Custom Labels for RHC Chips (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
May 23, 2019
Reaction score
East Windsor, NJ
This is the first time I'm going to attempt to get some RHC chips relabelled. I'm totally clueless how this process works, but the good news is that I'm in a good place to start since I have the chips with the inlays already removed. Here are my general newb questions. I've looked through some of the longer threads here, but didn't see answers to these specific questions. I'm sure it's there, but there's a lot of information to pour through.
  • Take a look at these chips; it seems like there is a pretty large variation of space for the new label to fit. Do I need to buy calipers and measure each chip's recessed area and take the smallest number? How does one go about figuring out the right size label to make?

  • For RHC chips with the inlay removed already, does that mean I can go with a laminated label since there should be enough depth?
  • What about artwork? I want to relabel these as 25c fracs to go in a mixed RHC set. To fit the theme, it would be cool to pick a casino (maybe PCA). Gear's FAQs says that he doesn't have stock artwork. That makes sense since I'm sure when people send him artwork (like PCA labels) he can't keep it and use it with other customers. So, where do I even start my journey for getting artwork?
With all of that said, I would love to hear suggestions for cool casino artwork that would work well as a 25c frac.
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You are going to have a lot of fun putting on labels.

As far as I know, with inlay re/re, you can absolutely add a laminated label. It can even be textured. I believe you have the depth in the recessed area to do it. I've customized an RHC and THC by way of inlay re/re and I got Gear labels for all of it. Textured and laminated.

EDIT : with respect to label size, I'm pretty sure @Gear will know what to do if he knows precisely which chip you've murdered

To start your journey for artwork, I recently started one as well, there are many known designers that can work with you. The ones I can think of are @p5woody , @Johnny5 , @BonScot , and @timinater (who is presently working on a custom Bounty label for me). I know there are many more amazing designers I've missed. You can easily start the journey with a PM to the right person.
You are going to have a lot of fun putting on labels.

I've labelled about 1200 Royals. At first, I was nervous, but once I found the groove it went great. Of course, that was with a perfectly centered/sized recessed area, hence my nervousness here.

and I got Gear labels for all of it. Textured and laminated.

I plan to reach out to Gear when I'm ready. According to his FAQs, I believe he said that murdered RHCs are OK to be laminated with smooth texture to match other RHCs the best. The problem is that I don't know what the originals were.

To start your journey for artwork, I recently started one as well, there are many known designers that can work with you.

Yup; I knew some of those names to begin with. And if I was starting from complete scratch for a custom design, I will reach out to them. However, for the case of wanting to have a frac that came from a known casino (like PCA), I was curious if there's already someone who has done the artwork. I'm using PCA as an example here b/c I know that Gear produced 25c pink custom overlabels for people in the past. Do I need to completely start over and have one of the above designers make the label from scratch?
I was curious if there's already someone who has done the artwork. I'm using PCA as an example here b/c I know that Gear produced 25c pink custom overlabels for people in the past. Do I need to completely start over and have one of the above designers make the label from scratch?

Ahhhhh... gotcha!!!

I do not think so. I think for PCA, you can reach out to Gear directly.

My recent exploits were Empress fracs. Gear made the labels without any art from me. These are AS fracs with a Gear made overlabel
Ahhhhh... gotcha!!!

I do not think so. I think for PCA, you can reach out to Gear directly.

My recent exploits were Empress fracs. Gear made the labels without any art from me. These are AS fracs with a Gear made overlabel
View attachment 482811

Very cool! Yes, that's what I was thinking; could I reach out to Gear directly for something like PCA or Empress if I chose to go that direction. Seems like I can.
I think it's just a bit off center. I'll bet those are exactly the same diameter recess

So, perhaps still, I should purchase some calipers in order to verify it's the same diameter across all chips. Assuming it is, then that means I can reach out to Gear.

Anyone have any suggestions on a casino for the frac? PCA is a leading contender b/c I have PCA fracs in my THC set as well. Empress ones are cool too, although I know nothing about that casino (is it fantasy?)
So, perhaps still, I should purchase some calipers in order to verify it's the same diameter across all chips. Assuming it is, then that means I can reach out to Gear.

Anyone have any suggestions on a casino for the frac? PCA is a leading contender b/c I have PCA fracs in my THC set as well. Empress ones are cool too, although I know nothing about that casino (is it fantasy?)
As @Jambine points out, the recess area can just be off-center. The picture I posted is not representative of all my chips. A few of them are off center like yours pictured, but the recess area that takes a label is dam near 100% consistent with all Paulsons I've handled.

With respect to Empress chips, as far as I know, it was a real boat casino. I could be entirely wrong too. Hahahaaha!

I have a small set and in my mind, I've always thought of them as a "real" casino set.
Yes, use laminated labels for inlay removed chips. Best for protection and longevity.

Yes, get an accurate measure with decent calipers. Accidentally printing stickers that are too big would be a shame.

Artwork - there's a whole world out there.

Gear's FAQs say:
Smooth has a satin finish with no texture.
* recommended for inlay replacement on Paulson RHC, or when matching other sets with existing smooth labels.

So, if I'm going to add fracs to a set with, say, these, then I think smooth laminated is correct.

"Decent" calipers ... so the $9.99 special on Amazon isn't what I'm looking for :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: How about that $19.99 special instead?

Yes - the artwork is challenging since it's a mixed RHC set, the sky is the limit. I feel that I'm just going to be "safe" and go with a PCA frac to match my THC set. But that's such a pussy move...
Yes I think smooth laminate works best on "large" stickers (over 7/8" diameter). Gear knows, he's the expert.

I didn't want to reach out and bother him until I had some direction and understanding first (which is exactly what this thread is giving me!) ... Now, what if I wanted to do color matching of part of the label to the chip's color?
  • Do I need to purchase a paulson color set and find the right one?
  • Do Paulson RHC chips typically have only 1 or 2 colors and I can get close enough?
  • Would I just send Gear one of my chips for color matching?
I didn't want to reach out and bother him until I had some direction and understanding first (which is exactly what this thread is giving me!) ... Now, what if I wanted to do color matching of part of the label to the chip's color?
  • Do I need to purchase a paulson color set and find the right one?
  • Do Paulson RHC chips typically have only 1 or 2 colors and I can get close enough?
  • Would I just send Gear one of my chips for color matching?
Again, Gear knows how to do this...

Here is another example of Gear's color matching...
Again, Gear knows how to do this...

Here is another example of Gear's color matching...
View attachment 482836

So JACK was another option I was thinking of, actually. And since it would be a faux shaped inlay, I'd need color matching to the chip. Although, is that something that's a good idea on used chips? I haven't put these yellows through the ultrasonic yet, but there is a bit of color variation in them. Perhaps a color-matched inlay is not a good idea in this case.

But my idea was similar to this (only in yellow)

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