in for less than half the previous raise (for example, if the minimum bet is $16, and a player goes all-in on the turn for $7) a player may fold, call $7, or raise to at least a total of $23. We know this rule isn't technically correct but it's easy to enforce and learn. We like easy here!

9. The One Chip rule will be enforced for all games. If you throw out a single chip that is more than the current bet, it is considered a CALL unless you verbally announce “RAISE” before putting the chip in

11. Protect your hand at all times. There is no recourse for exposing your own hand. “Killing” another player’s hand by mucking your cards into his is NOT allowed and is grounds for removal from the game

12. Any hand that touches the muck is considered dead. It doesn’t matter if it was an accident or not. PROTECT YOUR HAND!

13. Keep cards and chips on the table and visible at all times. Higher denomination chips should be easily seen by everyone at the table. Chips should be stacked, and preferably by denomination. This is common courtesy and it helps speed up the game.

14. Act in turn. Acting early gives unfair information to those who have yet to act. Watch the game and know when it is your turn to check, call or fold

15. Take the time you need when you need it. Don't Hollywood every hand. You are not on tv you are in the Shed and we know you're probably folding anyway. Your stalling does not impress us, it just slows down the game

16. When you fold, please muck your cards. Do not hold your cards to see what would’ve happened. It distracts the dealer and confuses the players. Also, we couldn’t give a shit what you might have ended up with. If you really want to know, pay the money to find out

17. Both cards must be shown face-up on the table to win at showdown. The last raiser (or first to act if checked around) must show their cards first. If you hold a likely winner, it is proper etiquette to show your hand immediately even if you are not required to do so

22. All fist fights will be conducted in the carpark after, and only after, all side bets have been placed.

23. We run a straight-up game. If you are caught cheating or colluding with (an) other players (s), your chips are dead and you will be walked out of the game to never return. If you suspect someone is cheating, please bring it up to us OFF the table and AWAY from the action.

24. House decisions are final. If you don’t like or agree with our rules, you can either change your mind or leave.

25. If anything arises that is not covered by these rules, Robert's Rules of Poker will be referenced for a ruling.


  • Throw chips or cards at people
  • Talk shit about the game or the players in it. Just because you wouldn’t raise with Q3 off-suit doesn’t mean someone else won’t. And yes expect Bad Beats and deal with them because SHIT HAPPENS
  • Hollywood every hand. Just hurry the hell up
  • Continuously and repeatedly not know when the action is on you
  • Verbally analyse every out your hand missed before folding. Seriously, we don’t care
  • Leave your crap all over the place, then leave. That big green thing outside is a GARBAGE BIN. The things next to them are ASHTRAYS. Use them
  • Spill food or drink on the table because you were acting like a tool. We happily supply the cards, tables and chips. We will also happily fuck you up if you disrespect the equipment
  • Show up empty-handed and raid the fridge. Drinks and chocolates are available for cost price ($1) help yourself and drop a coin in the box when you do. If you want something we don’t have, please bring it
  • Badger someone into a political, religious or work conversation, and then complain about getting bitch-slapped. We don’t want to hear about dumb politicians, your shitty job or your imaginary gods. We just want you to play poker, tell funny stories, and have a good time
  • Generally act like an asshole. Just sit down and relax, we're all friends here.
No concealed carry leave your weapons at home. Especially if you’re going to drink 7 beers and complain about pot limit.

This actually happened same guy argued with me about calling plaques disks or that his friend should be protecting his hand.

Fine, leave your 4 cards in a mess in front of you.
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No concealed carry leave your weapons at home..

A good number of my players are police officers, and I don't think they carry guns into my house, but I guarantee they'd never carry a gun and drink.... recipe for losing your job and ending your career.
I always enjoy seeing what other folks use for house rules, I'll have to dig mine up


"Raises must be 2x the previous bet/raise"

You only allow raises that 2x the previous bet? So no three betting? Or is that at least 2x the previous bet?
Found the word file for mine, here they are. I try to keep the house rules simple - 95% of situations should be covered by RROP. I'm now realizing it's been about 8 years since I've printed these out, times have changed just a bit and these need to be tweaked, lol. I also have to re-visit #7, I vaguely remember the reasoning and discussion about exposed hole cards, but we've had a couple of occasions come up subsequently where a player flipped his cards over by accident (100% accident) because he didn't realize there was one player left to act (chips were obstructing his view of the cards), someone tried to argue his hand was dead.

