Group Buy - CPS Collector Sets (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Tourney Director
Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
This group buy for sample sets of Championship Poker Series chips was started elsewhere, but it seems prudent to include updates on PCF as well.

Sample set orders were initially taken in late 2013. Beyond the original orders (75 sample sets), no sample chips are available at this time.

Original orders:

Final order list (75 sets, 34 participants):

single sets (25), $10 each:
1. AlbinoDragon - paid
2. antispandex73 - paid
3. brains613 - paid
4. bta15 - paid
5. EGLIDE73 - paid
6. jerkwagon - paid
7. jgielen - paid
8. JFCJ - paid
9. links_slayer - paid
10. MikesDad - paid
11. MoscowRadio - paid
12. Mr. Cheese - paid
13. OldMan - paid
14. ovo - paid
15. p5woody - paid
16. razuya - paid
17. RowdyRawhide - paid
18. RowdyRawhide - paid
19. rowlin - paid
20. Sevendeuce_offsuit - paid
21. steve5k - paid
22. steverino - paid
23. TheBigTater - paid
24. tommythecat - paid
25. wartdog - paid

5-packs (10), $35 each:
1. BGinGA - paid
2. carlin - paid
3. catalyzeme - paid
4. ChaosRock - paid
5. djmarc - paid
6. kaiser10 - paid
7. pltrgyst - paid
8. Ronoh - paid
9. Trihonda - paid
10. Zmasterben - paid

- - - - - - - - - Updated - - - - - - - - -

UPDATE, 7-March-2015:

The 1,575 (!) sample chips ordered have been sorted and grouped into 25 single sample sets and 10 five-chip sample sets. I will be packaging them up over the next few days for mailing soon.

I am also getting ready to print shipping labels -- if your mailing address has changed since November 2013 (!!), please send me your new address via PM. I already have address changes noted for ovo, RowdyRawhide, and Mr.Cheese (substitute recipient). And pltrgyst, I have your Lakewood address, if that's still valid.

Thanks guys!
Thanks for the update(s) Dave. I completely forgot that I (apparently) ordered a sample set. lol :)
Looks good. I think I ordered almost all denominations anyway so these will be extras for me :)
many thanks for doing all the work to make the sample set available.

-gc :)
Thanks for the update Dave. Just to double check address 2635 is good. Just like if you got it.

Thanks again for doing this
UPDATE, 16-March-2015:

All of the 25 single chip sample sets and the nine 5-chip sample sets have been mailed !! The 5-chip sets (USPS Priority SFRB) should start arriving in 2-3 days, and the single-chip sets (USPS First Class) should start appearing within a week or so. I have tracking numbers for everything (the USPS receipt is nearly five feet long, and the postal worker was not a happy camper), so please send me a PM if you do not receive your package after those time estimates have elapsed.


A cautionary note to single-chip sample set recipients: the chips are taped to card stock using blue painter's tape. Please be careful when removing the tape from chips (or the chips from the tape), as it is not uncommon for already-loosened china clay labels to peel off and adhere to the tape. If this happens, simply remove the laminated label in its entirety from the tape and reattach to the chip. I found that around 15% of these had labels that were not strongly attached to the chips, so please be careful when removing your chips from the packaging - do not tear apart the packages, and do not discard the tape prior to ensuring that it does not have labels attached.

Bonus: blue painter's tape works great in removing china clay labels undamaged for those who wish to re-use them on other chips, or want to change the label orientation on existing chips. :)
thanks for the update. I know that was a mess to deal with at the post office. thanks
Got my collector's set today Dave! All chips got here safe and sound in an awesome package job as always!

Thanks again for everything man, much appreciated!
Also received mine, great job thanks. Also thanks for the heads up on the blue tape and labels. A couple of mine started to lift but I was careful and had no issues.
received my sets today. thanks for all the work to do this for us!

-gc :)
got them, much thanks for the work involved

looked them over, nice chips.
I don't like the cash 5 or the cash 20, they need better edge spots. The blue dollar and the yellow 20 have similar edge spots, me no like that.
on the tourney set I don't like the 500,000 and 1,000,000 choices. I would have used the watermelon for the 500K and the Black for the 1 million chip. Makes no sense to have the 250K and 1 Million to be the same color ??

I do like the mold and if I was going to use colors for custom, I would go with watermelon .25, blue dollar, light green 2 dollar, orange 5, black 20, and almond 100. I'll probably wish I would have gotten some in the future.
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thanks bg got mine (wartdog) today

and thank you supplying us with a future reference on how to remove labels from cps chips the easy way!! :p

I got an 800 chip cash set in the gb, no tourneys but was wondering with the blanks and labels being offered if it is possible to get the blue $1 cash chip with a $5 blue label as i opted for the almond $1 with the set. The red $5 cash is the only chip i think missed the mark in both cash and tourney. if anyone knows the answer it will save me from the maze at ct..thanks

and i do thank you for the work that nobody usually sees or acknowledges, it had to be difficult but alot of people are very thankful you took on the task...thanks!
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I got mine today as well. They look great and I think I will regret not picking up a tourney set during the initial GB.

Thanks again Dave for all the work you put into this!!!
on the tourney set I don't like the 500,000 and 1,000,000 choices. I would have used the watermelon for the 500K and the Black for the 1 million chip. Makes no sense to have the 250K and 1 Million to be the same color ??

The red 500K chip is patterned after the actual WSOP 500K chip colors (although the real one is 50mm crest mold with 8V spots). The WSOP set has no 1M chip, but there was enough interest in the group buy thread to create one -- and most of those who wanted it did not plan to use the 250K chip, so those colors were used (allowing a 100K-500K-1M progression).

The watermelon chip (bounty) was the 50K chip in the original WSOP set. It is no longer used.
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