I want to make a 1/4 pie edge spot set for my next custom set on the B mold. I have a mock up that I think that I like, but I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts and suggestions to make the chips pop even more. Let me know what you think!
I feel like I'm getting tripped up on the DG pink chip that I want to use as the T5 base. Not sure that red and purple are the way to go here.
Colors and edge spots on my sample:
Not sure whether to go with DG Peacock or imperial blue for the T500 chip.
I feel like I'm getting tripped up on the DG pink chip that I want to use as the T5 base. Not sure that red and purple are the way to go here.
Colors and edge spots on my sample:
Not sure whether to go with DG Peacock or imperial blue for the T500 chip.