House Rules
This card room is governed by Robert’s Rules of Poker, version 11, supplemented by these House Rules:
  1. Show up to play a strong, fun and enjoyable game. Please follow proper poker etiquette and act promptly when it’s your turn.
  2. Keep your cards and chips on the table and in plain view, with larger denomination chips out front.
  3. The ‘dead button’ and ‘one chip rule' will be used.
  4. Seating and moving of players will be performed randomly by the tournament computer software and is subject to the discretion of the tournament director.
  5. Chip color-ups will occur during breaks. Any odd chips will be raced off.
  6. Do not discuss the board cards or any opponent’s possible hand when there are more than two players still involved in the hand.
  7. All prematurely exposed hole cards will be killed.
  8. Please verbally announce your betting action. Verbal action, in turn, is binding.
  9. Do not splash the pot – keep your bet in front of you until the round is complete.
  10. Check-raising is acceptable. String-betting is not. You can call, or you can raise - but you can’t do both at once.
  11. Always cut the cards – no knocking. And please do not pre-deal any board cards.
  12. Rabbit hunting will be kept to a minimum.
  13. A little trash talking is all good, but know the line and don’t cross it. Be courteous to others – you’re not on ESPN.
  14. Please do not get obnoxiously wasted. If you do have a few too many, you will not be permitted to drive home. Someone will drive you or I’ll get you a cab.
  15. Feel free to take your leftover booze home at the end of the night, especially if it’s shitty beer like Coors light. Beer left in the refrigerator after the game becomes house beer.
  16. No smoking inside. No spitting. No dipping. No farting upwind of the host. When heading outside for a smoke break, watch your head on the way up and down the stairs. Please do not throw your butts on the ground for my dog to eat. There’s a bucket outside - use it.
  17. Please step away from the table when using a cell phone – and expect to be ragged on if you leave the table to answer a call from your wife. NO text messaging at the table.
  18. When you get drawn out on by a two outer, you are permitted roughly two minutes to bitch about the donkey that called you. Afterwards, persistent whining will be proper grounds for slapping you like a bitch. HTFU.
  19. All fist fights will be conducted in the backyard after and only after all side bets have been placed.
  20. No collusion, teaming, or cheating! Remember, my Springfield XD beats your five aces!
"Raises must be 2x the previous bet/raise"

You only allow raises that 2x the previous bet? So no three betting? Or is that at least 2x the previous bet?

I have to 'echo' the above: Several posts say roughly the same thing, and it's not what RROP and others state. It's a bit unfortunate that this particular point is so frequently turned into a "2x" statement because people are often very confused about what the allowed amounts are.

Let's be clear: The raise is different from the total wager made. The raise does surely not have to be 2x the previous bet/raise, because if that's a requirement the raise structure on subsequent (minimum) re-raises ends up being exponential:

Player 1: Bet $3
Player 2: Raise $5 to a total wager of $8
Player 3: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $5x2=$10, for a total wager of $18
Player 4: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $10x2=$20, for a total wager of $38
Player 5: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $20x2=$40, for a total wager of $58
Player 6: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $40x2=$80, for a total wager of $98

And so on.

I believe the common 'official' rule is that the raise amount must be equal to or higher than the largest bet/raise on the current betting round, and never less than the big blind. The above scenario with 6 players would thus be:

Player 1: Bet $3
Player 2: Raise $5 to a total wager of $8
Player 3: Minimum raise is now $5, for a total wager of $13

Subsequent min-raises will be $5 for total amounts of 18, 23, 28, 33....
Hopefully others will post their rules, and between the lot, people can come up with the rules that make the most sense for their games.

Okay since you asked.

Free River Club – Expectations and Basic Rules

Created: April 2018

Guest Expectations
· Please respect the home of the host. Please treat game equipment with respect and take care to keep the playing area in order.

· The home is smoke free. Please use tobacco or vape products outside by the north end of the garage.

Quick Reference

o Please refrain from comments about a hand in progress that may influence players active in the pot.

o Players are welcome so long as they support a pleasant playing environment. Insults and disrespectful behavior toward players or hosts will not be tolerated. (However, insults directed toward the Winnipeg Jets, Colorado Avalanche, any team from Philadelphia, the Green Bay Packers, Chicago White Sox, or the New York Yankees are always acceptable.)

o All players should assist in pointing out possible errors to help keep issues to a minimum.


o The host will make decisions on rules when needed. Additionally, when there are other players with rules and hosting experience available the host may nominate such players at the outset as alternate decision makers able to make a rules-decision when the host is involved in an issue or when otherwise convenient.

o For ring games the Free River Club uses “Robert’s Rules of Poker” by Bob Ciaffone with club-specific amendments shown on the Rules and Stakes page.

o For tournament play, the Free River Club uses Tournament Directors Association (TDA) rules.


o Feel free to ask for help if you have questions.

o Cut cards protect the bottom of the deck, burn cards protect the top. Please use both correctly. Only burn cards at the conclusion of a round of action, never in advance.

o To protect the game, all players should assist by pointing out action in progress if the dealer appears to be dealing prematurely.

o In big-bet poker (Spread Limit, Pot Limit, or No Limit) players may agree to deal twice or three times for equal portions of the pot. If dealing in this situation, please wait a moment before proceeding to afford players the opportunity to decide on this.


o Place bets in front, separate from the center pot during each round. (No Splashing.) Allow the dealer to gather the bets at the end of each round.

o When facing a bet (or a blind) a single chip in the pot is a call absent a prior verbal declaration.

o Please allow the dealer to return change at the end of the round if you use an oversize chip. Making change with another player’s bets adds confusion as to who is in the pot and for how much.

