SOLD *FREE* Milanos Sample Set *FREE* (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Mar 21, 2019
Reaction score
Mission, BC, Canada
Rating - 100%
220   0   0
I had hoped to do a large giveaway, as my 1 year Anniversary around these PCF streets approaches. It has been a great ride, and yep, I've gone and went full stupid and broke in less than a full year.

Unfortunately, I am unable to collect some of my chips at the moment. The Grand giveaway scheme I was drawing up has been nixed for now. I'll come back to it at a future date.

Item for giveaway :

Milanos full sample set

Rules :

1. Please be a new member with very few posts. (Less than 100 preferably)

2. Please have less than 3 months of PCF membership.

3. If you fit the criteria, say "in", and your post number will have the chance to be drawn on
Friday, March 20, 2020 @ 3PM EST

**Please need these. Don't just enter to hoard more samples. If you already own a Paulson set, not sure if this is for you.**

Im hoping to target a new chipper, that wants to try some China Clays.


More giveaways will follow these. I'm still not sure what I will do. I'm feeling generous, but without the goods to giveaway, my generosity is useless to you all. Not sure what I will receive and when. Stay tuned I guess.
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In, I know I have more than 100 posts but I hope I still qualify? If not please ignore this message then
Since I'm going to be busy later, I'm closing out these giveaways early. Seems not many interested peeps anyhow! So here goes another...just 5 posters...

Free Milanos Samples up for grabs...

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