(Making change for chips not used in present action is acceptable provided it does not slow the action. Always confirm agreement before handling chips from another player’s stack.)

Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoy visiting us.

(Link in my signature.)
I have to 'echo' the above: Several posts say roughly the same thing, and it's not what RROP and others state. It's a bit unfortunate that this particular point is so frequently turned into a "2x" statement because people are often very confused about what the allowed amounts are.

Let's be clear: The raise is different from the total wager made. The raise does surely not have to be 2x the previous bet/raise, because if that's a requirement the raise structure on subsequent (minimum) re-raises ends up being exponential:

Player 1: Bet $3
Player 2: Raise $5 to a total wager of $8
Player 3: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $5x2=$10, for a total wager of $18
Player 4: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $10x2=$20, for a total wager of $38
Player 5: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $20x2=$40, for a total wager of $58
Player 6: Minimum raise is now [previous raise] $40x2=$80, for a total wager of $98

And so on.

I believe the common 'official' rule is that the raise amount must be equal to or higher than the largest bet/raise on the current betting round, and never less than the big blind. The above scenario with 6 players would thus be:

Player 1: Bet $3
Player 2: Raise $5 to a total wager of $8
Player 3: Minimum raise is now $5, for a total wager of $13

Subsequent min-raises will be $5 for total amounts of 18, 23, 28, 33....


Raises are a minimum of equal to the previous bet or raise.
Found the word file for mine, here they are. I try to keep the house rules simple - 95% of situations should be covered by RROP. I'm now realizing it's been about 8 years since I've printed these out, times have changed just a bit and these need to be tweaked, lol. I also have to re-visit #7, I vaguely remember the reasoning and discussion about exposed hole cards, but we've had a couple of occasions come up subsequently where a player flipped his cards over by accident (100% accident) because he didn't realize there was one player left to act (chips were obstructing his view of the cards), someone tried to argue his hand was dead.

House Rules
This card room is governed by Robert’s Rules of Poker, version 11, supplemented by these House Rules:
  1. Show up to play a strong, fun and enjoyable game. Please follow proper poker etiquette and act promptly when it’s your turn.
  2. Keep your cards and chips on the table and in plain view, with larger denomination chips out front.
  3. The ‘dead button’ and ‘one chip rule' will be used.
  4. Seating and moving of players will be performed randomly by the tournament computer software and is subject to the discretion of the tournament director.
  5. Chip color-ups will occur during breaks. Any odd chips will be raced off.
  6. Do not discuss the board cards or any opponent’s possible hand when there are more than two players still involved in the hand.
  7. All prematurely exposed hole cards will be killed.
  8. Please verbally announce your betting action. Verbal action, in turn, is binding.
  9. Do not splash the pot – keep your bet in front of you until the round is complete.
  10. Check-raising is acceptable. String-betting is not. You can call, or you can raise - but you can’t do both at once.
  11. Always cut the cards – no knocking. And please do not pre-deal any board cards.
  12. Rabbit hunting will be kept to a minimum.
  13. A little trash talking is all good, but know the line and don’t cross it. Be courteous to others – you’re not on ESPN.
  14. Please do not get obnoxiously wasted. If you do have a few too many, you will not be permitted to drive home. Someone will drive you or I’ll get you a cab.
  15. Feel free to take your leftover booze home at the end of the night, especially if it’s shitty beer like Coors light. Beer left in the refrigerator after the game becomes house beer.
  16. No smoking inside. No spitting. No dipping. No farting upwind of the host. When heading outside for a smoke break, watch your head on the way up and down the stairs. Please do not throw your butts on the ground for my dog to eat. There’s a bucket outside - use it.
  17. Please step away from the table when using a cell phone – and expect to be ragged on if you leave the table to answer a call from your wife. NO text messaging at the table.
  18. When you get drawn out on by a two outer, you are permitted roughly two minutes to bitch about the donkey that called you. Afterwards, persistent whining will be proper grounds for slapping you like a bitch. HTFU.
  19. All fist fights will be conducted in the backyard after and only after all side bets have been placed.
  20. No collusion, teaming, or cheating! Remember, my Springfield XD beats your five aces!
7. All prematurely exposed hole cards will be killed.

Even in a heads up situation?
I have to double check but I believe I modified #7 to add the heads up exlcusion.
  1. Feel free to take your leftover booze home at the end of the night, especially if it’s shitty beer like Coors light.
  2. When you get drawn out on by a two outer, you are permitted roughly two minutes to bitch about the donkey that called you. Afterwards, persistent whining will be proper grounds for slapping you like a bitch. HTFU.

Best rules evar! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

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